Research lines:
PhD in Environmental, Chemical and Materials Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2018) specialized in modeling transport emissions to improve air quality.
I am currently part of the Atmospheric Chemistry department of the Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) where my main field of research is related to the development of numerical simulation capabilities of primary and secondary atmospheric pollution (photochemical processes) for the Comunitat Valenciana through the collection of information and preparation of the emissions inventory.
In addition, I collaborate in research on emissions from the burning of biomass and its photochemical transformation within the ATMOBE project (Understanding the ATMOspheric chemistry of Biomass burning Emissions), awarded by the Spanish Research Agency (PID 2022-1423660B-100).
The research is carried out at EUPHORE (European PHOto-Reactor), one of the largest atmospheric simulation chambers in the world equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation dedicated to the study of atmospheric chemical processes. This facility is part of the European Aerosol, Cloud and Trace Gas Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) (
Scientific IDs:
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