Phenomenology of summer ozone episodes over the Madrid Metropolitan Area, central Spain

Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Gangoiti, G., Perez, N., Lee, H.K., Eun, H.R., Park, Y., Mantilla, E., Escudero, M., Titos, G., Alonso, L., Temime Roussel, B., Marchand, N., Moreta, J.R., Revuelta, M.A., Salvador, P., Artíñano, B., Dos Santos, S.G., Anguas, M., Notario, A., Saiz Lopez, A., Harrison, R.M., Millán, M., Ahn, K.-.H. 2018. Phenomenology of summer ozone episodes over the Madrid Metropolitan Area, central Spain. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 18:6511-6533.

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