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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eleifend risus in tellus pulvinar molestie. Morbi sit amet nisl semper, aliquet quam quis, porta sapien.


    2024 / 2026

    Earth Observations as a cornerstone to the understanding and prediction of tropical-like cyclone risk in the Mediterranean (MEDICANES).

  • CEAMMeteo_ATD


    Elaboración de informes climáticos en la C.V. seguimiento y cartografiado de riesgos y escenarios futuros para identificar medidas de adaptación – Línea Finalista Conselleria.

  • Ajuntament de València

    2023 / 2025

    Valencia: Isla Térmica Urbana (VITUclim). [EXP. 055]

    [VITUclim ]

    2023 / 2024

    Incentivos a la estabilización personal investigador del Plan Generación Talent (Plan GenT).


    2023 / 2026

    Extreme eVEnts Affecting the Valencian Region: Heat waves, droughts, megafires and air pollution (EVER)

  • European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate (MEDCYCLONES).





  • Paredes Fortuny, L., Salvador, C., Vicedo Cabrera, A.M., Khodayar, S. 2024. Geographical Patterns in Mortality Impacts Due To Heatwaves of Different Characteristics in Spanish Cities. GeoHealth, 8:1-11.
  • Benetó, P., Khodayar, S. 2023. On the need for improved knowledge on the regional-to-local precipitation variability in eastern Spain under climate change. Atmospheric Research, 290:106795-
  • Paredes Fortuny, L., Khodayar, S. 2023. Understanding the Magnification of Heatwaves over Spain: Relevant changes in the most extreme events. Weather and Climate Extremes, 42:100631-
  • Khodayar Pardo, S., Paredes Fortuny, L. 2024. Uneven evolution of regional European summer heatwaves under climate change. Weather and Climate Extremes, 43:100648-
  • de la Vara, A., Cabos, W., Gutiérrez, C., Olcina, J., Matamoros, A., Pastor, F., Khodayar, S., Ferrando, M. 2024. Climate change impacts on the tourism sector of the Spanish Mediterranean coast: Medium-term projections for a climate services tool. Climate Services, 34:100466-
  • Khodayar, S., Pastor, F., Valiente, J.A., Benetó, P., Ehmele, F. 2022. What causes a heavy precipitation period to become extreme? The exceptional October of 2018 in the Western Mediterranean. Weather and Climate Extremes, 38:
  • Khodayar, S., Caldas Álvarez, A. 2022. Seasonal heavy precipitation sensitivity to moisture corrections in the_x000D_ western Mediterranean across resolutions. Atmospheric Research, 280:1-17.
  • Reynés Vega, J., Moreno García, M.C., Pastor Guzmán, F. 2022. Climatology of waterspouts in the Balearic Islands (1989–2020). NATURAL HAZARDS, 1-17.
  • Corell, D., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A. 2022. Seasonal behaviour and influence of altitude on fog-water collection in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula (2003-2012). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY,
  • Pastor, F., Khodayar, S. 2023. Marine heat waves: Characterizing a major climate impact in the Mediterranean. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 861:1-17.
  • Hatzaki, M., Flaounas, E., Davolio, S., Pantillon, F., Patlakas, P., Raveh Rubin, S., Hochman, A., Kushta, J., Khodayar, S., Dafis, S., Liberato, M.L.R. 2023. MedCyclones: Working Together toward Understanding Mediterranean Cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104:480-487.
  • Corell, D., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A. 2021. Chemical characterization in coastal fog and rain at Mount Monduver fog-collection station, Mediterranean Iberian Peninsula. Atmospheric Research, 258:
  • Niclos, R., Puchades, J., Coll, C., Barbera, M.J., Perez Planells, L., Valiente, J.A., Sanchez, J.M. 2021. Evaluation of Landsat-8 TIRS data recalibrations and land surface temperature split-window algorithms over a homogeneous crop area with different phenological land covers. ISPRS J PHOTOGRAMM, 174:237-253.
  • Perez Planells, L., Niclos, R., Puchades, J., Coll, C., Gottsche, F.M., Valiente, J.A., Valor, E., Galve, J.M. 2021. Validation of Sentinel-3 SLSTR Land Surface Temperature Retrieved by the Operational Product and Comparison with Explicitly Emissivity-Dependent Algorithms. REMOTE SENS-BASEL, 13:
  • Pastor, F. 2021. Sea Surface Temperature: From Observation to Applications. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9:
  • Caldas Álvarez, A., Khodayar, S., Knippertz, P. 2021. The impact of GPS and high-resolution radiosonde nudging on the simulation of heavy precipitation during HyMeX IOP6. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 2:561-580.
  • Khodayar, S., Davolio, S., Di Girolamo, P., Brossier, C.L., Flaounas, E., Fourrie, N., Lee, K.O., Ricard, D., Vie, B., Bouttier, F., Caldas Alvarez, A., Ducrocq, V. 2021. Overview towards improved understanding of the mechanisms leading to heavy precipitation in the western Mediterranean: lessons learned from HyMeX. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 21:17051-17078.
  • Flaounas, E., Davolio, S., Raveh Rubin, S., Pantillon, F., Miglietta, M.M., Gaertner, M.A., Hatzaki, M., Homar, V., Khodayar, S., Korres, G., Kotroni, V., Kushta, J., Reale, M., Ricard, D. 2021. Mediterranean cyclones: Current knowledge and open questions on dynamics, prediction, climatology and impacts. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 1-67. [2021ART21].
  • Khodayar, S., Hoerner, J. 2020. An idealized model sensitivity study on Dead Sea desertification with a focus on the impact on convection. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 20:12011-12031.
  • Caldas Alvarez, A., Khodayar, S. 2020. Assessing atmospheric moisture effects on heavy precipitation during HyMeX IOP16 using GPS nudging and dynamical downscaling. NAT HAZARD EARTH SYS, 20:2753-2776.
  • Helgert, S., Khodayar, S. 2020. Improvement of the soil-atmosphere interactions and subsequent heavy precipitation modelling by enhanced initialization using remotely sensed 1 km soil moisture information. REMOTE SENS ENVIRON, 246:
  • Pastor, F., Valiente, J.A., Khodayar, S. 2020. A Warming Mediterranean: 38 Years of Increasing Sea Surface Temperature. REMOTE SENS-BASEL, 12:
  • Estrela, M.J., Corell, D., Valiente, J.A., Azorin Molina, C., Chen, D. 2019. Spatio-temporal variability of fog-water collection in the eastern Iberian Peninsula: 2003–2012. Atmospheric Research, 226:87-101.
  • Moutahir, H., Fernandez Mejuto, M., Andreu, J.M., Touhami, I., Ayanz, J., Bellot, J. 2019. Observed and projected changes on aquifer recharge in a Mediterranean semi-arid area, SE Spain. ENVIRON EARTH SCI, 78:
  • Corell, D., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Azorin Molina, C., Chen, D. 2020. Influences of synoptic situation and teleconnections on fog-water collection in the Mediterranean Iberian Peninsula, 2003–2012. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 40:3297-3317.
  • Niclòs, R., Pérez Planells, L., Coll, C., Valiente, J.A., Valor, E. 2018. Evaluation of the S-NPP VIIRS land surface temperature product using ground data acquired by an autonomous system at a rice paddy. ISPRS J PHOTOGRAMM, 135:1-12.
  • Azorin Molina, C., Tijm, S., Ebert, E.E., Vicente Serrano, S.-.M., Estrela, M.-.J. 2015. High Resolution HIRLAM Simulations of the Role of Low-Level Sea-Breeze Convergence in Initiating Deep Moist Convection in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula. BOUND-LAY METEOROL, 154:81-100.
  • Perez, J.J.M., Navarro, M., Cantos, J.O. 2015. Statistical downscaling and attribution of air temperature change patterns in the Valencia region (1948-2011). Atmospheric Research, 156:189-212.
  • Gómez, I., Estrela, M.J., Caselles, V. 2015. Verification of the RAMS-based operational weather forecast system in the Valencia Region: a seasonal comparison. NATURAL HAZARDS, 75:1941-1958.
  • Pastor, F., Valiente, J.A., Estrela, M.J. 2015. Sea surface temperature and torrential rains in the Valencia region: Modelling the role of recharge areas. NAT HAZARD EARTH SYS, 15:1677-1693.
  • Niclòs, R., Valiente, J.A., Barberà, M.J., Coll, C. 2015. An autonomous system to take angular thermal-infrared measurements for validating satellite products. REMOTE SENS-BASEL, 7:15269-15294.
  • Barberà, M.J., Niclòs, R., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A. 2015. Climatology of the stability and humidity terms in the Haines Index to improve the estimate of forest fire risk in the Western Mediterranean Basin (Valencia region, Spain). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 35:1212-1223.
  • Niclos, R., Valiente, J.A., Barbera, M.J., Caselles, V. 2014. Land Surface Air Temperature Retrieval From EOS-MODIS Images. IEEE GEOSCI REMOTE S, 11:1380-1384.
  • Gómez, I., Estrela, M.J., Caselles, V. 2014. Operational forecasting of daily summer maximum and minimum temperatures in the Valencia Region. NATURAL HAZARDS, 70:1055-1076.
  • Gómez, I., Caselles, V., Estrela, M.J., Niclòs, R. 2014. RAMS-forecasts comparison of typical summer atmospheric conditions over the Western Mediterranean coast. Atmospheric Research, 145-146:130-151.
  • Gómez, I., Caselles, V., Estrela, M.J. 2014. Real-time weather forecasting in the Western Mediterranean Basin: An application of the RAMS model. Atmospheric Research, 139:71-89.
  • Azorin Molina, C., Tijm, S., Ebert, E.E., Vicente Serrano, S.M., Estrela, M.J. 2014. Sea breeze thunderstorms in the eastern Iberian Peninsula. Neighborhood verification of HIRLAM and HARMONIE precipitation forecasts. Atmospheric Research, 139:101-115.
  • Moreno, A., Sancho, C., Bartolomé, M., Oliva Urcia, B., Delgado Huertas, A., Estrela, M.J., Corell, D., López Moreno, J.I., Cacho, I. 2014. Climate controls on rainfall isotopes and their effects on cave drip water and speleothem growth: The case of Molinos cave (Teruel, NE Spain). CLIM DYNAM, 43:221-241.
  • Sanchez Lorenzo, A., Azorin Molina, C., Wild, M., Vicente Serrano, S.M., Lopez Moreno, J.I., Corell Custardoy, D. 2013. Feasibility of Sunshine Duration Records to Detect Changes in Atmospheric Turbidity: a Case Study in Valencia (Spain). Aip Conference Proceedings, 1531:736-739.
  • Klemm, O., Schemenauer, R.S., Lummerich, A., Cereceda, P., Marzol, V., Corell, D., van Heerden, J., Reinhard, D., Gherezghiher, T., Olivier, J., Osses, P., Sarsour, J., Frost, E., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Fessehaye, G.M. 2012. Fog as a Fresh-Water Resource: Overview and Perspectives. AMBIO, 41:221-234.
  • Gomez, I., Marin, M.J., Pastor, F., Estrela, M.J. 2012. Improvement of the Valencia region ultraviolet index (UVI) forecasting system. COMPUT GEOSCI-UK, 41:72-82.
  • Niclos, R., Galve, J.M., Valiente, J.A., Estrela, M.J., Coll, C. 2011. Accuracy assessment of land surface temperature retrievals from MSG2-SEVIRI data. REMOTE SENS ENVIRON, 115:2126-2140.
  • Azorin Molina, C., Tijm, S., Chen, D.L. 2011. Development of selection algorithms and databases for sea breeze studies. THEOR APPL CLIMATOL, 106:531-546.
  • Azorin Molina, C., Chen, D.L., Tijm, S., Baldi, M. 2011. A multi-year study of sea breezes in a Mediterranean coastal site: Alicante (Spain). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 31:468-486.
  • Gomez, I., Pastor, F., Estrela, M.J. 2011. Sensitivity of a mesoscale model to different convective parameterization schemes in a heavy rain event. NAT HAZARD EARTH SYS, 11:343-357.
  • Niclos, R., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Barberá, M.J. 2010. Análisis de correlaciones entre la temperatura del aire y la temperatura de las superficies vegetadas medida con radiometría térmica. Revista de Teledetección, 34:36-43. [2010ART46].
  • Gomez, I., Estrela, M.J. 2010. Design and development of a Java-based graphical user interface to monitor/control a meteorological real-time forecasting system. COMPUT GEOSCI-UK, 36:1345-1354.
  • Niclos, R., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Barberá, M.J. 2010. Clasificación periódica de coberturas terrestres a escala regional con imágenes MODIS. GeoFocus, 10:1-17. [2010ART12].
  • Mira, M., Valor, E., Caselles, V., Rubio, E., Coll, C., Galve, J.M., Niclos, R., Sanchez, J.M., Boluda, R. 2010. Soil Moisture Effect on Thermal Infrared (8-13-mu m) Emissivity. IEEE T GEOSCI REMOTE, 48:2251-2260.
  • Niclos, R., Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Barbera, M.J. 2010. Proposal and Validation of an Emissivity-Dependent Algorithm to Retrieve Sea-Surface Temperature From MSG-SEVIRI Data. IEEE GEOSCI REMOTE S, 7:786-790.
  • Pastor, F., Gomez, I., Estrela, M.J. 2010. Numerical study of the October 2007 flash flood in the Valencia region (Eastern Spain): the role of orography. NAT HAZARD EARTH SYS, 10:1331-1345.
  • Gómez, I., Pastor, F., Estrela, M. 2010. Sensitivity of precipitation forecasts to convective parameterization in the October 2007 Flash Flood in the Valencia Region (Eastern Spain). Advances In Geosciences, 26:7-11.
  • Azorin Molina, C., Connell, B.H., Baena Calatrava, R. 2009. Sea-Breeze Convergence Zones from AVHRR over the Iberian Mediterranean Area and the Isle of Mallorca, Spain. J APPL METEOROL CLIM, 48:2069-2085.
  • Azorin Molina, C., Sanchez Lorenzo, A., Calbo, J. 2009. A climatological study of sea breeze clouds in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula (Alicante, Spain). ATMOSFERA, 22:33-49. [2009ART06].
  • Niclos, R., Caselles, V., Valor, E., Coll, C., Sanchez, J.M. 2009. A simple equation for determining sea surface emissivity in the 3-15m region. INT J REMOTE SENS, 30:1603-1619.
  • Azorin Molina, C., Chen, D. 2009. A climatological study of the influence of synoptic-scale flows on sea breeze evolution in the Bay of Alicante (Spain). THEOR APPL CLIMATOL, 96:249-260.
  • Niclos, R., Caselles, V., Valor, E., Coll, C. 2007. Foam effect on the sea surface emissivity in the 8-14 mu m region. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 112:
  • Niclos, R., Caselles, V., Coll, C., Valor, E. 2007. Determination of sea surface temperature at large observation angles using an angular and emissivity-dependent split-window equation. REMOTE SENS ENVIRON, 111:107-121.
  • Niclos, R., Niclos, R., Coll, C., Coll, C., Caselles, V., Caselles, V., Estrela, M.J., Estrela, M.J. 2007. An angular-dependent split-window equation for SST retrieval from off-nadir observations. Ieee International Symposium On Geoscience And Remote Sensing Igarss, 921-924.
  • Molina Jiménez, T., Caballero Aroca, J., Simón Martín, S., Hervás Juan, J., García Martínez, J.-.D., Pérez Picazo, E., Dolz García, R., Pons Vila, A., Quintana Rumbau, S., Pardo, J.A., Estrela, M.J., Pastor Guzmán, F. 2005. NATUREYES: Development of surveillance monitoring system for open spaces based on the analysis of different optical sensors data and environmental conditions. Proceedings Of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering, 5948 II:1-11.
  • Badenas, C., Caselles, V., Estrela, M.J., Marchuet, R. 1997. Some improvements on the processes to obtain accurate maps of sea surface temperature from AVHRR raw data transmitted in real time. Part 1: HRPT images. INT J REMOTE SENS, 18:1743-1767.
  • Badenas, C., Estrela, M.J., Marchuet, R., Caselles, V. 1997. Some improvements on the processes to obtain accurate maps of sea surface temperature from AVHRR raw data transmitted in real time. Part 2: APT images. INT J REMOTE SENS, 18:1769-1794.
  • Estrela, M.J., Miró, J., Pastor, F., Millán, M.M. 2009. Tendencias de la precipitacion, por distintos inputs, en el sector central de la Península Ibérica. Investigaciones Geográficas, 49:159-172. [2009ART40].
  • Pastor, F., Valiente, J.A., Palau, J.L. 2018. Sea Surface Temperature in the Mediterranean: Trends and Spatial Patterns (1982-2016). PURE APPL GEOPHYS, 175:4017-4029.
  • Larsen, E.K., Palau, J.L., Valiente, J.A., Chirino, E., Bellot, J. 2020. Technical note: Long-term probe misalignment and proposed quality control using the heat pulse method for transpiration estimations. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 24:2755-2767.
  • Miró, J., Estrela, M.J., Pastor, F., Millán, M.M. 2009. Análisis comparativo de tendencias en la precipitación por distintos inputs, entre los dominios hidrológicos del Segura y del Jucar (19582008). Investigaciones Geográficas, 49:129-157. [2009ART39].
  • Gangoiti, G., Gomez Domenech, I., Saez de Camara, E., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Iza, J., Garcia, J.A., Ilardia, J.L., Millan, M.M. 2011. Origin of the water vapor responsible for the European extreme rainfalls of August 2002: 2. A new methodology to evaluate evaporative moisture sources, applied to the August 11-13 central European rainfall episode. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 116:
  • Sabater, A.M., Valiente, J.A., Bellot, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2023. Testing transpiration rates of juvenile Aleppo pine trees using the heat ratio method under laboratory conditions. Ecohydrology, 1-10.
  • Pisoni, E., Pisoni, E., Pastor, F., Pastor, F., Volta, M., Volta, M. 2008. Artificial neural networks to reconstruct incomplete satellite data: Application to the Mediterranean sea surface temperature. Nonlinear Processes Geophysics, 15:61-70.
  • Millán, M.M., Estrela, M.J., Badenas, C. 1997. Situaciones sinópticas asociadas a la dinámica de incendios forestales en la Comunidad Valenciana. Ecología, 11:3-29. [1997ART17].
  • Millán, M.M., Estrela, M.J., Badenas, C. 1998. Meteorological processes relevant to forest fire dynamics on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. J APPL METEOROL CLIM, 37:83-100. [1998ART01].
  • Gómez Tejedor, J.A., Estrela, M.J., Millán, M.M. 2000. A Mesoscale Model Application to Fire Weather Winds. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 9:255-263.
  • Estrela, M.J., Peñarrocha, D., Millán, M. 2000. Multi-annual drought episodes in the Mediterranean (Valencia region) from 1950-1996. A spatio-temporal analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 20:1599-1618.<1599::AID-JOC559>3.0.CO;2-Q
  • Pastor, F., Estrela, M.J., Penarrocha, D., Millan, M.M. 2001. Torrential rains on the Spanish Mediterranean coast: Modeling the effects of the sea surface temperature. J APPL METEOROL, 40:1180-1195.<1180:TROTSM>2.0.CO;2
  • Peñarrocha, D., Estrela, M.J., Millán, M. 2002. Classification of daily rainfall patterns in a Mediterranean area with extreme intensity levels: The Valencia region. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 22:677-695.
  • Millán, M.M., Estrela, M.J., Miró, J. 2005. Rainfall components: variability and spatial distribution in a mediterranean area (Valencia region). J CLIMATE, 18:2682-2705.
  • Miro, J.J., Estrela, M.J., Millan, M. 2006. Summer temperature trends in a Mediterranean area (Valencia region). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 26:1051-1073.
  • Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Corell, D., Millán, M.M. 2008. Fog collection in the western Mediterranean basin (Valencia region, Spain). Atmospheric Research, 87:324-337.
  • Pereira, J., AzorinMolina, C., Castell, N., Sánchez Lorenzo, A., López Bustins, J.A. 2009. Summer ozone cycles in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and its relation to some meteorological variables. Mokslas Lietuvos Ateitis, 0:1-6. [2009ART18].
  • Estrela, M.J., Pastor, F., Valiente, J.A., Alloza, J.A. 2005. Integración de una cartografía de vientos en situaciones meteorológicas de riesgo de incendios forestales en la Comundad Valenciana mediante un GIS. GeoFocus, 5:94-114. [2005ART32].
  • Duguy, B., Alloza, J.A., Roder, A., Vallejo, R., Pastor, F. 2007. Modelling the effects of landscape fuel treatments on fire growth and behaviour in a Mediterranean landscape (eastern Spain). INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 16:619-632.
  • Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Corell, D., Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A. 2009. Prospective use of collected fog water in the restoration of degraded burned areas under dry Mediterranean conditions. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 149:1896-1906.
  • Morcillo, L., Muñoz Rengifo, J., Torres Ruiz, J.M., Delzon, S., Moutahir, H., Vilagrosa, A. 2022. Post-drought conditions and hydraulic dysfunction determine tree resilience and mortality across Mediterranean Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) populations after an extreme drought event. TREE PHYSIOLOGY,
  • Millan, M.M., Estrela, M.J., Sanz, M.J., Mantilla, E., Martin, M., Pastor, F., Salvador, R., Vallejo, R., Alonso, L., Gangoiti, G., Ilardia, J.L., Navazo, M., Albizuri, A., Artinano, B., Ciccioli, P., Kallos, G., Carvalho, R.A., Andres, D., Hoff, A., Werhahn, J., Seufert, G., Versino, B. 2005. Climatic feedbacks and desertification: The Mediterranean model. J CLIMATE, 18:684-701.
  • In Veld, '.T.M., Carnerero, C., Massagué, J., Alastuey, A., de la Rosa, J.D., Sánchez de la Campa, A.M., Escudero, M., Mantilla, E., Gangoiti, G., García Pando, C.P., Olid, M., Moreta, J.R., Hernández, J.L., Santamaría, J., Millán, M., Querol, X. 2021. Understanding the local and remote source contributions to ambient O-3 during a pollution episode using a combination of experimental approaches in the Guadalquivir valley, southern Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 777:144579-144579.
  • Querol, X., Massagué, J., Alastuey, A., Moreno, T., Gangoiti, G., Mantilla, E., Duéguez, J.J., Escudero, M., Monfort, E., Pérez García Pando, C., Petetin, H., Jorba, O., Vázquez, V., de la Rosa, J., Campos, A., Muñóz, M., Monge, S., Hervás, M., Javato, R., Cornide, M.J. 2021. Lessons from the COVID-19 air pollution decrease in Spain: Now what?. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 779:146380-146380.
  • Pistocchi, A., Bleninger, T., Breyer, C., Caldera, U., Dorati, C., Ganora, D., Millan, M.M., Paton, C., Poullis, D., Herrero, F.S., Sapiano, M., Semiat, R., Sommariva, C., Yuece, S., Zaragoza, G. 2020. Can seawater desalination be a win-win fix to our water cycle?. WATER RES, 182:115906-115906.
  • Pausas, J.G., Millan, M.M. 2019. Greening and Browning in a Climate Change Hotspot: The Mediterranean Basin. BIOSCIENCE, 69:143-151.
  • Vilibic, I., Horvath, K., Palau, J.L. 2018. Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean and Black Seas: Introduction. PURE APPL GEOPHYS, 175:3721-3725.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Gangoiti, G., Perez, N., Lee, H.K., Eun, H.R., Park, Y., Mantilla, E., Escudero, M., Titos, G., Alonso, L., Temime Roussel, B., Marchand, N., Moreta, J.R., Revuelta, M.A., Salvador, P., Artíñano, B., Dos Santos, S.G., Anguas, M., Notario, A., Saiz Lopez, A., Harrison, R.M., Millán, M., Ahn, K.-.H. 2018. Phenomenology of summer ozone episodes over the Madrid Metropolitan Area, central Spain. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 18:6511-6533.
  • Carnerero, C., Perez, N., Reche, C., Ealo, M., Titos, G., Lee, H.K., Eun, H.R., Park, Y.H., Dada, L., Paasonen, P., Kerminen, V.M., Mantilla, E., Escudero, M., Gomez Moreno, F.J., Alonso Blanco, E., Coz, E., Saiz Lopez, A., Temime Roussel, B., Marchand, N., Beddows, D.C.S., Harrison, R.M., Petaja, T., Kulmala, M., Ahn, K.H., Alastuey, A., Querol, X. 2018. Vertical and horizontal distribution of regional new particle formation events in Madrid. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 18:16601-16618.
  • Puertolas, J., Larsen, E.K., Davies, W.J., Dodd, I.C. 2017. Applying 'drought' to potted plants by maintaining suboptimal soil moisture improves plant water relations. J EXP BOT, 68:2413-2424.
  • Palau, J.L., Rovira, F., Sales, M.J. 2017. Satellite Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Total Precipitable Water Vapour over the Mediterranean Sea. ADV METEOROL, 2017:
  • Ferrero, A., Esplugues, A., Estarlich, M., Llop, S., Cases, A., Mantilla, E., Ballester, F., Iñiguez, C. 2017. Infants' indoor and outdoor residential exposure to benzene and respiratory health in a Spanish cohort. ENVIRON POLLUT, 222:486-494.
  • Tapia, O., Escudero, M., Lozano, Á., Anzano, J., Mantilla, E. 2016. New classification scheme for ozone monitoring stations based on frequency distribution of hourly data. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 544:1-9.
  • Querol, X., Gangoiti, G., Mantilla, E., Alastuey, A., Minguillón, M.C., Amato, F., Reche, C., Viana, M., Moreno, T., Karanasiou, A., Rivas, I., Pérez, N., Ripoll, A., Brines, M., Ealo, M., Pandolfi, M., Lee, H.-.K., Eun, H.-.R., Park, Y.-.H., Escudero, M., Beddows, D., Harrison, R.M., Bertrand, A., Marchand, N., Lyasota, A., Codina, B., Olid, M., Udina, M., Jiménez Esteve, B., Jiménez Esteve, B.B., Alonso, L., Millán, M., Ahn, K.-.H. 2017. Phenomenology of high-ozone episodes in NE Spain. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 17:2817-2838.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Reche, C., Orio, A., Pallares, M., Reina, F., Dieguez, J.J., Mantilla, E., Escudero, M., Alonso, L., Gangoiti, G., Millán, M. 2016. On the origin of the highest ozone episodes in Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 572:379-389.
  • Gangoiti, G., Sáez de Cámara, E., Gómez Domenech, I., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Iza, J., García, J.A., Millán, M.M. 2015. Re-evaluation of moisture sources for the August 2002 extreme rainfall episode in central Europe: Evaporation from falling precipitation included in a mesoscale modeling system. J HYDROL, 529:696-710.
  • Reche, C., Viana, M., Karanasiou, A., Cusack, M., Alastuey, A., Artiñano, B., Revuelta, M.A., López Mahía, P., Blanco Heras, G., Rodríguez, S., Sánchez de la Campa, A.M., Fernández Camacho, R., González Castanedo, Y., Mantilla, E., Tang, Y.S., Querol, X. 2015. Urban NH3 levels and sources in six major Spanish cities. CHEMOSPHERE, 119:769-777.
  • Nicolás, J.F., Crespo, J., Yubero, E., Soler, R., Carratalá, A., Mantilla, E. 2014. Impacts on particles and ozone by transport processes recorded at urban and high-altitude monitoring stations. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 466-467:439-446.
  • Escudero, M., Lozano, A., Hierro, J., Valle, J.D., Mantilla, E. 2014. Urban influence on increasing ozone concentrations in a characteristic Mediterranean agglomeration. ATMOS ENVIRON, 99:322-332.
  • Millan, M.M. 2014. Extreme hydrometeorological events and climate change predictions in Europe. J HYDROL, 518:206-224.
  • Palau, J.L., Rovira, F. 2015. Meso-alpha scale tropospheric interactions within the western mediterranean basin: Statistical results using 15-year NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset. ADV METEOROL, 2015:
  • Estarlich, M., Iniguez, C., Esplugues, A., Mantilla, E., Zurriaga, O., Nolasco, A., Ballester, F. 2013. The spatial distribution of population exposure to outdoor air pollution in Valencia (Spain) and its association with a privation index. GAC SANIT, 27:143-148.
  • Chen, B., Stein, A.F., Maldonado, P.G., de la Campa, A., Gonzalez Castanedo, Y., Castell, N., de la Rosa, J.D. 2013. Size distribution and concentrations of heavy metals in atmospheric aerosols originating from industrial emissions as predicted by the HYSPLIT model. ATMOS ENVIRON, 71:234-244.
  • Mantilla, E., Espinós, H., Llavador, F. 2012. Caracterización del impacto olfativo en el entorno de una EDAR. Aproximación metodológica. Tecno ambiente, 229:9-21. [2012ART23].
  • Palau, J.L., Rovira, F. 2012. A Methodology for the Characterization of Periodicities in Nonsteady Time Series: Application to Tropospheric Ozone Recharging Cycles in the Western Mediterranean Basin. J ATMOS OCEAN TECH, 29:1644-1656.
  • Miñarro, M.D., Castell Balaguer, N., Téllez, L., Mantilla, E. 2012. The use of experimental data and their uncertainty for assessing ozone photochemistry in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula. CHEMOSPHERE, 89:796-804.
  • Minarro, M.D., Ferradas, E.G. 2012. Performance evaluation of two commercial chemiluminescence NOx analysers according to European Standard EN 14211. J ENVIRON MONITOR, 14:383-390.
  • Caballero, S., Esclapez, R., Galindo, N., Mantilla, E., Crespo, J. 2012. Use of a passive sampling network for the determination of urban NO 2 spatiotemporal variations. ATMOS ENVIRON, 63:148-155.
  • Minarro, M.D., Terres, I., Egea, J.A., Ferradas, E.G., Aznar, A.M. 2012. Vertical concentration gradients of volatile organic compounds in two NS-oriented street canyons. ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 184:7353-7364.
  • Santacatalina, M., Yubero, E., Mantilla, E., Carratalá, A. 2012. Relevance of the economic crisis in chemical PM10 changes in a semi-arid industrial environment. ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 184:6827-6844.
  • Llavador Colomer, F., Espinós Morató, H., Mantilla Iglesias, E. 2012. Estimation of hydrogen sulfide emission rates at several wastewater treatment plants through experimental concentration measurements and dispersion modeling. J AIR WASTE MANAGE, 62:758-766.
  • Chen, B., Stein, A.F., Castell, N., de la Rosa, J.D., de la Campa, A., Gonzalez Castanedo, Y., Draxler, R.R. 2012. Modeling and surface observations of arsenic dispersion from a large Cu-smelter in southwestern Europe. ATMOS ENVIRON, 49:114-122.
  • Castell Balaguer, N., Téllez, L., Mantilla, E. 2012. Daily, seasonal and monthly variations in ozone levels recorded at the Turia river basin in Valencia (Eastern Spain). ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R, 19:3461-3480.
  • Pandolfi, M., Gonzalez Castanedo, Y., Alastuey, A., de la Rosa, J.D., Mantilla, E., de la Campa, A.S., Querol, X., Pey, J., Amato, F., Moreno, T. 2011. Source apportionment of PM10 and PM2.5 at multiple sites in the strait of Gibraltar by PMF: Impact of shipping emissions. ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R, 18:260-269.
  • Cuxart, J., Cunillera, J., Jimenez, M.A., Martinez, D., Molinos, F., Palau, J.L. 2012. Study of Mesobeta Basin Flows by Remote Sensing. BOUND-LAY METEOROL, 143:143-158.
  • Minarro, M.D., Ferradas, E.G., Martinez, F.J.M. 2012. Influence of temperature changes on ambient air NOx chemiluminescence measurements. ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 184:5669-5678.
  • Gangoiti, G., Saez de Camara, E., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Gomez, M.C., Iza, J., Garcia, J.A., Ilardia, J.L., Millan, M.M. 2011. Origin of the water vapor responsible for the European extreme rainfalls of August 2002: 1. High-resolution simulations and tracking of air masses. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 116:
  • Nunez, M., Marin, M.J., Utrillas, M.P., Estelles, V., Martinez Lozano, J.A. 2011. Incorporation of aerosol effects in a clear-sky semi-empirical model of UVER radiation for Valencia, Spain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 31:937-948.
  • Santacatalina, M., Carratalá, A., Mantilla, E. 2011. Influence of local and regional Mediterranean meteorology on SO2 ground-level concentrations in SE Spain. J ENVIRON MONITOR, 13:1634-1645.
  • Esplugues, A., Ballester, F., Estarlich, M., Llop, S., Fuentes Leonarte, V., Mantilla, E., Vioque, J., Iñiguez, C. 2011. Outdoor, but not indoor, nitrogen dioxide exposure is associated with persistent cough during the first year of life. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 409:4667-4673.
  • Martinez Lozano, J.A., Utrillas, M.P., Nunez, J.A., Tamayo, J., Marin, M.J., Esteve, A.R., Canadad, J., Moreno, J.C. 2011. Ozone mini-holes over Valencia (Spain) and their influence on the UV erythemal radiation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 31:1554-1566.
  • Minarro, M.D., Ferradas, E.G., Romero Trigueros, C., Rico, J.B. 2011. Do pressure changes have an influence on ambient air chemiluminescence NOx measurements?. ATMOS ENVIRON, 45:5366-5375.
  • Stein, A.F., Wang, Y., de la Rosa, J.D., de la Campa, A., Castell, N., Draxler, R.R. 2011. Modeling PM10 Originating from Dust Intrusions in the Southern Iberian Peninsula Using HYSPLIT. WEATHER FORECAST, 26:236-242.
  • Castell, N., Mantilla, E., Stein, A.F., Salvador, R., Millán, M. 2011. Simulation and Evaluation of Control Strategies for Ozone Reduction in a Complex Terrain in Southwestern Spain. ENVIRON MODEL ASSESS, 16:565-576.
  • Valdenebro, V., Gangoiti, G., Albizuri, A., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Garcia, J.A., Iza, J., Millan, M.M. 2011. Build-up and decay of two ozone episodes through northern Iberia and southern France - An inter-regional transport analysis. ATMOS ENVIRON, 45:1591-1603.
  • Serrano, D., Marín, M.J., Utrillas, M.P., Tena, F., Martínez Lozano, J.A. 2010. Medida y modelización de la irradiancia solar eritemática global sobre planos inclinados. TETHYS, revista de meteorología, 7:57-66. [2010ART47].
  • Castell, N., Mantilla, E., Salvador, R., Stein, A.F., Millán, M. 2010. Photochemical model evaluation of the surface ozone impact of a power plant in a heavily industrialized area of southwestern Spain. J ENVIRON MANAGE, 91:662-676.
  • Esplugues, A., Ballester, F., Estarlich, M., Llop, S., Fuentes Leonarte, V., Mantilla, E., Iñiguez, C. 2010. Indoor and outdoor air concentrations of BTEX and determinants in a cohort of one-year old children in Valencia, Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 409:63-69.
  • Esplugues, A., Ballester, F., Estarlich, M., Llop, S., Fuentes, V., Mantilla, E., Iñiguez, C. 2010. Indoor and outdoor concentrations and determinants of NO2 in a cohort of 1-year-old children in Valencia, Spain. INDOOR AIR, 20:213-223.
  • Minarro, M.D., Ferradas, E.G., Rico, J.B., Alonso, F.D., Martinez, F.J.M., Romero Trigueros, C. 2011. Study of the uncertainty in NO2 chemiluminescence measurements due to the NO-O-3 reaction in sampling lines. ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R, 18:436-445.
  • Colomer, F.L., Campos Candel, A., Espinos Morato, H., Iglesias, E.M. 2010. Monitoring olfactory impacts associated with wastewater treatment plants by using diffusive samplers for the determination of hydrogen sulphide. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 23:123-128.
  • Colomer, F.L., Espinos Morato, H., Campos Candel, A., Iglesias, E.M. 2010. Estimation of hydrogen sulphide emissions at several wastewater treatment plants through experimental measurements by using passive samplers. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 23:213-218.
  • Castell, N., Mantilla, E., Stein, A.F., Salvador, R., Millán, M. 2010. A modeling study of the impact of a power plant on ground-level ozone in relation to its location: Southwestern spain as a case study. WATER AIR SOIL POLL, 209:61-79.
  • Millán, M. 2010. Sequía en el Mediterráneo e inundaciones en el Reino Unido y Centroeuropa. Cosas que los modelos climáticos globales no ven del ciclo hídrico en Europa, y por qué. Cuides. Cuaderno Interdisciplinar de Desarrollo Sostenible, Monográfico:1-100. [2010ART09].
  • Martínez Lozano, J.A., Utrillas, M.P., Marín, M.J. 2009. Nubosidad e irradiancia eritemática. Investigacion y Ciencia, Noviembre 2009:11-12. [2009ART32].
  • Millán, M.M. 2009. El modo de acumulación en la Cuenca Mediterránea Occidental. Consecuencias para la contaminación atmosférica y ciclo hidrológico en Europa. Tecno ambiente, 200:67-80. [2009ART35].
  • Castell, N., Stein, A.F., Mantilla, E., Salvador, R., Millán, M. 2009. Evaluation of the use of photochemical indicators to assess ozone-NOx-VOC sensitivity in the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula. J ATMOS CHEM, 63:73-91.
  • Esplugues, A., Estarlich, M., Iniguez, C., Llop, S., Mantilla, E., Ballester, F. 2009. DETERMINING NITROGEN DIOXIDE (NO2) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR IN NURSING HOMES FOR CHILDREN OF 1 YEAR IN THE VALENCIA INMA GROUP. GAC SANIT, 23:111-112. [2009ART45].
  • Miranda, A.I., Marchi, E., Ferretti, M., Millan, M.M. 2009. Forest Fires and Air Quality Issues in Southern Europe. Developments In Environmental Science, 8:209-231.
  • Estarlich, M., Ballester, F., Martinez Benito, M.A., Iniguez, C., Mantilla, E., Nolasco, A. 2009. Spatial Distribution of Air Pollution by NO2 and Mortality in Small Areas of Valencia City, Spain. EPIDEMIOLOGY, 20:169-170.
  • Esteve, A.R., Marin, M.J., Tena, F., Utrillas, M.P., Martinez Lozano, J.A. 2010. Influence of cloudiness over the values of erythemal radiation in Valencia, Spain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 30:127-136.
  • Utrillas, M.P., Marin, M.J., Esteve, A.R., Estelles, V., Tena, F., Canada, J., Martinez Lozano, J.A. 2009. Diffuse Ultraviolet Erythemal Irradiance on Inclined Planes: A Comparison of Experimental and Modeled Data. PHOTOCHEM PHOTOBIOL, 85:1245-1253.
  • Esteve, A.R., Martinez Lozano, J.A., Marin, M.J., Estelles, V., Tena, F., Utrillas, M.P. 2009. The influence of ozone and aerosols on the experimental values of UV erythemal radiation at ground level in Valencia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 29:2171-2182.
  • Castell, N., Stein, A.F., Salvador, R., Mantilla, E., Millan, M. 2008. Sensitivity analysis of surface ozone to modified initial and boundary conditions in both rural and industrial zones. Advances In Science And Research, 2:113-118.
  • Palau, J.L., Meliá, J., Segarra, D., Pérez Landa, G., Santa Cruz, F., Millán, M.M. 2009. Seasonal differences in SO2 ground-level impacts from a power plant plume on complex terrain. ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 149:445-455.
  • Palau, J.L., Perez Landa, G., Millan, M.M. 2009. Transitional dispersive scenarios driven by mesoscale flows on complex terrain under strong dry convective conditions. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 9:119-130.
  • Millán, M.M. 2008. Salud medioambiental: ozono, ¿cómo nos afectará?. Viure en Salut, 78:14-16. [2008ART45].
  • Castell, N., Stein, A.F., Salvador, R., Mantilla, E., Millán, M.M. 2008. The impact of biogenic VOC emissions on photochemical ozone formation during a high ozone pollution episode in the Iberian Peninsula in the 2003 summer season. Advances In Science And Research, 2:9-15.
  • Castell, N., Mantilla, E., Millan, M.M. 2008. Analysis of tropospheric ozone concentration on a Western Mediterranean site: Castellon (Spain). ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 136:3-11.
  • Millán, M.M. 2008. Perturbaciones climáticas al ciclo hídrico en la Cuenca Mediterránea Occidental: origen y propagación a escalas regionaleuropea y global. Tractat de l Aigua, 1:24-33. [2008ART08].
  • de la Campa, A., de la Rosa, J., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Mantilla, E. 2007. Geochemistry and origin of PM10 in the Huelva region, Southwestern Spain. ENVIRON RES, 103:305-316.
  • Fay, B., Neunhäuserer, L., Baklanov, A., Bonafé, G., Jongen, S., Kukkonen, J., Ødegaard, V., Palau, J.L., Perez Landa, G., Rantamäki, M., Rasmussen, A., Sokhi, R.S., Yu, Y. 2007. Chapter 4.4 Final results of the model inter-comparison of very high-resolution simulations with numerical weather prediction models for eight urban air pollution episodes in four European cities. Developments In Environmental Science, 6:383-394.
  • Sarrat, C., Noilhan, J., Dolman, A.J., Gerbig, C., Ahmadov, R., Tolk, L.F., Meesters, A., Hutjes, R., Ter Maat, H.W., Perez Landa, G., Donier, S. 2007. Atmospheric CO2 modeling at the regional scale: an intercomparison of 5 meso-scale atmospheric models. Biogeosciences, 4:1115-1126.
  • Utrillas, M.P., Marin, M.J., Esteve, A.R., Tena, F., Canada, J., Estelles, V., Martinez Lozano, J.A. 2007. Diffuse UV erythemal radiation experimental values. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 112:
  • Millan, M.M. 2007. Climate/water-cycle feedbacks in the Mediterranean: The role of land-use changes and the propagation of perturbations at the regional and global scale. NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences, 79:83-101. [2007CAP03].
  • De Arellano, J.V.G., Jonker, H., Pino, D., Ten Brink, H.M., Chaumerliac, N., Faloona, I., Galmarini, S., Millan, M., Stutz, J. 2007. The role of atmospheric boundary layer processes in atmosphemic chemistry. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88:1245-1248.
  • Alastuey, A., Querol, X., Plana, F., Viana, M., Ruiz, C.R., Campa, A., Rosa, J.D.L., Mantilla, E., Santos, S.G.D. 2006. Identification and chemical characterization of industrial particulate matter sources in southwest spain. J AIR WASTE MANAGE, 56:993-1006.
  • Gangoiti, G., Albizuri, A., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Matabuena, M., Valdenebro, V., Garcia, J.A., Millan, M.M. 2006. Sub-continental transport mechanisms and pathways during two ozone episodes in northern Spain. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 6:1469-1484.
  • Escudero, M., Stein, A., Draxler, R.R., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Castillo, S., Avila, A. 2006. Determination of the contribution of northern Africa dust source areas to PM10 concentrations over the central Iberian Peninsula using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model (HYSPLIT) model. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 111:
  • Palau, J.L., Pérez Landa, G., Millán, M.M. 2006. Efecto de la sinergia entre escalas meteorológicas en la predicción de la dispersión atmosférica de contaminantes antropogénicos en terreno complejo. TETHYS, revista de meteorología, 3:79-87. [2006ART29].
  • Palau, J.L., Perez Landa, G., Melia, J., Segarra, D., Millan, M.M. 2006. A study of dispersion in complex terrain under winter conditions using high-resolution mesoscale and Lagrangian particle models. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 6:1105-1134.
  • Gangoiti, G., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Garcia, J.A., Millan, M.M. 2006. North African soil dust and European pollution transport to America during the warm season: Hidden links shown by a passive tracer simulation. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 111:
  • Lozano, C.C., Iglesias, E.M., García González, R., Llavador Colome, F., Morenilla Martínez, J.J., Asensi Sempere, J.C. 2006. Evaluación del proceso de desodorización en una EDAR Utilización del H2S como indicador del olor. ING QUIM, 38:103-112. [2006ART17].
  • Palau, J.L., Perez Landa, G., Dieguez, J.J., Monter, C., Millan, M.M. 2005. The importance of meteorological scales to forecast air pollution scenarios on coastal complex terrain. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 5:2771-2785.
  • Martinez Frias, J., Delgado, A., Millan, M., Reyes, E., Rull, F., Travis, D., Garcia, R., Lopez Vera, F., Rodriguez Losada, J.A., Martin Rubi, J.A., Raya, J., Santoyo, E. 2005. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic signatures of large atmospheric ice conglomerations. J ATMOS CHEM, 52:185-202.
  • Stein, A.F., Mantilla, E., Millan, M.M. 2005. Using measured and modeled indicators to assess ozone-NOx-VOC sensitivity in a western Mediterranean coastal environment. ATMOS ENVIRON, 39:7167-7180.
  • Alastuey, A., Querol, X., Rodríguez, S., Plana, F., Lopez Soler, A., Ruiz, C., Mantilla, E. 2004. Monitoring of atmospheric particulate matter around sources of secondary inorganic aerosol. ATMOS ENVIRON, 38:4979-4992.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Rodriguez, S., Viana, M.M., Artinano, B., Salvador, P., Mantilla, E., do Santos, S.G., Patier, R.F., de La Rosa, J., de la Campa, A.S., Menendez, M., Gil, J.J. 2004. Levels of particulate matter in rural, urban and industrial sites in Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 334:359-376.
  • Rodriguez, S., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Viana, M.M., Alarcon, M., Mantilla, E., Ruiz, C.R. 2004. Comparative PM10-PM2.5 source contribution study at rural, urban and industrial sites during PM episodes in Eastern Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 328:95-113.
  • Palau, J.L., Pérez Landa, G., Millán, M.M. 2005. MesoMeteorological modelling for air pollution applications in midlatitudes. ERCIM News (the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), 61:26-27. [2005ART06].
  • Palau, J.L., Pérez Landa, G., Millán, M.M. 2005. Air pollution modelling in complex terrain: Els PortsMaestrat regionalscale study. ERCIM News (the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics), 61:28-29. [2005ART07].
  • Rodriguez, S., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Viana, M.M., Mantilla, E. 2003. Events affecting levels and seasonal evolution of airborne particulate matter concentrations in the Western Mediterranean. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 37:216-222.
  • Stein, A.F., Lamb, D. 2003. Empirical evidence for the low- and high-NOx photochemical regimes of sulfate and nitrate formation. ATMOS ENVIRON, 37:3615-3625.
  • Rodriguez, S., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Mantilla, E. 2002. Origin of high summer PM10 and TSP concentrations at rural sites in Eastern Spain. ATMOS ENVIRON, 36:3101-3112.
  • Millán, M.M. 2002. Preface. ENVIRON POLLUT, 118:165-0. [2002ART31].
  • Salvador, R., Millán, M.M. 2003. Análisis histórico de las brisas en Castellón. TETHYS, revista de meteorología, 2:1-19. [2003ART03].
  • Gangoiti, G., Alonso, L., Maruri, M., Navazo, M., Pérez Landa, G. 2002. UHF radar detection and numerical simulation of an episode of foehn and lee-waves over the northern coast of Iberia. J APPL METEOROL, 41:230-240.<0230:URDANS>2.0.CO;2
  • Gangoiti, G., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Albizuri, A., Perez Landa, G., Matabuena, M., Valdenebro, V., Maruri, M., Antonio García, J., Millán, M.M. 2002. Regional transport of pollutants over the Bay of Biscay: Analysis of an ozone episode under a blocking anticyclone in west-central Europe. ATMOS ENVIRON, 36:1349-1361.
  • Martínez Frías, J., Millán, M.M., García, N., López Vera, F., Delgado, A., Gracía, R., Rodríguez Losada, J.A., Reyes, E., Martín, J.A., Gómez Coedo, A. 2001. Compositional heterogeneity of Hailstones: Atmospheric conditions an possible enviromental implications. AMBIO, 30:450-452. [2001ART18].
  • Gangoiti, G., Millán, M.M., Salvador, R., Mantilla, E. 2001. Long-range transport and re-circulation of pollutants in the western Mediterranean during the project Regional Cycles of Air Pollution in the West-Central Mediterranean Area. ATMOS ENVIRON, 35:6267-6276.
  • Alastuey, A., Mantilla, E., Querol, X., Rodriguez, S. 2000. Study and evaluation of atmospheric pollution in Spain: necessary measures arising from the EC Directive on PM10 and PM2.5 particles in the Ceramic industry. BOL SOC ESP CERAM V, 39:135-148.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Rodriguez, S., Plana, F., Mantilla, E., Ruiz, C.R. 2001. Monitoring of PM10 and PM2.5 around primary particulate anthropogenic emission sources. ATMOS ENVIRON, 35:845-858.
  • Pujadas, M., Plaza, J., Teres, J., Artinano, B., Millan, M. 2000. Passive remote sensing of nitrogen dioxide as a tool for tracking air pollution in urban areas: the Madrid urban plume, a case of study. ATMOS ENVIRON, 34:3041-3056.
  • Alonso, L., Gangoiti, G., Navazo, M., Millán, M.M., Mantilla, E. 2000. Transport of tropospheric ozone over the Bay of Biscay and the Eastern Cantabrian Coast of Spain. J APPL METEOROL, 39:475-486.<0475:TOTOOT>2.0.CO;2
  • Rodríguez, S., Mantilla, E., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Plana, F., Artiñano, B. 2000. Características del material particulado atmosférico, sus fuentes, parámetros de control e incertidumbres a la luz de la nueva directiva europea de calidad del aire. Tecno ambiente, X:17-23. [2000ART13].
  • Salvador, R., Calbo, J., Millan, M.M. 1999. Horizontal grid size selection and its influence on mesoscale model simulations. J APPL METEOROL, 38:1311-1329.<1311:HGSSAI>2.0.CO;2
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Lopez Soler, A., Plana, F., Puicercus, J.A., Mantilla, E., Palau, J.L. 1999. Daily evolution of sulphate aerosols in a rural area, northeastern Spain-elucidation of an atmospheric reservoir effect. ENVIRON POLLUT, 105:397-407.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Puicercus, J.A., Mantilla, E., Ruiz, C.R., Lopez Soler, A., Plana, F., Juan, R. 1998. Seasonal evolution of suspended particles around a large coal-fired power station: Chemical characterization. ATMOS ENVIRON, 32:719-731.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Puicercus, J.A., Mantilla, E., Miro, J.V., Lopez Soler, A., Plana, F., Artinano, B. 1998. Seasonal evolution of suspended particles around a large coal-fired power station: Particulate levels and sources. ATMOS ENVIRON, 32:1963-1978.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Lopez Soler, A., Plana, F., Mantilla, E., Juan, R., Ruiz, C.R., La Orden, A. 1999. Characterisation of atmospheric particulates around a coal-fired power station. INT J COAL GEOL, 40:175-188.
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Lopez Soler, A., Mantilla, E., Plana, F. 1996. Mineral composition of atmospheric particulates around a large coal-fired power station. ATMOS ENVIRON, 30:3557-3572.
  • Shaefer, S.J., Kerr, J.B., Millán, M.M., Realmuto, V.J., Krueger, A.J., Krotkov, N.A., Seftor, C., Sprod, I.E. 1997. Geophysicists unite to validate volcanic SO2 measurements. EosTransaction, 78:217-223. [1997ART03].
  • Millan, M.M., Salvador, R., Mantilla, E., Kallos, G. 1997. Photooxidant dynamics in the Mediterranean basin in summer: Results from European research projects. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 102:8811-8823.
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  • Di Biagio, C., Doussin, J., Cazaunau, M., Pangui, E., Cuesta, J., Sellitto, P., Rodenas, M., Formenti, P. 2023. Infrared optical signature reveals the source-dependency and along-transport evolution of dust mineralogy as shown by laboratory study. Scientific reports, 13:13252-13252.
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  • Benjamin, B., Andrea, C., Regina Duarte, M.B.O., João Gomes, F.P., Dikaia, S., Ródenas, M., Xavier, Q., Leonarda Liotta, F., John, S., Andrea, S., Sabrina, R., Francesca, B., Domenico Cavallo, M., Florentina, V., Alessia Di, G., Thomas, M., Victor Mihucz, G. 2022. Particulate matter indoors: a strategy to sample and monitor size-selective fractions. APPL SPECTROSC REV,
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  • Fuentes, E., López, A., Ibáñez, M., Yusà, V., Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Borrás, E., Calvete Sogo, H., Coscollà, C. 2021. Pesticide inhalation exposure of applicators and bystanders using conventional and innovative cropping systems in the valencian region, spain. ATMOSPHERE, 12:
  • Borras, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Rodenas, M., Vera, T., Speak, T., Seakins, P., Shaw, M.D., Lewis, A.C., Munoz, A. 2021. On-line solid phase microextraction derivatization for the sensitive determination of multi-oxygenated volatile compounds in air. ATMOS MEAS TECH, 14:4989-4999.
  • Alam, M.S., Crilley, L.R., Lee, J.D., Kramer, L.J., Pfrang, C., Vázquez Moreno, M., Ródenas, M., Muñoz, A., Bloss, W.J. 2020. Interference from alkenes in chemiluminescent NOx measurements. ATMOS MEAS TECH, 13:5977-5991.
  • Wang, S.N., Newland, M.J., Deng, W., Rickard, A.R., Hamilton, J.F., Munoz, A., Rodenas, M., Vazquez, M.M., Wang, L.M., Wang, X.M. 2020. Aromatic Photo-oxidation, A New Source of Atmospheric Acidity. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 54:7798-7806.
  • Newland, M.J., Nelson, B.S., Munoz, A., Rodenas, M., Vera, T., Tarrega, J., Rickard, A.R. 2020. Trends in stabilisation of Criegee intermediates from alkene ozonolysis. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS, 22:13698-13706.
  • Casquero Vera, J.A., Lyamani, H., Titos, G., Borrás, E., Olmo, F.J., Alados Arboledas, L. 2019. Impact of primary NO(2) emissions at different urban sites exceeding the European NO(2) standard limit. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 646:1117-1125.
  • Muñoz, A., Borrás, E., Ródenas, M., Vera, T., Pedersen, H.A. 2018. Atmospheric Oxidation of a Thiocarbamate Herbicide Used in Winter Cereals. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 52:9136-9144.
  • Newland, M.J., Rickard, A.R., Sherwen, T., Evans, M.J., Vereecken, L., Munoz, A., Rodenas, M., Bloss, W.J. 2018. The atmospheric impacts of monoterpene ozonolysis on global stabilised Criegee intermediate budgets and SO2 oxidation: experiment, theory and modelling. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 18:6095-6120.
  • López, A., Yusà, V., Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Borràs, E., Ródenas, M., Coscollà, C. 2017. Risk assessment of airborne pesticides in a Mediterranean region of Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 574:724-734.
  • Borras, E., Rodenas, M., Vera, T., Gomez, T., Munoz, A. 2017. Atmospheric degradation of the organothiophosphate insecticide - Pirimiphos-methyl. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 579:1-9.
  • Borrás, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Muñoz, A. 2016. Determination of reduced sulfur compounds in air samples for the monitoring of malodor caused by landfills. TALANTA, 148:472-477.
  • Borrás, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Ródenas, M., Vera, T., Coscollá, C., Yusá, V., Muñoz, A. 2015. Gas-phase and particulate products from the atmospheric degradation of the organothiophosphorus insecticide chlorpyrifos-methyl. CHEMOSPHERE, 138:888-894.
  • Borras, E., Rodenas, M., Vazquez, M., Vera, T., Munoz, A. 2015. Particulate and gas-phase products from the atmospheric degradation of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-oxon. ATMOS ENVIRON, 123:112-120.
  • Borras, E., Rodenas, M., Vera, T., Munoz, A. 2015. Particulate matter formation from photochemical degradation of organophosphorus pesticides. 3rd Iberian Meeting On Aerosol Science And Technology (ricta 2015), 28:
  • Pereira, K.L., Hamilton, J.F., Rickard, A.R., Bloss, W.J., Alam, M.S., Camredon, M., Ward, M.W., Wyche, K.P., Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Vázquez, M., Borrás, E., Ródenas, M. 2015. Insights into the Formation and Evolution of Individual Compounds in the Particulate Phase during Aromatic Photo-Oxidation. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 49:13168-13178.
  • Borras, E., Rodenas, M., Vera, T., Munoz, A. 2015. Use of high-volume outdoor smog chamber photo-reactors for studying physical and chemical atmospheric aerosol formation and composition. 3rd Iberian Meeting On Aerosol Science And Technology (ricta 2015), 28:
  • Vera, T., Borras, E., Chen, J.M., Coscolla, C., Daele, V., Mellouki, A., Rodenas, M., Sidebottom, H., Sun, X.M., Yusa, V., Zhang, X., Munoz, A. 2015. Atmospheric degradation of lindane and 1,3-dichloroacetone in the gas phase. Studies at the EUPHORE simulation chamber. CHEMOSPHERE, 138:112-119.
  • Aikens, P., Dean, G., Dean, G., Aikens, P., Munoz, A., Muñoz, A., Ehrlich, T., Ehrlich, T. 2014. Photolytic degradation of diazinon and its metabolite diazoxon in air. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 248:[2014CONG04].
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  • Newland, M.J., Rickard, A.R., Vereecken, L., Muñoz, A., Ródenas, M., Bloss, W.J. 2015. Atmospheric isoprene ozonolysis: Impacts of stabilised Criegee intermediate reactions with SO2, H2O and dimethyl sulfide. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 15:9521-9536.
  • Thalman, R., Baeza Romero, M.T., Ball, S.M., Borrás, E., Daniels, M.J.S., Goodall, I., Henry, S.B., Karl, T., Keutsch, F.N., Kim, S., Mak, J., Monks, P.S., Muñoz, A., Orlando, J., Peppe, S., Rickard, A.R., Ródenas, M., Sánchez, P., Seco, R., Su, L., Tyndall, G., Vázquez, M., Vera, T., Waxman, E., Volkamer, R. 2015. Instrument intercomparison of glyoxal, methyl glyoxal and NO2 under simulated atmospheric conditions. ATMOS MEAS TECH, 8:1835-1862.
  • Muñoz, A., Dean, G., Ehrlich, T. 2014. Atmospheric Degradation of Plant Protection Products. A case study: Photolytic degradation of diazinon and one of its metabolites, diazoxon, in air. Developments in LifeSciences, 14 n.3:3-7. [2014ART20].
  • Nölscher, A.C., Butler, T., Auld, J., Veres, P., Muñoz, A., Taraborrelli, D., Vereecken, L., Lelieveld, J., Williams, J. 2014. Using total OH reactivity to assess isoprene photooxidation via measurement and model. ATMOS ENVIRON, 89:453-463.
  • Muñoz, A., Ródenas, M., Borrás, E., Vázquez, M., Vera, T. 2014. The gas-phase degradation of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-oxon towards OH radical under atmospheric conditions. CHEMOSPHERE, 111:522-528.
  • Pereira, K.L., Hamilton, J.F., Rickard, A.R., Bloss, W.J., Alam, M.S., Camredon, M., Muñoz, A., Vázquez, M., Borrás, E., Ródenas, M. 2014. Secondary organic aerosol formation and composition from the photo-oxidation of methyl chavicol (estragole). ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 14:5349-5368.
  • Coscollà, C., Muñoz, A., Borrás, E., Vera, T., Ródenas, M., Yusà, V. 2014. Particle size distributions of currently used pesticides in ambient air of an agricultural Mediterranean area. ATMOS ENVIRON, 95:29-35.
  • Munoz, A., Rodenas, M., Borras, E., Vazquez, M., Vera, T. 2013. Atmospheric degradation of chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-oxon. Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 246:[2013ART30].
  • Rodenas, M., Munoz, A., Alacreu, F., Brauers, T., Dorn, H.P., Kleffmann, J., Bloss, W. 2013. Assessment of HONO Measurements: The FIONA Campaign at EUPHORE. Nato Science For Peace And Security Series C-Environmental Security, 120:45-58.
  • Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Ródenas, M., Borrás, E., Mellouki, A., Treacy, J., Sidebottom, H. 2014. Gas-phase degradation of the herbicide ethalfluralin under atmospheric conditions. CHEMOSPHERE, 95:395-401.
  • Pang, X., Lewis, A.C., Rickard, A.R., Baeza Romero, M.T., Adams, T.J., Ball, S.M., Daniels, M.J.S., Goodall, I., Monks, P.S., Peppe, S., Garcia, M.R., Sanchez, P., Munoz, A. 2014. A smog chamber comparison of a microfluidic derivatisation measurement of gas-phase glyoxal and methylglyoxal with other analytical techniques. ATMOS MEAS TECH, 7:373-389.
  • Pang, X., Lewis, A.C., Ródenas García, M. 2013. Microfluidic lab-on-a-chip derivatization for gaseous carbonyl analysis. J CHROMATOGR A, 1296:93-103.
  • Vivanco, M.G., Santiago, M., Sanchez, M., Clavero, M.A., Borras, E., Rodenas, M., Alacreu, F., Vazquez, M., Clemente, E., Porras, R., Munoz, A., Stein, A. 2013. Experimental data on SOA formation from mixtures of anthropogenic and biogenic organic compounds. ATMOSFERA, 26:59-73.
  • Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Borras, E., Munoz, A. 2013. Gas-phase and particulate products from the atmospheric degradation of an isoxazole fungicide. CHEMOSPHERE, 92:1035-1041.
  • Hamilton, J.F., Baeza Romero, M.T., Finessi, E., Rickard, A.R., Healy, R.M., Peppe, S., Adams, T.J., Daniels, M.J., Ball, S.M., Goodall, I.C., Monks, P.S., Borrás, E., Muñoz, A. 2013. Online and offline mass spectrometric study of the impact of oxidation and ageing on glyoxal chemistry and uptake onto ammonium sulfate aerosols. FARADAY DISCUSS, 165:447-472.
  • Gomez Alvarez, E., Moreno, M.V., Gligorovski, S., Wortham, H., Cases, M.V. 2012. Characterisation and calibration of active sampling Solid Phase Microextraction applied to sensitive determination of gaseous carbonyls. TALANTA, 88:252-258.
  • Borras, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A. 2012. Determination of oxygenated compounds in secondary organic aerosol from isoprene and toluene smog chamber experiments. INT J ENVIRON AN CH, 92:110-124.
  • Borras, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A. 2012. Secondary organic aerosol formation from the photo-oxidation of benzene. ATMOS ENVIRON, 47:154-163.
  • Munoz, A., Vera, T., Sidebottom, H., Rodenas, M., Borras, E., Vazquez, M., Raro, M., Mellouki, A. 2012. Studies on the atmospheric fate of propachlor (2-chloro-N-isopropylacetanilide) in the gas-phase. ATMOS ENVIRON, 49:33-40.
  • Karl, M., Dye, C., Schmidbauer, N., Wisthaler, A., Mikoviny, T., D'Anna, B., Muller, M., Borras, E., Clemente, E., Munoz, A., Porras, R., Rodenas, M., Vazquez, M., Brauers, T. 2012. Study of OH-initiated degradation of 2-aminoethanol. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 12:1881-1901.
  • Clifford, G.M., Hadj Aissa, A., Healy, R.M., Mellouki, A., Munoz, A., Wirtz, K., Reviejo, M.M., Borras, E., Wenger, J.C. 2011. The Atmospheric Photolysis of o-Tolualdehyde. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 45:9649-9657.
  • Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Borras, E. 2011. Temperature effect of tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) system measuring semi-volatile organic particulate matter. J ENVIRON MONITOR, 13:1017-1026.
  • Borrás, E., Sánchez, P., Muñoz, A., Tortajada Genaro, L.A. 2011. Development of a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of pesticides in gaseous and particulate phases in the atmosphere. ANAL CHIM ACTA, 699:57-65.
  • Vera, T., Munoz, A., Rodenas, M., Vazquez, M., Borras, E., Marques, M., Mellouki, A., Treacy, J., Sidebottom, H. 2011. Atmospheric fate of hymexazol (5-methylisoxazol-3-ol): Simulation chamber studies. ATMOS ENVIRON, 45:3704-3710.
  • Muñoz, A., Person, A.L., Calvé, S.L., Mellouki, A., Borrás, E., Daële, V., Vera, T. 2011. Studies on atmospheric degradation of diazinon in the EUPHORE simulation chamber. CHEMOSPHERE, 85:724-730.
  • Vivanco, M.G., Santiago, M., Martinez Tarifa, A., Borras, E., Rodenas, M., Garcia Diego, C., Sanchez, M. 2011. SOA formation in a photoreactor from a mixture of organic gases and HONO for different experimental conditions. ATMOS ENVIRON, 45:708-715.
  • Muñoz, A., Vera, T., Sidebottom, H., Mellouki, A., Borrás, E., Ródenas, M., Clemente, E., Vázquez, M. 2011. Studies on the atmospheric degradation of chlorpyrifos-methyl. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 45:1880-1886.
  • Vera, T., Munoz, A., Rodenas, M., Vazquez, M., Mellouki, A., Treacy, J., Al Mulla, I., Sidebottom, H. 2010. Photolysis of Trichloronitromethane (Chloropicrin) under Atmospheric Conditions. Z PHYS CHEM, 224:1039-1057.
  • Hamilton, J.F., Lewis, A.C., Carey, T.J., Wenger, J.C., Garcia, E., Munoz, A. 2009. Reactive oxidation products promote secondary organic aerosol formation from green leaf volatiles. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 9:3815-3823.
  • Borras, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Vazquez, M., Zielinska, B. 2009. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exhaust emissions from different reformulated diesel fuels and engine operating conditions. ATMOS ENVIRON, 43:5944-5952.
  • Gomez Alvarez, E., Borras, E., Viidanoja, J., Hjorth, J. 2009. Unsaturated dicarbonyl products from the OH-initiated photo-oxidation of furan, 2-methylfuran and 3-methylfuran. ATMOS ENVIRON, 43:1603-1612.
  • Apel, E.C., Brauers, T., Koppmann, R., Bandowe, B., Bossmeyer, J., Holzke, C., Tillmann, R., Wahner, A., Wegener, R., Brunner, A., Jocher, M., Ruuskanen, T., Spirig, C., Steigner, D., Steinbrecher, R., Gomez Alvarez, E., Muller, K., Burrows, J.P., Schade, G., Solomon, S.J., Ladstatter Weissenmayer, A., Simmonds, P., Young, D., Hopkins, J.R., Lewis, A.C., Legreid, G., Reimann, S., Hansel, A., Wisthaler, A., Blake, R.S., Ellis, A.M., Monks, P.S., Wyche, K.P. 2008. Intercomparison of oxygenated volatile organic compound measurements at the SAPHIR atmosphere simulation chamber. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 113:
  • Gomez Alvarez, E., Vazquez, M., Munoz, A., Hjorth, J., Pilling, M., Saathoff, H., Brauers, T. 2008. THE EUROCHAMP CHAMBER EXPERIMENT DATABASE: GOALS AND USES. PRESENT AND FUTURE POTENTIAL BENEFITS. Nato Science For Peace And Security Series C-Environmental Security, 71-[2008ART63].
  • Munoz, A., Gomez Alvarez, E. 2008. OVERVIEW OF THE EUROCHAMP DATABASE OF EUROPEAN ATMOSPHERE SIMULATION CHAMBERS. Nato Science For Peace And Security Series C-Environmental Security, 61-70.
  • Alvarez, E.G., Valcárcel, M. 2009. Research into conditions of quantitivity in the determination of carboniles in complex air matrices by adsorptive solid phase microextraction. TALANTA, 77:1444-1453.
  • Kleffmann, J., Gavriloaiei, T., Elshorbany, Y., Rodenas, M., Wiesen, P. 2007. Detection of nitric acid (HNO3) in the atmosphere using the LOPAP technique. J ATMOS CHEM, 58:131-149.
  • Gómez Alvarez, E. 2007. Characterisation of absorptive sampling with SPME fibres in the EUPHORE photoreactor. TALANTA, 72:1757-1766.
  • Gómez Alvarez, E., Viidanoja, J., Muñoz, A., Wirtz, K., Hjorth, J. 2007. Experimental confirmation of the dicarbonyl route in the photo-oxidation of toluene and benzene. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 41:8362-8369.
  • Webb, P.J., Hamilton, J.F., Lewis, A.C., Wirtz, K. 2006. Formation of oxygenated-polycyclic aromatic compounds in aerosol from the photo-oxidation of o-tolualdehyde. POLYCYCL AROMAT COMP, 26:237-252.
  • Le Person, A., Mellouki, A., Munoz, A., Borras, E., Martin Reviejo, M., Wirtz, K. 2007. Trifluralin: Photolysis under sunlight conditions and reaction with HO radicals. CHEMOSPHERE, 67:376-383.
  • Borras, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A. 2007. Characterisation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric aerosols by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. ANAL CHIM ACTA, 583:266-276.
  • Zador, J., Turanyi, T., Wirtz, K., Pilling, M.J. 2006. Measurement and investigation of chamber radical sources in the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE). J ATMOS CHEM, 55:147-166.
  • Olariu, R.I., Duncianu, M., Arsene, C., Wirtz, K. 2006. Determination of photolysis frequencies for selected carbonyl compounds in the EUPHORE chamber. NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences, 62:121-128. [2006ART43].
  • Kleffmann, J., Lorzer, J.C., Wiesen, P., Kern, C., Trick, S., Volkamer, R., Rodenas, M., Wirtz, K. 2006. Intercomparison of the DOAS and LOPAP techniques for the detection of nitrous acid (HONO). ATMOS ENVIRON, 40:3640-3652.
  • Spittler, M., Barnes, I., Bejan, I., Brockmann, K.J., Benter, T., Wirtz, K. 2006. Reactions of NO3 radicals with limonene and alpha-pinene: Product and SOA formation. ATMOS ENVIRON, 40:116-127.
  • Tadic, J., Moortgat, G.K., Wirtz, K. 2006. Photolysis of glyoxal in air. J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO A, 177:116-124.
  • O'Connor, M.P., Wenger, J.C., Mellouki, A., Wirtz, K., Munoz, A. 2006. The atmospheric photolysis of E-2-hexenal, Z-3-hexenal and E,E-2,4-hexadienal. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS, 8:5236-5246.
  • Solignac, G., Magneron, I., Mellouki, A., Munoz, A., Reviejo, M.M., Wirtz, K. 2006. A study of the reaction of OH radicals with N-methyl pyrrolidinone, N-methyl succinimide and N-formyl pyrrolidinone. J ATMOS CHEM, 54:89-102.
  • Feigenbrugel, V., Le Person, A., Le Calve, S., Mellouki, A., Munoz, A., Wirtz, K. 2006. Atmospheric fate of dichlorvos: Photolysis and OH-initiated oxidation studies. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 40:850-857.
  • Hamilton, J.F., Webb, P.J., Lewis, A.C., Reviejo, M.M. 2005. Quantifying small molecules in secondary organic aerosol formed during the photo-oxidation of toluene with hydroxyl radicals. ATMOS ENVIRON, 39:7263-7275.
  • Cabanas, B., Baeza, M.T., Martin, P., Salgado, S., Villanueva, F., Monedero, E., Wirtz, K. 2005. Products and mechanism of the NO3 reaction with thiophene. J ATMOS CHEM, 51:317-335.
  • Collins, E.M., Sidebottom, H.W., Wenger, J.C., Le Calve, S., Mellouki, A., LeBras, G., Villenave, E., Wirtz, K. 2005. The influence of reaction conditions on the photooxidation of diisopropyl ether. J PHOTOCH PHOTOBIO A, 176:86-97.
  • D'Anna, B., Sellevag, S.R., Wirtz, K., Nielsen, C.J. 2005. Photolysis study of perfluoro-2-methyl-3-pentanone under natural sunlight conditions. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 39:8708-8711.
  • Bloss, C., Wagner, V., Jenkin, M.E., Volkamer, R., Bloss, W.J., Lee, J.D., Heard, D.E., Wirtz, K., Martin Reviejo, M., Rea, G., Wenger, J.C., Pilling, M.J. 2005. Development of a detailed chemical mechanism (MCMv3.1) for the atmospheric oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 5:641-664.
  • Bloss, C., Wagner, V., Bonzanini, A., Jenkin, M.E., Wirtz, K., Martin Reviejo, M., Pilling, M.J. 2005. Evaluation of detailed aromatic mechanisms (MCMv3 and MCMv3.1) against environmental chamber data. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 5:623-639.
  • Magneron, I., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Moortgat, G.K., Horowitz, A., Wirtz, K. 2005. Photolysis and OH-Initiated oxidation of glycolaldehyde under atmospheric conditions. J PHYS CHEM A, 109:4552-4561.
  • Johnson, D., Jenkin, M.E., Wirtz, K., Martin Reviejo, M. 2005. Simulating the formation of secondary organic aerosol from the photooxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons. ENVIRON CHEM, 2:35-48.
  • Zador, J., Wagner, V., Wirtz, K., Pilling, M.J. 2005. Quantitative assessment of uncertainties for a model of tropospheric ethene oxidation using the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE). ATMOS ENVIRON, 39:2805-2817.
  • Martín Reviejo, M., Wirtz, K. 2005. Is benzene a precursor for secondary organic aerosol?. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 39:1045-1054.
  • Kelly, T., Bossoutrot, V., Magneron, I., Wirtz, K., Treacy, J., Mellouki, A., Sidebottom, H., Le Bras, G. 2005. A kinetic and mechanistic study of the reactions of OH radicals and Cl atoms with 3,3,3-trifluoropropanol under atmospheric conditions. J PHYS CHEM A, 109:347-355.
  • Johnson, D., Jenkin, M.E., Wirtz, K., Martin Reviejo, M. 2004. Simulating the formation of secondary organic aerosol from the photooxidation of toluene. ENVIRON CHEM, 1:150-165.
  • Duncianu, M., Olariu, R.I., Arsene, C., Mocanu, R., Wirtz, K., Martín, M. 2004. Spectroradiometric Determination of the Photolysis Frecuency of NO2 in EUPHORE Chamber. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitattii "AL.I.CUZA" IASI.Seria Chimie, XII:17-24. [2004ART29].
  • Olariu, R.I., Bejan, I., Barnes, I., Klotz, B., Becker, K.H., Wirtz, K. 2004. Rate coefficients for the gas-phase reaction of NO3 radicals with selected dihydroxybenzenes. INT J CHEM KINET, 36:577-583.
  • Bloss, W.J., Lee, J.D., Bloss, C., Heard, D.E., Pilling, M.J., Wirtz, K., Martin Reviejo, M., Siese, M. 2004. Validation of the calibration of a laser-induced fluorescence instrument for the measurement of OH radicals in the atmosphere. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 4:571-583.
  • Wenger, J.C., Le Calvé, S., Sidebottom, H.W., Wirtz, K., Reviejo, M.M., Franklin, J.A. 2004. Photolysis of Chloral under Atmospheric Conditions. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 38:831-837.
  • Hamilton, J.F., Lewis, A.C., Bloss, C., Wagner, V., Henderson, A.P., Golding, B.T., Wirtz, K., Martin Reviejo, M., Pilling, M.J. 2003. Measurements of photo-oxidation products from the reaction of a series of alkyl-benzenes with hydroxyl radicals during EXACT using comprehensive gas chromatography. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 3:1999-2014.
  • Volkamer, R., Klotz, B., Barnes, I., Imamura, T., Wirtz, K., Washida, N., Becker, K.H., Platt, U. 2002. OH-initiated oxidation of benzene: Part I. Phenol formation under atmospheric conditions. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS, 4:1598-1610.
  • Wagner, V., Jenkin, M.E., Saunders, S.M., Stanton, J., Wirtz, K., Pilling, M.J. 2003. Modelling of the photooxidation of toluene: Conceptual ideas for validating detailed mechanisms. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 3:89-106.
  • Klotz, B., Volkamer, R., Hurley, M.D., Andersen, M.P.S., Nielsen, O.J., Barnes, I., Imamura, T., Wirtz, K., Becker, K.-.H., Platt, U., Wallington, T.J., Washida, N. 2002. OH-initiated oxidation of benzene part II. Influence of elevated NOx concentrations. PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS, 4:4399-4411.
  • Magneron, I., Thévenet, R., Mellouki, A., Le Bras, G., Moortgat, G.K., Wirtz, K. 2002. A study of the photolysis and OH-initiated oxidation of acrolein and trans-crotonaldehyde. J PHYS CHEM A, 106:2526-2537.
  • Siese, M., Becker, K.H., Brockmann, K.J., Geiger, H., Hofzumahaus, A., Holland, F., Mihelcic, D., Wirtz, K. 2001. Direct measurement of OH radicals from ozonolysis of selected alkenes: A EUPHORE simulation chamber study. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 35:4660-4667.
  • Volkamer, R., Platt, U., Wirtz, K. 2001. Primary and secondary glyoxal formation from aromatics: Experimental evidence for the bicycloalkyl - radical pathway from benzene, toluene, and p-xylene. J PHYS CHEM A, 105:7865-7874.
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  • Noziere, B., Spittler, M., Ruppert, L., Barnes, I., Becker, K.H., Pons, M., Wirtz, K. 1999. Kinetics of the Reactions of Pinonaldehyde with OH Radicals and with Cl Atoms. INT J CHEM KINET, 31:291-301. [1999ART59].
  • Thüner, L.P., Maurer, T., Sauer, C.G., Becker, K.H. 1999. Kinetic study of the reaction of OH with a series of acetals at 298 ± 4 K. INT J CHEM KINET, 31:797-803.<797::AID-JCK6>3.3.CO;2-3
  • Virkkula, A., Van Dingenen, R., Raes, F., Hjorth, J., Jensen, N., Ruppert, L., Spittler, M., Neeb, P., Winterhalter, R., Wirtz, K. 1998. Hygroscopic properties of the oxidation products of monoterpenes when condensing on ammonium sulfate aerosols. J AEROSOL SCI, 29:5-6.
  • Volkamer, R., Etzkorn, T., Geyer, A., Platt, U. 1998. Correction of the oxygen interference with UV spectroscopic (DOAS) measurements of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. ATMOS ENVIRON, 32:3731-3747.
  • Christoffersen, T.S., Hjorth, J., Horie, O., Jensen, N.R., Kotzias, D., Molander, L.L., Neeb, P., Ruppert, L., Winterhalter, R., Virkkula, A., Wirtz, K., Larsen, B.R. 1998. Cis-pinic acid, a possible precursor for organic aerosol formation from ozonolysis of a-pinene. ATMOS ENVIRON, 32:1657-1661.
  • Klotz, B., Sorensen, S., Barnes, I., Becker, K.H., Etzkorn, T., Volkamer, R., Platt, U., Wirtz, K., Martín, M. 1998. Atmospheric Oxidation of Toluene in a Large-Volume Outdoor Photoreactor: In Situ Determination of Ring-Retaining Product Yields. J PHYS CHEM A, 102-50:10289-10299.
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  • Brilli, F., Fares, S., Ghirardo, A., de Visser, P., Calatayud, V., Munoz, A., Annesi Maesano, I., Sebastiani, F., Alivernini, A., Varriale, V., Menghini, F. 2018. Plants for Sustainable Improvement of Indoor Air Quality. TRENDS PLANT SCI, 23:507-512.
  • Borras, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Sanz, F., Munoz, A. 2021. Multi-Oxygenated Organic Compounds in Fine Particulate Matter Collected in the Western Mediterranean Area. ATMOSPHERE, 12:
  • Borras, E., Rodenas, M., Dieguez, J.J., Perez Garcia, M.L., Lomba, R., Lavin, J., Tortajada Genaro, L.A. 2012. Development of a gas chromatography - mass spectrometry method for the determination of carbon disulfide in the atmosphere. MICROCHEM J, 101:37-42.
  • Garcia Hurtado, E., Pey, J., Borras, E., Sanchez, P., Vera, T., Carratala, A., Alastuey, A., Querol, X., Vallejo, V.R. 2014. Atmospheric PM and volatile organic compounds released from Mediterranean shrubland wildfires. ATMOS ENVIRON, 89:85-92.
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  • Rodenas, M., Soler, R., Borras, E., Vera, T., Dieguez, J.J., Munoz, A. 2022. Assessment of COVID-19 Lockdown Impact on the Air Quality in Eastern Spain: PM and BTX in Urban, Suburban and Rural Sites Exposed to Different Emissions. ATMOSPHERE, 13:
  • Durá, E., Mendiguren, G., Pacheco, J., Martín, M.P., Riaño, D., Iturrate, M., Gimeno, C., Carrara, A. 2013. Validación de productos MODIS relacionados con la estimación de flujos de carbono en un ecosistema de dehesa. GeoFocus, 131:310-0. [2013ART28].
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  • Haeni, M., Zweifel, R., Eugster, W., Gessler, A., Zielis, S., Bernhofer, C., Carrara, A., Grunwald, T., Havrankova, K., Heinesch, B., Herbst, M., Ibrom, A., Knohl, A., Lagergren, F., Law, B.E., Marek, M., Matteucci, G., McCaughey, J.H., Minerbi, S., Montagnani, L., Moors, E., Olejnik, J., Pavelka, M., Pilegaard, K., Pita, G., Rodrigues, A., Sanchez, M.J.S., Schelhaas, M.J., Urbaniak, M., Valentini, R., Varlagin, A., Vesala, T., Vincke, C., Wu, J., Buchmann, N. 2017. Winter respiratory C losses provide explanatory power for net ecosystem productivity. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 122:243-260.
  • Perez Priego, O., El Madany, T.S., Migliavacca, M., Kowalski, A.S., Jung, M., Carrara, A., Kolle, O., Martin, M.P., Pacheco Labrador, J., Moreno, G., Reichstein, M. 2017. Evaluation of eddy covariance latent heat fluxes with independent lysimeter and sapflow estimates in a Mediterranean savannah ecosystem. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 236:87-99.
  • Shang, B., Feng, Z.Z., Li, P., Yuan, X.Y., Xu, Y.S., Calatayud, V. 2017. Ozone exposure- and flux-based response relationships with photosynthesis, leaf morphology and biomass in two poplar clones. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 603:185-195.
  • Arriga, N., Rannik, U., Aubinet, M., Carrara, A., Vesala, T., Papale, D. 2017. Experimental validation of footprint models for eddy covariance CO2 flux measurements above grassland by means of natural and artificial tracers. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 242:75-84.
  • Gao, F., Catalayud, V., Paoletti, E., Hoshika, Y., Feng, Z. 2017. Water stress mitigates the negative effects of ozone on photosynthesis and biomass in poplar plants. ENVIRON POLLUT, 230:268-279.
  • Li, P., Feng, Z., Catalayud, V., Yuan, X., Xu, Y., Paoletti, E. 2017. A meta-analysis on growth, physiological, and biochemical responses of woody species to ground-level ozone highlights the role of plant functional types. PLANT CELL ENVIRON, 40:2369-2380.
  • GarcíaBreijo, F., Calatayud, V., ReigArmiñana, J. 2016. Estudio anatómicohistológico de las flores del endemismo Lamottea diania (Asteraceae) y de los efectos del ozono troposférico sobre su desarrollo. Lilloa, 53:193-216. [2016ART22].
  • Wang, J., Xiao, X., Wagle, P., Ma, S., Baldocchi, D., Carrara, A., Zhang, Y., Dong, J., Qin, Y. 2016. Canopy and climate controls of gross primary production of Mediterranean-type deciduous and evergreen oak savannas. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 226-227:132-147.
  • Sakai, T., Iizumi, T., Okada, M., Nishimori, M., Grunwald, T., Prueger, J., Cescatti, A., Korres, W., Schmidt, M., Carrara, A., Loubet, B., Ceschia, E. 2016. Varying applicability of four different satellite-derived soil moisture products to global gridded crop model evaluation. INT J APPL EARTH OBS, 48:51-60.
  • Serrano Ortiz, P., Sanchez Canete, E.P., Olmo, F.J., Metzger, S., Perez Priego, O., Carrara, A., Alados Arboledas, L., Kowalski, A.S. 2015. Surface-Parallel Sensor Orientation for Assessing Energy Balance Components on Mountain Slopes. BOUND-LAY METEOROL, 158:489-499.
  • Harmens, H., Hayes, F., Sharps, K., Mills, G., Calatayud, V. 2017. Leaf traits and photosynthetic responses of Betula pendula saplings to a range of ground-level ozone concentrations at a range of nitrogen loads. J PLANT PHYSIOL, 211:42-52.
  • Pacheco Labrador, J., Martin, M.P., Riano, D., Hilker, T., Carrara, A. 2016. New approaches in multi-angular proximal sensing of vegetation: Accounting for spatial heterogeneity and diffuse radiation in directional reflectance distribution models. REMOTE SENS ENVIRON, 187:447-457.
  • Gonzalez Fernandez, I., Elvira, S., Calatayud, V., Calvo, E., Aparicio, P., Sanchez, M., Alonso, R., Bermejo, V.B. 2016. Ozone effects on the physiology and marketable biomass of leafy vegetables under Mediterranean conditions: Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cycla). AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 235:215-228.
  • Gao, F., Calatayud, V., Garcia Breijo, F., Reig Arminana, J., Feng, Z.Z. 2016. Effects of elevated ozone on physiological, anatomical and ultrastructural characteristics of four common urban tree species in China. ECOL INDIC, 67:367-379.
  • Campos, I., Gonzalez Piqueras, J., Carrara, A., Villodre, J., Calera, A. 2016. Estimation of total available water in the soil layer by integrating actual evapotranspiration data in a remote sensing-driven soil water balance. J HYDROL, 534:427-439.
  • Li, P., Calatayud, V., Gao, F., Uddling, J., Feng, Z.Z. 2016. Differences in ozone sensitivity among woody species are related to leaf morphology and antioxidant levels. TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 36:1105-1116.
  • Yuan, X.Y., Calatayud, V., Gao, F., Fares, S., Paoletti, E., Tian, Y., Feng, Z.Z. 2016. Interaction of drought and ozone exposure on isoprene emission from extensively cultivated poplar. PLANT CELL ENVIRON, 39:2276-2287.
  • Timmermans, W.J., van der Tol, C., Timmermans, J., Ucer, M., Chen, X.L., Alonso, L., Moreno, J., Carrara, A., Lopez, R., Tercero, F.D., Corcoles, H.L., de Miguel, E., Sanchez, J., Perez, I., Franch, B., Munoz, J.C.J., Skokovic, D., Sobrino, J., Soria, G., MacArthur, A., Vescovo, L., Reusen, I., Andreu, A., Burkart, A., Cilia, C., Contreras, S., Corbari, C., Calleja, J.F., Guzinski, R., Hellmann, C., Herrmann, I., Kerr, G., Lazar, A.L., Leutner, B., Mendiguren, G., Nasilowska, S., Nieto, H., Pachego Labrador, J., Pulanekar, S., Raj, R., Schikling, A., Siegmann, B., von Bueren, S., Su, Z.B. 2015. An Overview of the Regional Experiments for Land-atmosphere Exchanges 2012 (REFLEX 2012) Campaign. ACTA GEOPHYS, 63:1465-1484.
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  • Yuan, X.Y., Calatayud, V., Jiang, L.J., Manning, W.J., Hayes, F., Tian, Y., Feng, Z.Z. 2015. Assessing the effects of ambient ozone in China on snap bean genotypes by using ethylenediurea (EDU). ENVIRON POLLUT, 205:199-208.
  • Perez Priego, O., Guan, J., Rossini, M., Fava, F., Wutzler, T., Moreno, G., Carvalhais, N., Carrara, A., Kolle, O., Julitta, T., Schrumpf, M., Reichstein, M., Migliavacca, M. 2015. Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and photochemical reflectance index improve remote-sensing gross primary production estimates under varying nutrient availability in a typical Mediterranean savanna ecosystem. Biogeosciences, 12:6351-6367.
  • Gilabert, M.A., Moreno, A., Maselli, F., Martinez, B., Chiesi, M., Sanchez Ruiz, S., Garcia Haro, F.J., Perez Hoyos, A., Campos Taberner, M., Perez Priego, O., Serrano Ortiz, P., Carrara, A. 2015. Daily GPP estimates in Mediterranean ecosystems by combining remote sensing and meteorological data. ISPRS J PHOTOGRAMM, 102:184-197.
  • Feng, Z.Z., Sun, J.S., Wan, W.X., Hu, E.Z., Calatayud, V. 2014. Evidence of widespread ozone-induced visible injury on plants in Beijing, China. ENVIRON POLLUT, 193:296-301.
  • Schaub, M., Calatayud, V. 2013. Assessment of Visible Foliar Injury Induced by Ozone. Developments In Environmental Science, 12:205-221.
  • Calatayud, V., Schaub, M. 2013. Methods for Measuring Gaseous air Pollutants in Forests. Developments In Environmental Science, 12:375-384.
  • Giordani, P., Calatayud, V., Stofer, S., Seidling, W., Granke, O., Fischer, R. 2014. Detecting the nitrogen critical loads on European forests by means of epiphytic lichens. A signal-to-noise evaluation. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 311:29-40.
  • González Fernández, I., Calvo, E., Gerosa, G., Bermejo, V., Marzuoli, R., Calatayud, V., Alonso, R. 2014. Setting ozone critical levels for protecting horticultural Mediterranean crops: case study of tomato. ENVIRON POLLUT, 185:178-187.
  • Ferretti, M., Beuker, E., Calatayud, V., Canullo, R., Dobbertin, M., Eichhorn, J., Neumann, M., Roskams, P., Schaub, M. 2013. Data Quality in Field Surveys: Methods and Results for Tree Condition, Phenology, Growth, Plant Diversity and Foliar Injury due to Ozone. Developments In Environmental Science, 12:397-414.
  • Campos, I., Villodre, J., Carrara, A., Calera, A. 2013. Remote sensing-based soil water balance to estimate Mediterranean holm oak savanna (dehesa) evapotranspiration under water stress conditions. J HYDROL, 494:1-9.
  • Vargas, R., Sonnentag, O., Abramowitz, G., Carrara, A., Chen, J.M., Ciais, P., Correia, A., Keenan, T.F., Kobayashi, H., Ourcival, J.M., Papale, D., Pearson, D., Pereira, J.S., Piao, S.L., Rambal, S., Baldocchi, D.D. 2013. Drought Influences the Accuracy of Simulated Ecosystem Fluxes: A Model-Data Meta-analysis for Mediterranean Oak Woodlands. ECOSYSTEMS, 16:749-764.
  • Calatayud, V., Navarro Rosines, P., Hafellner, J. 2013. Contributions to a revision of Cercidospora (Dothideales), 2: Species on Lecanora s. l., Rhizoplaca and Squamarina. Mycosphere, 4:539-557.
  • Sanz, F., Montalvo, G., Lopez, A.L., Pineiro, C., Bigeriego, M., Sanz, M.J. 2012. Ammonia and methane emissions from a dairy farm in Segovia (Spain). Eaap European Association For Animal Production Publication, 131:57-61.
  • de Dios, V.R., Goulden, M.L., Ogle, K., Richardson, A.D., Hollinger, D.Y., Davidson, E.A., Alday, J.G., Barron Gafford, G.A., Carrara, A., Kowalski, A.S., Oechel, W.C., Reverter, B.R., Scott, R.L., Varner, R.K., Diaz Sierra, R., Moreno, J.M. 2012. Endogenous circadian regulation of carbon dioxide exchange in terrestrial ecosystems. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 18:1956-1970.
  • Ross, I., Misson, L., Rambal, S., Arneth, A., Scott, R.L., Carrara, A., Cescatti, A., Genesio, L. 2012. How do variations in the temporal distribution of rainfall events affect ecosystem fluxes in seasonally water-limited Northern Hemisphere shrublands and forests?. Biogeosciences, 9:1007-1024.
  • Alet, A.I., Sanchez, D.H., Cuevas, J.C., del Valle, S., Altabella, T., Tiburcio, A.F., Marco, F., Ferrando, A., Espasandín, F.D., González, M.E., Carrasco, P., Ruiz, O.A. 2011. Putrescine accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic lines enhances tolerance to dehydration and freezing stress. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 6:278-286.
  • Balzarolo, M., Anderson, K., Nichol, C., Rossini, M., Vescovo, L., Arriga, N., Wohlfahrt, G., Calvet, J.C., Carrara, A., Cerasoli, S., Cogliati, S., Daumard, F., Eklundh, L., Elbers, J.A., Evrendilek, F., Handcock, R.N., Kaduk, J., Klumpp, K., Longdoz, B., Matteucci, G., Meroni, M., Montagnani, L., Ourcival, J.M., Sanchez Canete, E.P., Pontailler, J.Y., Juszczak, R., Scholes, B., Martin, M.P. 2011. Ground-Based Optical Measurements at European Flux Sites: A Review of Methods, Instruments and Current Controversies. SENSORS-BASEL, 11:7954-7981.
  • Casals, P., Lopez Sangil, L., Carrara, A., Gimeno, C., Nogues, S. 2011. Autotrophic and heterotrophic contributions to short-term soil CO2 efflux following simulated summer precipitation pulses in a Mediterranean dehesa. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEM CY, 25:
  • Mills, G., Pleijel, H., Braun, S., Buker, P., Bermejo, V., Calvo, E., Danielsson, H., Emberson, L., Fernandez, I.G., Grunhage, L., Harmens, H., Hayes, F., Karlsson, P.E., Simpson, D. 2011. New stomatal flux-based critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation. ATMOS ENVIRON, 45:5064-5068.
  • Reverter, B.R., Carrara, A., Fernandez, A., Gimeno, C., Sanz, M.J., Serrano Ortiz, P., Sanchez Canete, E.P., Were, A., Domingo, F., Resco, V., Burba, G.G., Kowalski, A.S. 2011. Adjustment of annual NEE and ET for the open-path IRGA self-heating correction: Magnitude and approximation over a range of climate. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 151:1856-1861.
  • Migliavacca, M., Reichstein, M., Richardson, A.D., Colombo, R., Sutton, M.A., Lasslop, G., Tomelleri, E., Wohlfahrt, G., Carvalhais, N., Cescatti, A., Mahecha, M.D., Montagnani, L., Papale, D., Zaehle, S., Arain, A., Arneth, A., Black, T.A., Carrara, A., Dore, S., Gianelle, D., Helfter, C., Hollinger, D., Kutsch, W.L., Lafleur, P.M., Nouvellon, Y., Rebmann, C., da Rocha, H.R., Rodeghiero, M., Roupsard, O., Sebastia, M.T., Seufert, G., Soussana, J.F., van der Molen, M.K. 2011. Semiempirical modeling of abiotic and biotic factors controlling ecosystem respiration across eddy covariance sites. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 17:390-409.
  • Calatayud, V., García Breijo, F.J., Cervero, J., Reig Armiñana, J., Sanz, M.J. 2011. Physiological, anatomical and biomass partitioning responses to ozone in the Mediterranean endemic plant Lamottea dianae. ECOTOX ENVIRON SAFE, 74:1131-1138.
  • Sanz, A., Misselbrook, T., Sanz, M.J., Vallejo, A. 2010. Use of an inverse dispersion technique for estimating ammonia emission from surface-applied slurry. ATMOS ENVIRON, 44:999-1002.
  • Kivimaenpaa, M., Sutinen, S., Calatayud, V., Sanz, M.J. 2010. Visible and microscopic needle alterations of mature Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) trees growing on an ozone gradient in eastern Spain. TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 30:541-554.
  • Calatayud, V., Cerveró, J., Calvo, E., García Breijo, F.J., Reig Armiñana, J., Sanz, M.J. 2011. Responses of evergreen and deciduous Quercus species to enhanced ozone levels. ENVIRON POLLUT, 159:55-63.
  • Calatayud, V., Marco, F., Cervero, J., Sanchez Pena, G., Sanz, M.J. 2010. Contrasting ozone sensitivity in related evergreen and deciduous shrubs. ENVIRON POLLUT, 158:3580-3587.
  • Benham, S.E., Broadmeadow, M.S.J., Schaub, M., Calatayud, V., Bussotti, F. 2010. Using commercial tree nurseries to monitor visible ozone injury-An evaluation. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 260:1824-1831.
  • Gilmanov, T.G., Aires, L., Barcza, Z., Baron, V.S., Belelli, L., Beringer, J., Billesbach, D., Bonal, D., Bradford, J., Ceschia, E., Cook, D., Corradi, C., Frank, A., Gianelle, D., Gimeno, C., Gruenwald, T., Guo, H.Q., Hanan, N., Haszpra, L., Heilman, J., Jacobs, A., Jones, M.B., Johnson, D.A., Kiely, G., Li, S.G., Magliulo, V., Moors, E., Nagy, Z., Nasyrov, M., Owensby, C., Pinter, K., Pio, C., Reichstein, M., Sanz, M.J., Scott, R., Soussana, J.F., Stoy, P.C., Svejcar, T., Tuba, Z., Zhou, G.S. 2010. Productivity, Respiration, and Light-Response Parameters of World Grassland and Agroecosystems Derived From Flux-Tower Measurements. RANGELAND ECOL MANAG, 63:16-39.
  • Kutsch, W.L., Aubinet, M., Buchmann, N., Smith, P., Osborne, B., Eugster, W., Wattenbach, M., Schrumpf, M., Schulze, E.D., Tomelleri, E., Ceschia, E., Bernhofer, C., Beziat, P., Carrara, A., Di Tommasi, P., Grunwald, T., Jones, M., Magliulo, V., Marloie, O., Moureaux, C., Olioso, A., Sanz, M.J., Saunders, M., Sogaard, H., Ziegler, W. 2010. The net biome production of full crop rotations in Europe. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 139:336-345.
  • Moors, E.J., Jacobs, C., Jans, W., Supit, I., Kutsch, W.L., Bernhofer, C., Beziat, P., Buchmann, N., Carrara, A., Ceschia, E., Elbers, J., Eugster, W., Kruijt, B., Loubet, B., Magliulo, E., Moureaux, C., Olioso, A., Saunders, M., Soegaard, H. 2010. Variability in carbon exchange of European croplands. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 139:325-335.
  • Eugster, W., Moffat, A.M., Ceschia, E., Aubinet, M., Ammann, C., Osborne, B., Davis, P.A., Smith, P., Jacobs, C., Moors, E., Le Dantec, V., Beziat, P., Saunders, M., Jans, W., Grunwald, T., Rebmann, C., Kutsch, W.L., Czerny, R., Janous, D., Moureaux, C., Dufranne, D., Carrara, A., Magliulo, V., Di Tommasi, P., Olesen, J.E., Schelde, K., Olioso, A., Bernhofer, C., Cellier, P., Larmanou, E., Loubet, B., Wattenbach, M., Marloie, O., Sanz, M.J., Sogaard, H., Buchmann, N. 2010. Management effects on European cropland respiration. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 139:346-362.
  • Ceschia, E., Beziat, P., Dejoux, J.F., Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C., Bodson, B., Buchmann, N., Carrara, A., Cellier, P., Di Tommasi, P., Elbers, J.A., Eugster, W., Grunwald, T., Jacobs, C.M.J., Jans, W.W.P., Jones, M., Kutsch, W., Lanigan, G., Magliulo, E., Marloie, O., Moors, E.J., Moureaux, C., Olioso, A., Osborne, B., Sanz, M.J., Saunders, M., Smith, P., Soegaard, H., Wattenbach, M. 2010. Management effects on net ecosystem carbon and GHG budgets at European crop sites. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 139:363-383.
  • Bahn, M., Reichstein, M., Davidson, E.A., Grunzweig, J., Jung, M., Carbone, M.S., Epron, D., Misson, L., Nouvellon, Y., Roupsard, O., Savage, K., Trumbore, S.E., Gimeno, C., Yuste, J.C., Tang, J., Vargas, R., Janssens, I.A. 2010. Soil respiration at mean annual temperature predicts annual total across vegetation types and biomes. Biogeosciences, 7:2147-2157.
  • Yi, C.X., Ricciuto, D., Li, R., Wolbeck, J., Xu, X.Y., Nilsson, M., Aires, L., Albertson, J.D., Ammann, C., Arain, M.A., de Araujo, A.C., Aubinet, M., Aurela, M., Barcza, Z., Barr, A., Berbigier, P., Beringer, J., Bernhofer, C., Black, A.T., Bolstad, P.V., Bosveld, F.C., Broadmeadow, M.S.J., Buchmann, N., Burns, S.P., Cellier, P., Chen, J.M., Chen, J.Q., Ciais, P., Clement, R., Cook, B.D., Curtis, P.S., Dail, D.B., Dellwik, E., Delpierre, N., Desai, A.R., Dore, S., Dragoni, D., Drake, B.G., Dufrene, E., Dunn, A., Elbers, J., Eugster, W., Falk, M., Feigenwinter, C., Flanagan, L.B., Foken, T., Frank, J., Fuhrer, J., Gianelle, D., Goldstein, A., Goulden, M., Granier, A., Grunwald, T., Gu, L., Guo, H.Q., Hammerle, A., Han, S.J., Hanan, N.P., Haszpra, L., Heinesch, B., Helfter, C., Hendriks, D., Hutley, L.B., Ibrom, A., Jacobs, C., Johansson, T., Jongen, M., Katul, G., Kiely, G., Klumpp, K., Knohl, A., Kolb, T., Kutsch, W.L., Lafleur, P., Laurila, T., Leuning, R., Lindroth, A., Liu, H.P., Loubet, B., Manca, G., Marek, M., Margolis, H.A., Martin, T.A., Massman, W.J., Matamala, R., Matteucci, G., McCaughey, H., Merbold, L., Meyers, T., Migliavacca, M., Miglietta, F., Misson, L., Moelder, M., Moncrieff, J., Monson, R.K., Montagnani, L., Montes Helu, M., Moors, E., Moureaux, C., Mukelabai, M.M., Munger, J.W., Myklebust, M., Nagy, Z., Noormets, A., Oechel, W., Oren, R., Pallardy, S.G., Kyaw, T., Pereira, J.S., Pilegaard, K., Pinter, K., Pio, C., Pita, G., Powell, T.L., Rambal, S., Randerson, J.T., von Randow, C., Rebmann, C., Rinne, J., Rossi, F., Roulet, N., Ryel, R.J., Sagerfors, J., Saigusa, N., Sanz, M.J., Mugnozza, G.S., Schmid, H.P., Seufert, G., Siqueira, M., Soussana, J.F., Starr, G., Sutton, M.A., Tenhunen, J., Tuba, Z., Tuovinen, J.P., Valentini, R., Vogel, C.S., Wang, J.X., Wang, S.Q., Wang, W.G., Welp, L.R., Wen, X.F., Wharton, S., Wilkinson, M., Williams, C.A., Wohlfahrt, G., Yamamoto, S., Yu, G.R., Zampedri, R., Zhao, B., Zhao, X.Q. 2010. Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents. ENVIRON RES LETT, 5:
  • Alcazar, R., Altabella, T., Marco, F., Bortolotti, C., Reymond, M., Koncz, C., Carrasco, P., Tiburcio, A.F. 2010. Polyamines: molecules with regulatory functions in plant abiotic stress tolerance. PLANTA, 231:1237-1249.
  • Calvo, E. 2010. Identificación de los daños por ozono en cultivos. Agricultura y Ganadería Ecológica, 0:56-59. [2010ART18].
  • Casals, P., Gimeno, C., Carrara, A., Lopez Sangil, L., Sanz, M.J. 2009. Soil CO2 efflux and extractable organic carbon fractions under simulated precipitation events in a Mediterranean Dehesa. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 41:1915-1922.
  • Navarro Rosines, P., Calatayud, V., Hafellner, J. 2009. Contributions to a revision of the genus Cercidospora (Dothideales) 1. Species on Megasporaceae. MYCOTAXON, 110:5-25.
  • Halici, M.G., Candan, M., Calatayud, V. 2009. Dacampia rubra sp nov (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae), a lichenicolous fungus on vagrant Aspicillia species. MYCOTAXON, 108:235-240.
  • Perez Ortega, S., Calatayud, V. 2009. Lichenostigma epirupestre, a new lichenicolous species on Pertusaria from Spain. MYCOTAXON, 107:189-195.
  • Tang, Y.S., Simmons, I., van Dijk, N., Di Marco, C., Nemitz, E., Dammgen, U., Gilke, K., Djuricic, V., Vidic, S., Gliha, Z., Borovecki, D., Mitosinkova, M., Hanssen, J.E., Uggerud, T.H., Sanz, M.J., Sanz, P., Chorda, J.V., Flechard, C.R., Fauvel, Y., Ferm, M., Perrino, C., Sutton, M.A. 2009. European scale application of atmospheric reactive nitrogen measurements in a low-cost approach to infer dry deposition fluxes. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 133:183-195.
  • Klumpp, A., Ansel, W., Klump, G., Breuer, J., Vergne, P., Sanz, M.J., Rasmussen, S., Ro Poulsen, H., Artola, A.R., Penuelas, J., He, S., Garrec, J.P., Calatayud, V. 2009. Airborne trace element pollution in 11 European cities assessed by exposure of standardised ryegrass cultures. ATMOS ENVIRON, 43:329-339.
  • Paoletti, E., Ferrara, A.M., Calatayud, V., Cervero, J., Giannetti, F., Sanz, M.J., Manning, W.J. 2009. Deciduous shrubs for ozone bioindication: Hibiscus syriacus as an example. ENVIRON POLLUT, 157:865-870.
  • Calvo, E., Calvo, I., Jimenez, A., Porcuna, J.L., Sanz, M.J. 2009. Using manure to compensate ozone-induced yield loss in potato plants cultivated in the east of Spain. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 131:185-192.
  • Carvalhais, N., Reichstein, M., Seixas, J., Collatz, G.J., Pereira, J.S., Berbigier, P., Carrara, A., Granier, A., Montagnani, L., Papale, D., Rambal, S., Sanz, M.J., Valentini, R. 2008. Implications of the carbon cycle steady state assumption for biogeochemical modeling performance and inverse parameter retrieval. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEM CY, 22:
  • Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Moreno, T., Viana, M.M., Castillo, S., Pey, J., Rodriguez, S., Artinano, B., Salvador, P., Sanchez, M., Dos Santos, S.G., Garraleta, M.D.H., Fernandez Patier, R., Moreno Grau, S., Negral, L., Minguillon, M.C., Monfort, E., Sanz, M.J., Palomo Marin, R., Pinilla Gil, E., Cuevas, E., de la Rosa, J., de la Campa, A.S. 2008. Spatial and temporal variations in airborne particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) across Spain 1999-2005. ATMOS ENVIRON, 42:3964-3979.
  • Alonso, R., Elvira, S., Sanz, M.J., Gerosa, G., Emberson, L.D., Bermejo, V., Gimeno, B.S. 2008. Sensitivity analysis of a parameterization of the stomatal component of the DO3SE model for Quercus ilex to estimate ozone fluxes. ENVIRON POLLUT, 155:473-480.
  • Lindner, M., Green, T., Woodall, C.W., Perry, C.H., Nabuurs, G.J., Sanz, M.J. 2008. Impacts of forest ecosystem management on greenhouse gas budgets - Preface. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 256:191-193.
  • Bahn, M., Rodeghiero, M., Anderson Dunn, M., Dore, S., Gimeno, C., Drosler, M., Williams, M., Ammann, C., Berninger, F., Flechard, C., Jones, S., Balzarolo, M., Kumar, S., Newesely, C., Priwitzer, T., Raschi, A., Siegwolf, R., Susiluoto, S., Tenhunen, J., Wohlfahrt, G., Cernusca, A. 2008. Soil Respiration in European Grasslands in Relation to Climate and Assimilate Supply. ECOSYSTEMS, 11:1352-1367.
  • Wohlfahrt, G., Anderson Dunn, M., Bahn, M., Balzarolo, M., Berninger, F., Campbell, C., Carrara, A., Cescatti, A., Christensen, T., Dore, S., Eugster, W., Friborg, T., Furger, M., Gianelle, D., Gimeno, C., Hargreaves, K., Hari, P., Haslwanter, A., Johansson, T., Marcolla, B., Milford, C., Nagy, Z., Nemitz, E., Rogiers, N., Sanz, M.J., Siegwolf, R.T.W., Susiluoto, S., Sutton, M., Tuba, Z., Ugolini, F., Valentini, R., Zorer, R., Cernusca, A. 2008. Biotic, Abiotic, and Management Controls on the Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange of European Mountain Grassland Ecosystems. ECOSYSTEMS, 11:1338-1351.
  • Kuglitsch, F.G., Reichstein, M., Beer, C., Carrara, A., Ceulemans, R., Granier, A., Janssens, I.A., Koestner, B., Lindroth, A., Loustau, D., Matteucci, G., Montagnani, L., Moors, E.J., Papale, D., Pilegaard, K., Rambal, S., Rebmann, C., Schulze, E.D., Seufert, G., Verbeeck, H., Vesala, T., Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C., Foken, T., Grünwald, T., Heinesch, B., Kutsch, W., Laurila, T., Longdoz, B., Miglietta, F., Sanz, M.J. 2008. Characterisation of ecosystem water-use efficiency of european forests from eddy covariance measurements. Biogeosciences, 5:4481-4519. [2008ART43].
  • García Breijo, F.J., Reig Armiñana, J., Bautista Peris, B., Calatayud, V., Cerveró, J., Sanz, M.J. 2008. Effets anatomiques de l'ozone sur le térébinthe (Pistacia terebinthus). Forêt Méditerranéenne, 29:13-22. [2008ART17].
  • Sanz, M.-.J., Calatayud, V. 2007. Estado de los Bosques en Europa. 30 years of monitoring the effects of long-range transboundary air pollution on forests in Europe and beyond, 20-21. [2007REP02].
  • Marco, F., Calvo, E., Carrasco, P., Sanz, M.J. 2008. Analysis of molecular markers in three different tomato cultivars exposed to ozone stress. PLANT CELL REP, 27:197-207.
  • Furlan, C.M., Moraes, R.M., Bulbovas, P., Sanz, M.J., Domingos, M., Salatino, A. 2008. Tibouchina pulchra (Cham.) Cogn., a native Atlantic Forest species, as a bio-indicator of ozone: Visible injury. ENVIRON POLLUT, 152:361-365.
  • Gockede, M., Foken, T., Aubinet, M., Aurela, M., Banza, J., Bernhofer, C., Bonnefond, J.M., Brunet, Y., Carrara, A., Clement, R., Dellwik, E., Elbers, J., Eugster, W., Fuhrer, J., Granier, A., Grunwald, T., Heinesch, B., Janssens, I.A., Knohl, A., Koeble, R., Laurila, T., Longdoz, B., Manca, G., Marek, M., Markkanen, T., Mateus, J., Matteucci, G., Mauder, M., Migliavacca, M., Minerbi, S., Moncrieff, J., Montagnani, L., Moors, E., Ourcival, J.M., Papale, D., Pereira, J., Pilegaard, K., Pita, G., Rambal, S., Rebmann, C., Rodrigues, A., Rotenberg, E., Sanz, M.J., Sedlak, P., Seufert, G., Siebicke, L., Soussana, J.F., Valentini, R., Vesala, T., Verbeeck, H., Yakir, D. 2008. Quality control of CarboEurope flux data - Part 1: Coupling footprint analyses with flux data quality assessment to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 5:433-450.
  • Viana, M., Lopez, J.M., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Garcia Gacio, D., Blanco Heras, G., Lopez Mahia, P., Pineiro Iglesias, M., Sanz, M., Sanz, F., Chi, X., Maenhaut, W. 2008. Tracers and impact of open burning of rice straw residues on PM in Eastern Spain. ATMOS ENVIRON, 42:1941-1957.
  • Neirynck, J., Kowalski, A.S., Carrara, A., Genouw, G., Berghmans, P., Ceulemans, R. 2007. Fluxes of oxidised and reduced nitrogen above a mixed coniferous forest exposed to various nitrogen emission sources. ENVIRON POLLUT, 149:31-43.
  • Alonso, R., Elvira, S., Sanz, M.J., Emberson, L., Gimeno, B.S. 2007. Parameterization of the stomatal component of the DO3SE model for Mediterranean evergreen broadleaf species. THESCIENTIFICWORLDJO, 7:119-127.
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V. 2007. The Condition of Forests in Europe - 2007 Executive Report. 30 years of monitoring the effects of long-range transboundary air pollution on forests in Europe and beyond, 1-33. [2007REP01].
  • Ferretti, M., Bussotti, F., Calatayud, V., Sanz, M.J., Schaub, M., Krauchi, N., Petriccione, B., Sanchez Pena, G., Ulrich, E. 2007. Ozone and forests in South-Western Europe. ENVIRON POLLUT, 145:617-619.
  • Furlan, C.M., Moraes, R.M., Bulbovas, P., Domingos, M., Salatino, A., Sanz, M.J. 2007. Psidium guajava 'Paluma' (the guava plant) as a new bio-indicator of ozone in the tropics. ENVIRON POLLUT, 147:691-695.
  • Canadell, J.G., Kirschbaum, M., Kurz, W.A., Sanz, M.J., Schlamadinger, B., Yamagata, Y. 2007. Factoring out natural and indirect human effects on terrestrial carbon sources and sinks. ENVIRON SCI POLICY, 10:370-384.
  • Benndorf, R., Federici, S., Forner, C., Pena, N., Rametsteiner, E., Sanz, M.J., Somyi, Z. 2007. Including land use, land-use change, and forestry in future climate change, agreements: thinking outside the box. ENVIRON SCI POLICY, 10:283-294.
  • Calatayud, V., Sanz, M.J., Calvo, E., Cervero, J., Ansel, W., Klumpp, A. 2007. Ozone biomonitoring with Bel-W3 tobacco plants in the city of Valencia (Spain). WATER AIR SOIL POLL, 183:283-291.
  • Calatayud, V., Cervero, J., Sanz, M.J. 2007. Foliar, physiologial and growth responses of four maple species exposed to ozone. WATER AIR SOIL POLL, 185:239-254.
  • Calvo, E., Martin, C., Sanz, M.J. 2007. Ozone sensitivity differences in five tomato cultivars: Visible injury and effects on biomass and fruits. WATER AIR SOIL POLL, 186:167-181.
  • Schlamadinger, B., Bird, N., Johns, T., Brown, S., Canadell, J., Ciccarese, L., Dutschke, M., Fiedler, J., Fischlin, A., Fearnside, P., Forner, C., Freibauer, A., Frumhoff, P., Hoehne, N., Kirschbaum, M., Labat, A., Marland, G., Michaelowa, A., Montanarella, L., Moutinho, P., Murdiyarso, D., Pena, N., Pingoud, K., Rakonczay, Z., Rametsteiner, E., Rock, J., Sanz, M.J., Schneider, U.A., Shuidenko, A., Skutsch, M., Smith, P., Somogyi, Z., Trines, E., Ward, M., Yamagata, Y. 2007. A synopsis of land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords. ENVIRON SCI POLICY, 10:271-282.
  • Gilmanov, T.G., Soussana, J.E., Aires, L., Allard, V., Ammann, C., Balzarolo, M., Barcza, Z., Bernhofer, C., Campbell, C.L., Cernusca, A., Cescatti, A., Clifton Brown, J., Dirks, B., Dore, S., Eugster, W., Fuhrer, J., Gimeno, C., Gruenwald, T., Haszpra, L., Hensen, A., Ibrom, A., Jacobs, A., Jones, M.B., Lanigan, G., Laurila, T., Lohila, A., Manca, G., Marcolla, B., Nagy, Z., Pilegaard, K., Pinter, K., Pio, C., Raschi, A., Rogiers, N., Sanz, M.J., Stefani, P., Sutton, M., Tuba, Z., Valentini, R., Williams, M.L., Wohlfahrt, G. 2007. Partitioning European grassland net ecosystem CO2 exchange into gross primary productivity and ecosystem respiration using light response function analysis. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 121:93-120.
  • Luyssaert, S., Inglima, I., Jung, M., Richardson, A.D., Reichstein, M., Papale, D., Piao, S.L., Schulzes, E.D., Wingate, L., Matteucci, G., Aragao, L., Aubinet, M., Beers, C., Bernhofer, C., Black, K.G., Bonal, D., Bonnefond, J.M., Chambers, J., Ciais, P., Cook, B., Davis, K.J., Dolman, A.J., Gielen, B., Goulden, M., Grace, J., Granier, A., Grelle, A., Griffis, T., Grunwald, T., Guidolotti, G., Hanson, P.J., Harding, R., Hollinger, D.Y., Hutyra, L.R., Kolar, P., Kruijt, B., Kutsch, W., Lagergren, F., Laurila, T., Law, B.E., Le Maire, G., Lindroth, A., Loustau, D., Malhi, Y., Mateus, J., Migliavacca, M., Misson, L., Montagnani, L., Moncrieff, J., Moors, E., Munger, J.W., Nikinmaa, E., Ollinger, S.V., Pita, G., Rebmann, C., Roupsard, O., Saigusa, N., Sanz, M.J., Seufert, G., Sierra, C., Smith, M.L., Tang, J., Valentini, R., Vesala, T., Janssens, I.A. 2007. CO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 13:2509-2537.
  • Sanz, M.J., Sanz, F., Calatayud, V., Sanchez Pena, G. 2007. Ozone in Spain's national parks and protected forests. THESCIENTIFICWORLDJO, 7:67-77.
  • Cano, I., Calatayud, V., Cervero, J., Sanz, M.J. 2007. Ozone effects on three Sambucus species. ENVIRON MONIT ASSESS, 128:83-91.
  • Alcazar, R., Marco, F., Cuevas, J.C., Patron, M., Ferrando, A., Carrasco, P., Tiburcio, A.F., Altabella, T. 2006. Involvement of polyamines in plant response to abiotic stress. BIOTECHNOL LETT, 28:1867-1876.
  • Rico, V.J., Calatayud, V., Giralt, M. 2006. The lichen genus Dimelaena (Physciaceae, Lecanorales) in the Iberian Peninsula. CRYPTOGAMIE MYCOL, 27:149-166. [2006ART50].
  • Calatayud, V., Triebel, D., Perez Ortega, S. 2007. Zwackhiomyces cervinae, a new lichenicolous fungus (Xanthopyreniaceae) on Acarospora, with a key to the known species of the genus. LICHENOLOGIST, 39:129-134.
  • Reichstein, M., Ciais, P., Papale, D., Valentini, R., Running, S., Viovy, N., Cramer, W., Granier, A., Ogee, J., Allard, V., Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C., Buchmann, N., Carrara, A., Grunwald, T., Heimann, M., Heinesch, B., Knohl, A., Kutsch, W., Loustau, D., Manca, G., Matteucci, G., Miglietta, F., Ourcival, J.M., Pilegaard, K., Pumpanen, J., Rambal, S., Schaphoff, S., Seufert, G., Soussana, J.F., Sanz, M.J., Vesala, T., Zhao, M. 2007. Reduction of ecosystem productivity and respiration during the European summer 2003 climate anomaly: a joint flux tower, remote sensing and modelling analysis. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 13:634-651.
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V., Sanchez Pena, G. 2007. Measures of ozone concentrations using passive sampling in forests of South Western Europe. ENVIRON POLLUT, 145:620-628.
  • Matyssek, R., Bytnerowicz, A., Karlsson, P.E., Paoletti, E., Sanz, M., Schaub, M., Wieser, G. 2007. Promoting the O-3 flux concept for European forest trees. ENVIRON POLLUT, 146:587-607.
  • Ferretti, M., Bussotti, F., Calatayud, V., Schaub, M., Krauchi, N., Petriccione, B., Sanchez Pena, G., Sanz, M.J., Ulrich, E. 2007. Ozone and forests in South-Western Europe - What have we learned?. ENVIRON POLLUT, 145:652-655.
  • Andreu, J.M., García Sánchez, E., Carratalá, A., Sanz, M.J., Pulido Bosch, A., Bellot, J., Villacampa, L. 2006. Influencia de los eventos de recarga en la hidrogeoquímica del acuífero del VentosCastellar (Alicante). Geogaceta, 39:91-94. [2006ART38].
  • Moraes, R.M., Bulbovas, P., Furlan, C.M., Dorningos, M., Meirelles, S.T., Delitti, W.B.C., Sanz, M.J. 2006. Physiological responses of saplings of Caesalpinia echinata Lam., a Brazilian tree species, under ozone fumigation. ECOTOX ENVIRON SAFE, 63:306-312.
  • Raivonen, M., Bonn, B., Sanz, M.J., Vesala, T., Kulmala, M., Hari, P. 2006. UV-induced NOy emissions from Scots pine: Could they originate from photolysis of deposited HNO3?. ATMOS ENVIRON, 40:6201-6213.
  • Klumpp, A., Ansel, W., Klumpp, G., Calatayud, V., Garrec, J.P., He, S., Penuelas, J., Ribas, A., Ro Poulsen, H., Rasmussen, S., Sanz, M.J., Vergne, P. 2006. Ozone pollution and ozone biomonitoring in European cities. Part I: Ozone concentrations and cumulative exposure indices at urban and suburban sites. ATMOS ENVIRON, 40:7963-7974.
  • Klumpp, A., Ansel, W., Klumpp, G., Vergne, P., Sifakis, N., Sanz, M.J., Rasmussen, S., Ro Poulsen, H., Ribas, A., Penuelas, J., Kambezidis, H., He, S., Garrec, J.P., Calatayud, V. 2006. Ozone pollution and ozone biomonitoring in European cities Part II. Ozone-induced plant injury and its relationship with descriptors of ozone pollution. ATMOS ENVIRON, 40:7437-7448.
  • Klumpp, A., Ansel, W., Klumpp, G., Calatayud, V., Garrec, J.P., He, S., Penuelas, J., Ribas, A., Ro Poulsen, H., Rasmussen, S., Sanz, M.J., Vergne, P. 2006. Tradescantia micronucleus test indicates genotoxic potential of traffic emissions in European cities. ENVIRON POLLUT, 139:515-522.
  • Neirynck, J., Kowalski, A.S., Carrara, A., Ceulemans, R. 2005. Driving forces for ammonia fluxes over mixed forest subjected to high deposition loads. ATMOS ENVIRON, 39:5013-5024.
  • Etayo, J., Calatayud, V. 2005. Taeniolella diederichiana, a new lichenicolous hyphomycete on Placopsis. LICHENOLOGIST, 37:303-305.
  • Bytnerowicz, A., Sanz, M.J., Arbaugh, M.J., Padgett, P.E., Jones, D.P., Davila, A. 2005. Passive sampler for monitoring ambient nitric acid (HNO3) and nitrous acid (HNO2) concentrations. ATMOS ENVIRON, 39:2655-2660.
  • Bucher, A.E., Lanyon, L.E. 2005. Evaluating soil management with community-level physiological microbial profiles. APPL SOIL ECOL, 29:59-71.
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V. 2005. The Condition of Forests in Europe - 2005 Executive Report. 30 years of monitoring the effects of long-range transboundary air pollution on forests in Europe and beyond, 1-32. [2005REP04].
  • Reichstein, M., Falge, E., Baldocchi, D., Papale, D., Aubinet, M., Berbigier, P., Bernhofer, C., Buchmann, N., Gilmanov, T., Granier, A., Grunwald, T., Havrankova, K., Ilvesniemi, H., Janous, D., Knohl, A., Laurila, T., Lohila, A., Loustau, D., Matteucci, G., Meyers, T., Miglietta, F., Ourcival, J.M., Pumpanen, J., Rambal, S., Rotenberg, E., Sanz, M., Tenhunen, J., Seufert, G., Vaccari, F., Vesala, T., Yakir, D., Valentini, R. 2005. On the separation of net ecosystem exchange into assimilation and ecosystem respiration: review and improved algorithm. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 11:1424-1439.
  • Ciais, P., Reichstein, M., Viovy, N., Granier, A., Ogee, J., Allard, V., Aubinet, M., Buchmann, N., Bernhofer, C., Carrara, A., Chevallier, F., De Noblet, N., Friend, A.D., Friedlingstein, P., Grunwald, T., Heinesch, B., Keronen, P., Knohl, A., Krinner, G., Loustau, D., Manca, G., Matteucci, G., Miglietta, F., Ourcival, J.M., Papale, D., Pilegaard, K., Rambal, S., Seufert, G., Soussana, J.F., Sanz, M.J., Schulze, E.D., Vesala, T., Valentini, R. 2005. Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003. NATURE, 437:529-533.
  • Sanz, M.J., Monter, C., Antequera, R., Montalvo, G., Bigeriego, M. 2005. Influencia del sistema de aplicación de purines sobre las emisiones de amoniaco a la atmósfera en una explotación agrícola. Porci, 87:55-68. [2005ART20].
  • Carrara, A., Janssens, I.A., Yuste, J.C., Ceulemans, R. 2004. Seasonal changes in photosynthesis, respiration and NEE of a mixed temperate forest. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 126:15-31.
  • Gioli, B., Miglietta, F., De Martino, B., Hutjes, R., Dolman, H., Lindroth, A., Schumacher, M., Sanz, M.J., Manca, G., Peressotti, A., Dumas, E.J. 2004. Comparison between tower and aircraft-based eddy covariance fluxes in five European regions. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 127:1-16.
  • Cerveró, J., Calatayud, V., PérezLaorga, E., Sanz, M.J. 2004. Seguimiento de la presencia de hongo defoliador Thyriopsis halepensis en masas de Pinus halepensis con diferente densidad arbórea. Ecología, 18:73-80. [2004ART23].
  • Moraes, R.M., Furlan, C.M., Bulbovas, P., Domingos, M., Meirelles, S.T., Salatino, A., Delitti, W., Sanz, M.J. 2004. Photosynthetic responses of tropical trees to short-term exposure to ozone. PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 42:291-293.
  • Pocs, T., Sabovljevic, M., Puche, F., Segarra Moragues, J.G., Gimeno, C., Kurschner, H. 2004. Crossidium laxefilamentosum Frey & Kurschner (Bryopsida : Pottiaceae), new to Europe and to North Africa. J BRYOL, 26:113-124.
  • Casals, P., García Pausas, J., Romanya, J., Sanz, M.J., Camarero, L., Sebastià, M.T. 2004. Effects of livestock management on carbon stocks and fluxes in grassland ecosystems in the Pyrenees. Grassland Science in Europe, 9:136-138. [2004ART30].
  • Reig Arminana, J., Calatayud, V., Cervero, J., Garcia Breijo, F.J., Ibars, A., Sanz, M.J. 2004. Effects of ozone on the foliar histology of the mastic plant (Pistacia lentiscus L.). ENVIRON POLLUT, 132:321-331.
  • Sobrino, J.A., Zaragoza, M.M., Sanz, M.J., Chordá, J.V. 2004. Aplicación de la teledetección al estudio de los flujos de carbono. Revista Española de Física, 18:28-34.
  • Sanz, M.J. 2004. Tropospheric ozone in the Mediterranean basin: Evidence of its effects. Environews, 10 n.2:5-7. [2004ART15].
  • Sanz, M.J. 2003. Ozone concentrations in forests - The Condition of Forest in Europe. 30 years of monitoring the effects of long-range transboundary air pollution on forests in Europe and beyond, 26-29. [2003REP02].
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V. 2003. Ozone exposure and ozone injury symptoms at intensive monitoring plots: results from the test phase 2001. Intensive monitoring of forest ecosystems in Europe, 25-36. [2003REP03].
  • Calatayud, V., Barreno, E., Rico, V. 2004. Two lichenicolous species of Arthonia on vagrant Aspicilia species. Bibliotheca Lichenologica, 88:67-78. [2004ART02].
  • Sanz, M.J., Carrara, A., Gimeno, C., Bucher, A.E., López, R. 2004. Effects of a dry and warm summer conditions on CO2 and Energy fluxes from three Mediterranean ecosystems. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6:3239-0. [2004ART07].
  • Gimeno, C., Bucher, A.E., Carrara, A., López, R., Sanz, M.J. 2004. Grassland soil respiration and eddy fluxes measurements in a mountain area (East Pyrenees, Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6:2917-0. [2004ART08].
  • Calatayud, V., Triebel, D. 2003. Three new species of Stigmidium s. l. (lichenicolous ascomycetes) on Acarospora and Squamarina. LICHENOLOGIST, 35:103-116.
  • Atienza, V., Calatayud, V., Hawksworth, D.L. 2003. Notes on the genus Polycoccum (Ascomycota, Dacampiaceae) in Spain, with a key to the species. LICHENOLOGIST, 35:125-135.
  • Calatayud, V.J.R.V., Giralt, M. 2003. Buellia tesserata and Dimelaena radiata, two closely related species. LICHENOLOGIST, 35:117-124.
  • Calatayud, V., Barreno, E. 2003. A new Lichenostigma on vagrant Aspicilia species. LICHENOLOGIST, 35:279-285.
  • Gianni, D.R., Calatayud, V., Paoletti, E., Sanz, M.J. 2003. Microscopic effects of polluted seasprays on Pinus halepensis needles in El Saler (Valencia, eastern Spain). Ekológia (Bratislava), 22, Supplement 1/2003:88-90. [2003ART31].
  • Orendovici, T., Skelly, J.M., Ferdinand, J.A., Savage, J.E., Sanz, M.-.J., Smith, G.C. 2003. Response of native plants of northeastern United States and southern Spain to ozone exposures; Determining exposure/response relationships. ENVIRON POLLUT, 125:31-40.
  • Marco, F., Calvo, E., Carrasco, P., Sanz, M.J. 2003. Physiological and molecular responses of pea plants to ozone stress. PLANT MOL BIOL REP, 1:67-77. [2003ART16].
  • Matas, A.J., Sanz, M.J., Heredia, A. 2003. Studies on the structure of the plant wax nonacosan-10-ol, the main component of epicuticular wax conifers. INT J BIOL MACROMOL, 33:31-35.
  • Schulze, E.D., Valentini, R., Sanz, M.J. 2002. The long way from Kyoto to Marrakesh: Implications of the Kyoto Protocol negotiations for global ecology. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 8:505-518.
  • Calatayud, V., Navarro Rosines, P., Hafellner, J. 2002. A synopsis of Lichenostigma subgen. Lichenogramma (Arthoniales), with a key to the species. MYCOL RES, 106:1230-
  • Klumpp, A., Ansel, W., Klumpp, G., Belluzzo, N., Calatayud, V., Chaplin, N., Garrec, J.P., Gutsche, H.J., Hayes, M., Hentze, H.W., Kambezidis, H., Laurent, O., Penuelas, J., Rasmussen, S., Ribas, A., Ro Poulsen, H., Rossi, S., Sanz, M.J., Shang, H., Sifakis, N., Vergne, P. 2002. EuroBionet: A Pan-European biomonitoring network for urban air quality assessment. ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R, 9:199-203.
  • Jiménez, A., Calvo, E., Martín, C., Porcuna, J.L., Sanz, M.J. 2002. Estudio de la interacción entre el ozono y el desarrollo de la virosis en el cultivo del tomate. Cuadernos de Fitopatología, 73:87-94. [2002ART18].
  • Porcuna, J.L., Sanz, M.J., Jiménez, A., Escriba, C., Calvo, I., Martín, C., Vega, J.M., Ortega, M.G., Morera, B., Montes, F., Páez, J., Calvo, E. 2002. Los fotooxidantes y los daños en patata en la cuenca mediterránea occidental. PHYTOMA España, 141:20-25. [2002ART15].
  • Sanz, M.J., Porcuna, J.L., Calvo, E., Martín, C. 2002. Artichoke cultivars (var. "Blanca de Tudela") under elevated ozone concentrations. THESCIENTIFICWORLDJO, 2:811-817.
  • Calatayud, V., Etayo, J., Diederich, P. 2001. Paralethariicola aspiciliae (Ostropales, Odontotremataceae), a new genus and species of lichenicolous fungi. LICHENOLOGIST, 33:477-482.
  • Calatayud, V., Navarro Rosines, P. 2001. Bellemerella acarosporae and B-polysporinae (Verrucariales), two new species of lichenicolous fungi from Spain. NOVA HEDWIGIA, 72:473-478. [2001ART29].
  • Calatayud, V., Sanz, M.J., Aptroot, A. 2001. Lichenopyrenis galligena (Pleomassariaceae), a new genus of gall-forming lichenicolous fungi on Leptochidium. MYCOL RES, 105:634-637.
  • Calatayud, V., Etayo, J. 2001. Five new species of lichenicolous conidial fungi from Spain. CAN J BOT, 79:223-230.
  • Sanz, M.J., Martín, C., Calvo, E., Camara, P., Jiménez, A., Porcuna, J.L. 2001. Daños visibles por ozono en distintos cultivos mediterráneos. PHYTOMA España, 131:14-26. [2001ART19].
  • Sanz, M.J., Sanz, F., Sanchez Peña, G. 2001. Spatial and annual temporal distribution of ozone concentrations in the madrid basin using passive samplers. THESCIENTIFICWORLDJO, 1:785-795.
  • Puche, F., Gimeno, C. 2001. The red data list of Bryophytes of Valencia County (East Spain). Flora mediterranea, 11:11-22. [2001ART24].
  • Gimeno, C., Puche, F., Segarra, J.G., Laguna, E. 2001. Modelo de conservación de la flora briológica en la Comunidad Valenciana: Microrreservas de flora criptogámica. Botanica Complutensis, 221-231. [2001ART25].
  • Calatayud, V., Atienza, V. 2000. Polycoccum epizoharyi (Dacampiaceae, Fungi), a new lichenicolous fungus on Buellia zoharyi in Spain. NOVA HEDWIGIA, 70:265-271. [2000ART21].
  • Calatayud, V., Navarro Rosines, P., Calvo, E. 2000. Lichenochora mediterraneae (Phyllacorales, Ascomycota), a new lichenicolous fungus from Spain. LICHENOLOGIST, 32:225-231.
  • Calatayud, V., Barreno, E. 2000. Lecanora herteliana (Lecanoraceae, ascomycetes), a new lichen species from Spain. LICHENOLOGIST, 32:531-538.
  • Calatayud, V., Muñoz, M.C., Hernández, R., Sanz, M.J., Pérez Fortea, V., Soldevilla, C., Sánchez, G. 2000. Seguimiento de daños en acículas de Pinus halepensis en localidades de Teruel y Castellón (España). Ecología, 14:129-139. [2000ART24].
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V., Sánchez, G. 2000. Macrolíquenes epífitos en las parcelas de Nivel II de la red de seguimiento de la salud de los bosques en España. Ecología, 14:117-128. [2000ART25].
  • Calvo, E., Sanz, M.J. 2000. Líquenes como bioindicadores de la calidad ambiental en el Parque Natural de la Font Roja (Alicante, España). Ecología, 14:103-115. [2000ART26].
  • Puche, F., Gimeno, C., Casañ, A. 2000. Flora briofítica de la sierra de Espadán, Castellón (Este de España). BOLETÍN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE BRIOLOGÍA, 17:19-28. [2000ART30].
  • Calatayud, V., Aguirre Hudson, B. 2001. Observations on the genus Cresporhaphis (Trichosphaeriaceae), with a key to the known species, and C-ulmi sp nov. MYCOL RES, 105:122-126.
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V., Calvo, E. 2000. Spatial pattern of ozone injury in Aleppo pine related to air pollution dynamics in a coastal-mountain region of eastern Spain. ENVIRON POLLUT, 108:239-247.
  • Gimeno, C., Deltoro, V. 2000. Sulfur dioxide effects on cell structure and photosynthetic performance in the liverwort Frullania dilatata. CAN J BOT, 78:1-6. [2000ART08].
  • Sanz, M.J., Dolman, H., Moors, E., Camara, P., , E.J..., , K.B..., Cosín, S. 2000. Seasonal Variability of the Carbon Fluxes from a MaquiaPine tree forest under Mediterranean Climatic Conditions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2:0-0. [2000ART09].
  • Kruijt, B., Sanz, M.J., Elbers, J., Moors, E., Dolman, A.J., Camara, P., Cosín, S. 2000. Subgrid variability in water and carbon fluxes in three coastal Mediterranean land cover types. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2:0-0. [2000ART10].
  • Sanz, M.J. 2000. La Contaminación Atmosférica por Ozono en la Cuenca Mediterránea. Vida Rural, 107:86-91. [2000ART11].
  • Puche, F., Gimeno, C. 2000. Dynamics of the early stages of bryophyte colonization of burnt Mediterranean forests (E Spain). NOVA HEDWIGIA, 70:523-536. [2000ART12].
  • Skelly, J.M., Innes, J.L., Savage, J.E., Snyder, K.R., Vanderheyden, D., Zhang, J., Sanz, M.J. 1999. Observation and confirmation of foliar ozone symptoms of native plant species of Switzerland and southern Spain. WATER AIR SOIL POLL, 116:227-234.
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V., Calvo, E. 1999. Spatial pattern of ozone injury in Aleppo pine and air pollution dynamics in the Mediterranean. PHYS CHEM EARTH PT C, 24:495-498.
  • Alastuey, A., Querol, X., Chaves, A., Ruiz, C.R., Carratala, A., Lopez Soler, A. 1999. Bulk deposition in a rural area located around a large coal-fired power station, northeast Spain. ENVIRON POLLUT, 106:359-367.
  • Calatayud, V., Rico, V.J. 1999. Chemotypes of Dimelaena oreina (Ascomycotina, Physciaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. BRYOLOGIST, 102:39-44.
  • Calatayud, V., Etayo, J. 1999. Fenestroconidia caloplacae, a new sporodochial lichenicolous fungus with catenate conidiogenous cells. LICHENOLOGIST, 31:587-592.
  • Fernández, J.A., Puche, F., Gimeno, C., Carballeira, A. 1999. Primeros datos sobre el biocontrol de la deposición atmosférica de metales pesados en las provincias de Valencia, Castellon y Teruel mediante musgos terrestres. Ecología, 1:83-91. [1999ART41].
  • Calatayud, V., Etayo, J. 1999. Codonmyces and Lichenostella, two new genera of lichenicolous conidial fungi. LICHENOLOGIST, 31:593-601. [1999ART45].
  • Hafellner, J., Calatayud, V. 1999. Lichenostigma cosmopolites, a common lichenicolous fungus on Xanthoparmelia species. MYCOTAXON, 72:107-114. [1999ART46].
  • Calatayud, V., Triebel, D. 1999. Stigmidium neofusceliae (Dothideales s.l.), a new lichenicolous fungus from Spain. NOVA HEDWIGIA, 69:439-448. [1999ART47].
  • Navarro Rosinés, P., Etayo, J., Calatayud, V. 1999. Rhagadostoma collematum sp. nov. (ascomicetes liquenícolas, Sordariales) y nuevos datos para otras especies del género. B MENS SOC LINN LYON, 50:233-241. [1999ART89].
  • Calatayud, V., Rambold, G. 1998. Two new species of the lichen genus Immersaria (Porpidiaceae). LICHENOLOGIST, 30:231-244.
  • Calatayud, V., Navarro Rosines, P. 1998. Weddellomyces xanthoparmeliae sp. nov. and additions to the chorology of other species of the genus. MYCOTAXON, 69:503-514. [1998ART41].
  • Gries, C., Sanz, M.-.J., Romagni, J.G., Goldsmith, S., Kuhn, U., Meier, J.K., Nash III, T.H. 1997. The uptake of gaseous sulphur dioxide by non-gelatinous lichens. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 135:595-602.
  • Sanz, M.J. 1997. La salud del agrosistema. La contaminación atmosférica en la cuenca mediterránea: El Ozono. Comunitat Valenciana Agraria, 6:47-55. [1997ART06].
  • Sanz, M.J., Calatayud, V., Calvo, E. 1995. Diferencias morfológicas en las ceras epiestomáticas de varias poblaciones de Pinus sylvestris L. de Castellón y Teruel. Ecología, 9:201-211. [1995ART08].
  • Calatayud, V., Atienza, V., Barreno, E. 1995. LICHENICOLOUS FUNGI FROM THE IBERIAN PENINSULA AND THE CANARY-ISLANDS .1. MYCOTAXON, 55:363-382. [1995ART12].
  • Gries, C., Sanz, M.J., Nash III, T.H. 1995. The effect of SO2 fumigation on CO2 gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and clorophyll degradation in different lichen species from Western North America. Cryptogamic Botany, 5:239-246. [1995ART07].
  • Barrancos, J., Rosello, J.I., Calvo, D., Padron, E., Melian, G., Hernandez, P.A., Perez, N.M., Millan, M., Galle, B. 2008. SO2 emission from active volcanoes measured simultaneously by COSPEC and mini-DOAS. PURE APPL GEOPHYS, 165:115-133.
  • Perez Landa, G., Ciais, P., Gangoiti, G., Palau, J.L., Carrara, A., Gioli, B., Miglietta, F., Schumacher, M., Millan, M.M., Sanz, M.J. 2007. Mesoscale circulations over complex terrain in the Valencia coastal region, Spain - Part 2: Modeling CO2 transport using idealized surface fluxes. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 7:1851-1868.
  • Baldasano, J.M., Jimenez Guerrero, P., Jorba, O., Perez, C., Lopez, E., Guereca, P., Martin, F., Vivanco, M.G., Palomino, I., Querol, X., Pandolfi, M., Sanz, M.J., Dieguez, J.J. 2008. Caliope: an operational air quality forecasting system for the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and Canary Islands - first annual evaluation and ongoing developments. Advances In Science And Research, 2:89-98.
  • Palau, J.L., Krupa, S.V., Calatayud, V., Sanz, M., Millan, M. 2009. Relating Source-Specific Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide Inputs to Ecological Effects Assessment in a Complex Terrain. Developments In Environmental Science, 9:99-120.
  • Calatayud, V., Dieguez, J.J., Sicard, P., Schaub, M., De Marco, A. 2016. Testing approaches for calculating stomatal ozone fluxes from passive samplers. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 572:56-67.
  • Brilli, F., Fares, S., Ghirardo, A., de Visser, P., Calatayud, V., Munoz, A., Annesi Maesano, I., Sebastiani, F., Alivernini, A., Varriale, V., Menghini, F. 2018. Plants for Sustainable Improvement of Indoor Air Quality. TRENDS PLANT SCI, 23:507-512.
  • Borras, E., Tortajada Genaro, L.A., Sanz, F., Munoz, A. 2021. Multi-Oxygenated Organic Compounds in Fine Particulate Matter Collected in the Western Mediterranean Area. ATMOSPHERE, 12:
  • Calatayud, V., Diéguez, J.J., Agathokleous, E., Sicard, P. 2023. Machine learning model to predict vehicle electrification impacts on urban air quality and related human health effects. ENVIRON RES, 228:1-12.
  • Garcia Hurtado, E., Pey, J., Baeza, M.J., Carrara, A., Llovet, J., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2013. Carbon emissions in Mediterranean shrubland wildfires: An experimental approach. ATMOS ENVIRON, 69:86-93.
  • Molina, A.J., Navarro Cerrillo, R.M., Perez Romero, J., Alejano, R., Bellot, J.F., Blanco, J.A., Camarero, J.J., Carrara, A., Castillo, V.M., Cervera, T., Barbera, G.G., Gonzalez Sanchis, M., Hernandez, A., Imbert, J.B., Jimenez, M.N., Llorens, P., Lucas Borja, M.E., Moreno, G., de las Heras, M.M., Navarro, F.B., Palacios, G., Palero, N., Ripoll, M.A., Regues, D., Ruiz Gomez, F.J., Vilagrosa, A., del Campo, A.D. 2021. SilvAdapt.Net: A Site-Based Network of Adaptive Forest Management Related to Climate Change in Spain. Forests, 12:
  • Sanz, M.J., Millán, M.M. 2002. La contaminació atmosfèrica per ozó en l àrea mediterrània. MètodeUniversitat de València, 34:33-39. [2002ART12].
  • Millan, M., Sanz, M.J., Krupa, S. 2002. Special issue: Environment and agriculture: the nitrogen compounds - Preface. ENVIRON POLLUT, 118:165-165.
  • Sanz, M.J., Millán, M.M. 2003. La contaminación atmosférica por ozono en el área mediterránea. MètodeUniversitat de València, Anuario 2003:95-101. [2003ART04].
  • Dolman, A.J., Noilhan, J., Durand, P., Sarrat, C., Brut, A., Piguet, B., Butet, A., Jarosz, N., Brunet, Y., Loustau, D., Lamaud, E., Tolk, L., Ronda, R., Miglietta, F., Gioli, B., Magliulo, V., Esposito, M., Gerbig, C., Korner, S., Glademard, R., Ramonet, M., Ciais, P., Neininger, B., Hutjes, R., Elbers, J.A., Macatangay, R., Schrems, O., Perez Landa, G., Sanz, M.J., Scholz, Y., Facon, G., Ceschia, E., Beziat, P. 2006. The CarboEurope regional experiment strategy. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87:1367-1379.
  • Querol, X., Minguillon, M.C., Alastuey, A., Monfort, E., Mantilla, E., Sanz, M.J., Sanz, F., Roig, A., Renau, A., Felis, C., Miro, J.V., Artinano, B. 2007. Impact of the implementation of PM abatement technology on the ambient air levels of metals in a highly industrialised area. ATMOS ENVIRON, 41:1026-1040.
  • Minguillon, M.C., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Monfort, E., Mantilla, E., Sanz, M.J., Sanz, F., Roig, A., Renau, A., Felis, C., Miro, J.V., Artinano, B. 2007. PM10 speciation and determination of air quality target levels. A case study in a highly industrialized area of Spain. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 372:382-396.
  • Perez Landa, G., Ciais, P., Sanz, M.J., Gioli, B., Miglietta, F., Palau, J.L., Gangoiti, G., Millan, M.M. 2007. Mesoscale circulations over complex terrain in the Valencia coastal region, Spain - Part 1: Simulation of diurnal circulation regimes. ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 7:1835-1849.
  • Millan, M.M., Estrela, M.J., Sanz, M.J., Mantilla, E., Martin, M., Pastor, F., Salvador, R., Vallejo, R., Alonso, L., Gangoiti, G., Ilardia, J.L., Navazo, M., Albizuri, A., Artinano, B., Ciccioli, P., Kallos, G., Carvalho, R.A., Andres, D., Hoff, A., Werhahn, J., Seufert, G., Versino, B. 2005. Climatic feedbacks and desertification: The Mediterranean model. J CLIMATE, 18:684-701.
  • Durá, E., Mendiguren, G., Pacheco, J., Martín, M.P., Riaño, D., Iturrate, M., Gimeno, C., Carrara, A. 2013. Validación de productos MODIS relacionados con la estimación de flujos de carbono en un ecosistema de dehesa. GeoFocus, 131:310-0. [2013ART28].
  • Wingate, L., Ogee, J., Cremonese, E., Filippa, G., Mizunuma, T., Migliavacca, M., Moisy, C., Wilkinson, M., Moureaux, C., Wohlfahrt, G., Hammerle, A., Hortnagl, L., Gimeno, C., Porcar Castell, A., Galvagno, M., Nakaji, T., Morison, J., Kolle, O., Knohl, A., Kutsch, W., Kolari, P., Nikinmaa, E., Ibrom, A., Gielen, B., Eugster, W., Balzarolo, M., Papale, D., Klumpp, K., Kostner, B., Grunwald, T., Joffre, R., Ourcival, J.M., Hellstrom, M., Lindroth, A., George, C., Longdoz, B., Genty, B., Levula, J., Heinesch, B., Sprintsin, M., Yakir, D., Manise, T., Guyon, D., Ahrends, H., Plaza Aguilar, A., Guan, J.H., Grace, J. 2015. Interpreting canopy development and physiology using a European phenology camera network at flux sites. Biogeosciences, 12:5995-6015.
  • Berninger, F., Susiluoto, S., Gianelle, D., Bahn, M., Wohlfahrt, G., Sutton, M., Garcia Pausas, J., Gimeno, C., Sanz, M.J., Dore, S., Rogiers, N., Furger, M., Eugster, W., Balzarolo, M., Sebastià, M.T., Tenhunen, J., Staszewski, T., Cernusca, A. 2015. Management and site effects on carbon balances of european mountain meadows and rangelands. BOREAL ENVIRON RES, 20:748-760. [2015ART20].
  • Musavi, T., Migliavacca, M., van de Weg, M.J., Kattge, J., Wohlfahrt, G., van Bodegom, P.M., Reichstein, M., Bahn, M., Carrara, A., Domingues, T.F., Gavazzi, M., Gianelle, D., Gimeno, C., Granier, A., Gruening, C., Havrankova, K., Herbst, M., Hrynkiw, C., Kalhori, A., Kaminski, T., Klumpp, K., Kolari, P., Longdoz, B., Minerbi, S., Montagnani, L., Moors, E., Oechel, W.C., Reich, P.B., Rohatyn, S., Rossi, A., Rotenberg, E., Varlagin, A., Wilkinson, M., Wirth, C., Mahecha, M.D. 2016. Potential and limitations of inferring ecosystem photosynthetic capacity from leaf functional traits. ECOL EVOL, 6:7352-7366.
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  • Millán, M.M., Sanz, M.J. 1995. Las dos vidas del ozono atmosférico, el ozono: ¿Dónde?, ¿beneficioso o dañino?. Retema Medio Ambiente, 0:21-26. [1995ART03].
  • Sanz, M.J., Millan, M.M. 1998. The dynamics of aged airmasses and ozone in the western Mediterranean: Relevance to forest ecosystems. CHEMOSPHERE, 36:1089-1094.
  • Sanz, M.J., Carratalà, A., Mantilla, E., Diéguez, J.J., Millan, M. 1999. Daily ozone patterns and AOT40 index on the east coast of the Iberian Peninsula. PHYS CHEM EARTH PT C, 24:491-494.
  • Millan, M.M., Mantilla, E., Salvador, R., Carratala, A., Sanz, M.J., Alonso, L., Gangoiti, G., Navazo, M. 2000. Ozone cycles in the western Mediterranean basin: Interpretation of monitoring data in complex coastal terrain. J APPL METEOROL, 39:487-508.<0487:OCITWM>2.0.CO;2
  • Muñoz, A., Borrás, E., Vera, T., Colmenar, I., Ródenas, M., Gimeno, C., Fuentes, E., Coscollá, C., Calvete Sogo, H. 2023. Atmospheric degradation of two pesticides mixed with volatile organic compounds emitted by citrus trees. Ozone and secondary organic aerosol production. ATMOS ENVIRON, 295:
  • Sanz, M.J., Carratala, A., Gimeno, C., Millan, M.M. 2002. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the east coast of Spain: relevance of dry deposition in semi-arid Mediterranean regions. ENVIRON POLLUT, 118:259-272.
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  • Salesa, D., Baeza, M.J., Santana, V.M. 2024. Fire severity and prolonged drought do not interact to reduce plant regeneration capacity but alter community composition in a Mediterranean shrubland. FIRE ECOL, 20:61.
  • Vilaplana, D.F., Lucas Borja, M.E., Soria, R., Miralles, I., Ortega, R., Abdennbi, S., Carmona Yáñez, M.D., Plaza Alvarez, P.A., Santana, V.M., Zema, D.A. 2024. One-year effects of stand age, pre-fire treatments, and hillslope aspect on recovery of plant diversity and soil properties in a Mediterranean forest burnt by a severe wildfire. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 566:122068.
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  • Alday, J.G., Cox, E.S., Santana, V.M., Lee, H., Ghorbani, J., Milligan, G., McAllister, H.A., Pakeman, R.J., Le Duc, M.G., Marrs, R.H. 2023. Recovery of upland acid grasslands after successful Pteridium aquilinum control: Long-term effectiveness of cutting, repeated herbicide treatment and bruising. J ENVIRON MANAGE, 342:118273-
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  • Morcillo, L., Turrión, D., Fuentes, D., Vilagrosa, A. 2023. Drone-based assessment of microsite-scale hydrological processes promoted by restoration actions in early post-mining ecological restoration stages. J ENVIRON MANAGE, 348:119468-119468.
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  • Morcillo, L., Turrion, D., Soliveres, S., Chirino, E., Vallejo, V.R., Vilagrosa, A. 2022. Moderate pine cover maximizes 10-year survival and growth in late-successional species of contrasting functional strategies. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 509:
  • Salesa, D., Baeza, M.J., Pérez Ferrándiz, E., Santana, V.M. 2022. Longer summer seasons after fire induce permanent drought legacy effects on Mediterranean plant communities dominated by obligate seeders. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 822:153655-153655.
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  • Vasques, A., Baudena, M., Vallejo, V.R., Kéfi, S., Bautista, S., Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Maia, P., Keizer, J.J., Rietkerk, M. 2022. Post-fire Regeneration Traits of Understorey Shrub Species Modulate Successional Responses to High Severity Fire in Mediterranean Pine Forests. ECOSYSTEMS,
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  • Chevilly, S., Dolz Edo, L., Lopez Nicolas, J.M., Morcillo, L., Vilagrosa, A., Yenush, L., Mulet, J.M. 2021. Physiological and Molecular Characterization of the Differential Response of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica) Cultivars Reveals Limiting Factors for Broccoli Tolerance to Drought Stress. J AGR FOOD CHEM, 69:10394-10404.
  • Martinez Vilalta, J., Santiago, L.S., Poyatos, R., Badiella, L., de Caceres, M., Aranda, I., Delzon, S., Vilagrosa, A., Mencuccini, M. 2021. Towards a statistically robust determination of minimum water potential and hydraulic risk in plants. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 232:404-417.
  • Chevilly, S., Dolz Edo, L., Morcillo, L., Vilagrosa, A., Lopez Nicolas, J.M., Yenush, L., Mulet, J.M. 2021. Identification of distinctive physiological and molecular responses to salt stress among tolerant and sensitive cultivars of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica). BMC PLANT BIOL, 21:488-488.
  • Chevilly, S., Dolz Edo, L., Martinez Sanchez, G., Morcillo, L., Vilagrosa, A., Lopez Nicolas, J.M., Blanca, J., Yenush, L., Mulet, J.M. 2021. Distinctive Traits for Drought and Salt Stress Tolerance in Melon (Cucumis melo L.). FRONT PLANT SCI, 12:777060-777060.
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  • Graciano ávila, G., Alanís Rodríguez, E., Rubio Camacho, E.A., Valdecantos–dema, A., Aguirre Calderón, O.A., González Tagle, M.A., Treviño Garza, E.J., Corral Rivas, J.J., Mora Olivo, A. 2020. Composición y estructura espacial de cinco asociaciones de bosques de pinus durangensis. MADERA BOSQUES, 26:1-31.
  • Ayache, F., Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J. 2020. Environmental and anthropogenic drivers of coniferous species distribution in Mediterranean drylands from North West Algeria. FOLIA GEOBOT, 55:15-27.
  • Smanis, A., Fuentes, D., Fuente, P., Valdecantos, A. 2021. How far surface water fluxes determine restoration success in Mediterranean degraded areas? Implications for dryland precision restoration. J ARID ENVIRON, 187:
  • Tramblay, Y., Koutroulis, A., Samaniego, L., Vicente Serrano, S.M., Volaire, F., Boone, A., Le Page, M., Llasat, M.C., Albergel, C., Burak, S., Cailleret, M., Kalin, K.C., Davi, H., Dupuy, J.L., Greve, P., Grillakis, M., Hanich, L., Jarlan, L., Martin StPaul, N., Martinez Vilalta, J., Mouillot, F., Pulido Velazquez, D., Quintana Segui, P., Renard, D., Turco, M., Turkes, M., Trigo, R., Vidal, J.P., Vilagrosa, A., Zribi, M., Polcher, J. 2020. Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios. EARTH-SCI REV, 210:
  • Peguero Pina, J.J., Vilagrosa, A., Alonso Forn, D., Ferrio, J.P., Sancho Knapik, D., Gil Pelegrin, E. 2020. Living in Drylands: Functional Adaptations of Trees and Shrubs to Cope with High Temperatures and Water Scarcity. Forests, 11:
  • van den Elsen, E., Stringer, L.C., De Ita, C., Hessel, R., Kéfi, S., Schneider, F.D., Bautista, S., Mayor, A.G., Baudena, M., Rietkerk, M., Valdecantos, A., Vallejo, V.R., Geeson, N., Brandt, C.J., Fleskens, L., Hemerik, L., Panagos, P., Valente, S., Keizer, J.J., Schwilch, G., Jucker Riva, M., Sietz, D., Christoforou, M., Hadjimitsis, D.G., Papoutsa, C., Quaranta, G., Salvia, R., Tsanis, I.K., Daliakopoulos, I., Claringbould, H., de Ruiter, P.C. 2020. Advances in Understanding and Managing Catastrophic Ecosystem Shifts in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8:
  • Moreira, F., Ascoli, D., Safford, H., Adams, M.A., Moreno, J.M., Pereira, J.M.C., Catry, F.X., Armesto, J., Bond, W., Gonzalez, M.E., Curt, T., Koutsias, N., McCaw, L., Price, O., Pausas, J.G., Rigolot, E., Stephens, S., Tavsanoglu, C., Vallejo, V.R., Van Wilgen, B.W., Xanthopoulos, G., Fernandes, P.M. 2020. Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: paradigm change needed. ENVIRON RES LETT, 15:
  • Fernández García, V., Marcos, E., Fulé, P.Z., Reyes, O., Santana, V.M., Calvo, L. 2020. Fire regimes shape diversity and traits of vegetation under different climatic conditions. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 716:137137-137137.
  • Munoz Rengifo, J., Chirino, E., Cerdan, V., Martinez, J., Fosado, O., Vilagrosa, A. 2020. Using field and nursery treatments to establish Quercus suber seedlings in Mediterranean degraded shrubland. IFOREST, 13:114-123.
  • Grossiord, C., Ulrich, D., Vilagrosa, A. 2020. Controls of the hydraulic safety-efficiency trade-off. TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 40:573-576.
  • Morcillo, L., Moutahir, H., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2020. The Role of Population and Half-Sib Family on Driving Suitable Functional Traits forQuercus suberL. Forest Restoration. Forests, 11:
  • Santana, V.M., Alday, J.G., Adamo, I., Alloza, J.A., Baeza, M.J. 2020. Climate, and not fire, drives the phylogenetic clustering of species with hard-coated seeds in Mediterranean Basin communities. PERSPECT PLANT ECOL, 45:
  • Baudena, M., Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Bautista, S., Eppinga, M.B., Hemerik, L., Garcia Mayor, A., Rodriguez, F., Valdecantos, A., Vallejo, V.R., Vasques, A., Rietkerk, M. 2020. Increased aridity drives post-fire recovery of Mediterranean forests towards open shrublands. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 225:1500-1515.
  • Graciano Avila, G., Alanis Rodriguez, E., Rubio Camacho, E.A., Valdecantos Dema, A., Aguirre Calderon, O.A., Gonzalez Tagle, M.A., Trevino Garza, E.J., Corral Rivas, J.J., Olive, A.M. 2020. Composition and spatial structure of five associations of forests of Pinus durangensis. Madera y Bosques, 26:[2020ART18].
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  • Morcillo, L., Gallego, D., Gonzalez, E., Vilagrosa, A. 2019. Forest Decline Triggered by Phloem Parasitism-Related Biotic Factors in Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis). Forests, 10:
  • Garcia, M., Miranda, E.C., Navalon, C.G., Calzada, V.R.V., Carmona, A.V. 2019. Effect of light and soil moisture on physiological variables in six Mediterranean forest species planted under a pine forest canopy. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 25:461-476.
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  • Morcillo, L., Camacho Garzón, A., Calderón, J.S., Bautista, S. 2019. Functional similarity and competitive symmetry control productivity in mixtures of Mediterranean perennial grasses. PLoS One, 14:
  • Krichen, K., Vilagrosa, A., Chaieb, M. 2019. Divergence of functional traits at early stages of development in Stipa tenacissima populations distributed along an environmental gradient of the Mediterranean. PLANT ECOL, 220:995-1008.
  • Marrs, R.H., Marsland, E.L., Lingard, R., Appleby, P.G., Piliposyan, G.T., Rose, R.J., O'Reilly, J., Milligan, G., Allen, K.A., Alday, J.G., Santana, V., Lee, H., Halsall, K., Chiverrell, R.C. 2019. Experimental evidence for sustained carbon sequestration in fire-managed, peat moorlands. NAT GEOSCI, 12:108-112.
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  • Safford, H.D., Vallejo, V.R. 2019. Ecosystem management and ecological restoration in the Anthropocene: integrating global change, soils, and disturbance in boreal and Mediterranean forests. Developments In Soil Science, 36:259-308.
  • Alanis Rodriguez, E., Valdecantos Dema, A., Canizales Velazquez, P.A., Chavez Costa, A.C., Rubio Camacho, E., Mora Olivo, A. 2018. Structural analysis of an agroforestry area in a portion of the xeric shrubland of northeast of Mexico. ACTA BOT MEX, 125:133-156.
  • Jucker Riva, M., Baeza, J., Bautista, S., Christoforou, M., Daliakopoulos, I.N., Hadjimitsis, D., Keizer, J.J., Liniger, H., Quaranta, G., Ribeiro, C., Salvia, R., Tsanis, I.K., Urgeghe, A.M., Valdecantos, A., Schwilch, G. 2018. How does land management contribute to the resilience of Mediterranean forests and rangelands? A participatory assessment. LAND DEGRAD DEV, 29:3721-3735.
  • Taibi, K., Del Campo, A.D., Vilagrosa, A., Belles, J.M., Lopez Gresa, M.P., Lopez Nicolas, J.M., Mulet, J.M. 2018. Distinctive physiological and molecular responses to cold stress among cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive Pinus halepensis seed sources. BMC PLANT BIOL, 18:236-236.
  • Pereira Silva, E., Casals, P., Sodek, L., Delitti, W.B.C., Vallejo, V.R. 2019. Post-fire nitrogen uptake and allocation by two resprouting herbaceous species with contrasting belowground traits. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 159:157-167.
  • Fernández García, V., Miesel, J., Baeza, M.J., Marcos, E., Calvo, L. 2019. Wildfire effects on soil properties in fire-prone pine ecosystems: Indicators of burn severity legacy over the medium term after fire. APPL SOIL ECOL, 135:147-156.
  • Pastor, E., Soliveres, S., Vilagrosa, A., Bonet, A. 2018. Intraspecific leaf shape at local scale determines offspring characteristics. J ARID ENVIRON, 153:18-23.
  • Vicente, E., Vilagrosa, A., Ruiz Yanetti, S., Manrique Alba, A., Gonzalez Sanchis, M., Moutahir, H., Chirino, E., del Campo, A., Bellot, J. 2018. Water Balance of Mediterranean Quercus ilex L. and Pinus halepensis Mill. Forests in Semiarid Climates: A Review in A Climate Change Context. Forests, 9:
  • Grossiord, C., Gessler, A., Reed, S.C., Borrego, I., Collins, A.D., Dickman, L.T., Ryan, M., Schonbeck, L., Sevanto, S., Vilagrosa, A., McDowell, N.G. 2018. Reductions in tree performance during hotter droughts are mitigated by shifts in nitrogen cycling. PLANT CELL ENVIRON, 41:2627-2637.
  • Garcia Barreda, S., Molina Grau, S., Forcadell, R., Sanchez, S., Reyna, S. 2017. Long-term soil alteration in historical charcoal hearths affects Tuber melanosporum mycorrhizal development and environmental conditions for fruiting. MYCORRHIZA, 27:603-609.
  • Peman, J., Chirino, E., Espelta, J.M., Jacobs, D.F., Martin Gomez, P., Navarro Cerrillo, R., Oliet, J.A., Vilagrosa, A., Villar Salvador, P., Gil Pelegrin, E. 2017. Physiological Keys for Natural and Artificial Regeneration of Oaks. Tree Physiology, 7:453-511.
  • Djukic, I., Kepfer Rojas, S., Schmidt, I.K., Larsen, K.S., Beier, C., Berg, B., Verheyen, K., , T. 2018. Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 628-629:1369-1394.
  • Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Valdecantos, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2018. Redirecting fire-prone Mediterranean ecosystems toward more resilient and less flammable communities. J ENVIRON MANAGE, 215:108-115.
  • Valdecantos, A., Fuentes, D. 2018. Carbon balance as affected by biosolid application in reforestations. LAND DEGRAD DEV, 29:1442-1452.
  • Taibi, K., del Campo, A.D., Vilagrosa, A., Belles, J.M., Lopez Gresa, M.P., Pla, D., Calvete, J.J., Lopez Nicolas, J.M., Mulet, J.M. 2017. Drought Tolerance in Pinus halepensis Seed Sources As Identified by Distinctive Physiological and Molecular Markers. FRONT PLANT SCI, 8:1202-1202.
  • Grossiord, C., Sevanto, S., Borrego, I., Chan, A.M., Collins, A.D., Dickman, L.T., Hudson, P.J., McBranch, N., Michaletz, S.T., Pockman, W.T., Ryan, M., Vilagrosa, A., McDowell, N.G. 2017. Tree water dynamics in a drying and warming world. PLANT CELL ENVIRON, 40:1861-1873.
  • Krichen, K., Vilagrosa, A., Chaieb, M. 2017. Environmental factors that limit Stipa tenacissima L. germination and establishment in Mediterranean arid ecosystems in a climate variability context. ACTA PHYSIOL PLANT, 39:
  • Garcia Barreda, S., Molina Grau, S., Reyna, S. 2017. Fertilisation of Quercus seedlings inoculated with Tuber melanosporum: effects on growth and mycorrhization of two host species and two inoculation methods. IFOREST, 10:267-272.
  • Bautista, S., Llovet, J., Ocampo Melgar, A., Vilagrosa, A., Mayor, A.G., Murias, C., Vallejo, V.R., Orr, B.J. 2017. Integrating knowledge exchange and the assessment of dryland management alternatives - A learning-centered participatory approach. J ENVIRON MANAGE, 195:35-45.
  • Rissi, M.N., Baeza, M.J., Gorgone Barbosa, E., Zupo, T., Fidelis, A. 2017. Does season affect fire behaviour in the Cerrado?. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 26:427-433.
  • Chirino, E., Ruiz Yanetti, S., Vilagrosa, A., Mera, X., Espinoza, M., Lozano, P. 2017. Morpho-functional traits and plant response to drought conditions in seedlings of six native species of Ecuadorian Ecosystems. FLORA, 233:58-67.
  • Schmiedel, U., Araya, Y., Bortolotto, M.I., Boeckenhoff, L., Hallwachs, W., Janzen, D., Kolipaka, S.S., Novotny, V., Palm, M., Parfondry, M., Smanis, A., Toko, P. 2016. Contributions of paraecologists and parataxonomists to research, conservation, and social development. CONSERV BIOL, 30:506-519.
  • Sanchez, S., De Miguel, A.M., Saez, R., Martin Santafe, M., Agueda, B., Barriuso, J., Garcia Barreda, S., Salvador Alcalde, D., Reyna, S. 2016. Summer truffle in the Iberian Peninsula: current status and crop potential. ITEA-INF TEC ECON AG, 112:20-33.
  • Fuentes, D., Smanis, A., Valdecantos, A. 2017. Recreating Sink Areas on Semiarid Degraded Slopes by Restoration. LAND DEGRAD DEV, 28:1005-1015.
  • Mayor, A.G., Valdecantos, A., Vallejo, V.R., Keizer, J.J., Bloem, J., Baeza, J., Gonzalez Pelayo, O., Machado, A.I., de Ruiter, P.C. 2016. Fire-induced pine woodland to shrubland transitions in Southern Europe may promote shifts in soil fertility. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 573:1232-1241.
  • Santana, V.M., González Pelayo, O., Maia, P., Varela T, M.E., Valdecantos, A., Ramón Vallejo, V., Jacob Keizer, J. 2016. Effects of fire recurrence and different salvage logging techniques on carbon storage in Pinus pinaster forests from northern Portugal. EUR J FOREST RES, 135:1107-1117.
  • Zupo, T., Baeza, M.J., Fidelis, A. 2016. The effect of simulated heat-shock and daily temperature fluctuations on seed germination of four species from fire-prone ecosystems. ACTA BOT BRAS, 30:514-519.
  • Garcia Barreda, S., Molina Grau, S., Reyna, S. 2015. Reducing the infectivity and richness of ectomycorrhizal fungi in a calcareous Quercus ilex forest through soil preparations for truffle plantation establishment: A bioassay study. FUNGAL BIOL-UK, 119:1137-1143.
  • Ruiz Yanetti, S., Chirino, E., Bellot, J. 2016. Daily whole-seedling transpiration determined by minilysimeters, allows the estimation of the water requirements of seedlings used for dryland afforestation. J ARID ENVIRON, 124:341-351.
  • Granados, M.E., Vilagrosa, A., Chirino, E., Vallejo, V.R. 2016. Reforestation with resprouter species to increase diversity and resilience in Mediterranean pine forests. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 362:231-240.
  • Pausas, J.G., Pratt, R.B., Keeley, J.E., Jacobsen, A.L., Ramirez, A.R., Vilagrosa, A., Paula, S., Kaneakua Pia, I.N., Davis, S.D. 2016. Towards understanding resprouting at the global scale. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 209:945-954.
  • Gorgone Barbosa, E., Pivello, V.R., Baeza, M.J., Fidelis, A. 2016. Disturbance as a factor in breaking dormancy and enhancing invasiveness of African grasses in a Neotropical Savanna. ACTA BOT BRAS, 30:131-137.
  • Costantini, E., Branquinho, C., Nunes, A., Schwilch, G., Stavi, I., Valdecantos, A., Zucca, C. 2016. Soil indicators to assess the effectiveness of restoration strategies in dryland ecosystems. Solid Earth, 7:397-414.
  • Ocampo Melgar, A., Valls, A., Alloza, J.A., Bautista, S. 2016. Fuzzy rule-based decision support system for evaluation of long-established forest restoration projects. RESTOR ECOL, 24:298-305.
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  • Molina, J., Vallejo, V.R., Vilagrosa, A. 2016. Evaluación de la supervivencia y del crecimiento en la reforestación del proyecto piloto de Albatera tras 12 años. Revista Científica y Tecnológica UPSE, V.3, N.2:40-49. [2016ART15].
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  • Vasques, A.R., Pinto, G., Dias, M.C., Correia, C.M., Moutinho Pereira, J.M., Vallejo, V.R., Santos, C., Keizer, J.J. 2016. Physiological response to drought in seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus (mastic tree). NEW FOREST, 47:119-130.
  • Gavinet, J., Vilagrosa, A., Chirino, E., Granados, M.E., Vallejo, V.R., Prevosto, B. 2015. Hardwood seedling establishment below Aleppo pine depends on thinning intensity in two Mediterranean sites. ANN FOREST SCI, 72:999-1008.
  • Alanis Rodriguez, E., Valdecantos Dema, A., Jimenez Perez, J., Rubio Camacho, E.A., Yerena Yamallel, J.I., Gonzalez Tagle, M.A. 2015. Post-fire ecological restoration of a mixed Pinus-Quercus forest in northeastern Mexico. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 21:157-170.
  • de la Serrana, R.G., Vilagrosa, A., Alloza, J.A. 2015. Pine mortality in southeast Spain after an extreme dry and warm year: interactions among drought stress, carbohydrates and bark beetle attack. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT, 29:1791-1804.
  • Baeza, M.J., Santana, V.M. 2015. Biological significance of dead biomass retention trait in Mediterranean Basin species: an analysis between different successional niches and regeneration strategies as functional groups. PLANT BIOLOGY, 17:1196-1202.
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  • Peguero Pina, J.J., Sancho Knapik, D., Barron, E., Camarero, J.J., Vilagrosa, A., Gil Pelegrin, E. 2014. Morphological and physiological divergences within Quercus ilex support the existence of different ecotypes depending on climatic dryness. ANN BOT-LONDON, 114:301-313.
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  • Santana, V.M., Alday, J.G., Baeza, M.J. 2014. Mulch application as post-fire rehabilitation treatment does not affect vegetation recovery in ecosystems dominated by obligate seeders. ECOL ENG, 71:80-86.
  • Alday, J.G., Santana, V.M., Marrs, R.H., Martínez Ruiz, C. 2014. Shrub-induced understory vegetation changes in reclaimed mine sites. ECOL ENG, 73:691-698.
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  • Ooi, M.K., Denham, A.J., Santana, V.M., Auld, T.D. 2014. Temperature thresholds of physically dormant seeds and plant functional response to fire: variation among species and relative impact of climate change. ECOL EVOL, 4:656-671.
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  • Santana, V.M., Alday, J.G., Baeza, M.J. 2014. Effects of fire regime shift in Mediterranean Basin ecosystems: changes in soil seed bank composition among functional types. PLANT ECOL, 215:555-566.
  • Mayor, A.G., Kefi, S., Bautista, S., Rodriguez, F., Carteni, F., Rietkerk, M. 2013. Feedbacks between vegetation pattern and resource loss dramatically decrease ecosystem resilience and restoration potential in a simple dryland model. LANDSCAPE ECOL, 28:931-942.
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  • Valdecantos, A., Fuentes, D., Smanis, A., Llovet, J., Morcillo, L., Bautista, S. 2014. Effectiveness of Low-Cost Planting Techniques for Improving Water Availability to Olea europaea Seedlings in Degraded Drylands. RESTOR ECOL, 22:327-335.
  • Vilagrosa, A., Hernandez, E.I., Luis, V.C., Cochard, H., Pausas, J.G. 2014. Physiological differences explain the co-existence of different regeneration strategies in Mediterranean ecosystems. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 201:1277-1288.
  • Vallejo, V.R., Alloza, J.A. 2013. Com s'ha de restaurar un bosc cremat?. L'ATZAVARA, 22:45-50. [2013ART25].
  • Heras, J.D.L., Moya, D., Vega, J.A., Daskalakou, E., Vallejo, V.R., Grigoriadis, N., Tsitsoni, T., Baeza, J., Valdecantos, A., Fernandez, C., Espelta, J., Fernandes, P. 2012. Post-Fire Management of Serotinous Pine Forests. Managing Forest Ecosystems, 24:121-150.
  • Moreira, F., Arianoutsou, M., Vallejo, V.R., de las Heras, J., Corona, P., Xanthopoulos, G., Fernandes, P., Papageorgiou, K. 2012. Setting the Scene for Post-Fire Management. Managing Forest Ecosystems, 24:1-19.
  • Vallejo, V.R., Arianoutsou, M., Moreira, F. 2012. Fire Ecology and Post-Fire Restoration Approaches in Southern European Forest Types. Managing Forest Ecosystems, 24:93-119.
  • Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Blanes, M.C. 2013. Clarifying the role of fire heat and daily temperature fluctuations as germination cues for Mediterranean Basin obligate seeders. ANN BOT-LONDON, 111:127-134.
  • Touhami, I., Andreu, J.M., Chirino, E., Sanchez, J.R., Moutahir, H., Pulido Bosch, A., Martinez Santos, P., Bellot, J. 2013. Recharge estimation of a small karstic aquifer in a semiarid Mediterranean region (southeastern Spain) using a hydrological model. HYDROL PROCESS, 27:165-174.
  • Pausas, J.G., Ribeiro, E. 2013. The global fireproductivity relationship. GLOBAL ECOL BIOGEOGR, 22:728-736.
  • Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Marrs, R.H. 2013. Response of woody and herbaceous fuel to repeated fires in Mediterranean gorse shrublands. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 22:508-514.
  • Bellot, J., Chirino, E. 2013. Hydrobal: An eco-hydrological modelling approach for assessing water balances in different vegetation types in semi-arid areas. ECOL MODEL, 266:30-41.
  • Vasques, A., Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Vallejo, V.R., Keizer, J.J. 2013. The role of seed provenance in the early development of Arbutus unedo seedlings under contrasting watering conditions. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 96:11-19.
  • Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A., Trubat, R. 2013. The role of nutrients for improving seedling quality in drylands. NEW FOREST, 44:719-732.
  • Disante, K.B., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A., Fuentes, D., Hernandez, E.I., Ljung, K. 2014. Alleviation of Zn toxicity by low water availability. PHYSIOL PLANTARUM, 150:412-424.
  • Pineiro, J., Maestre, F.T., Bartolome, L., Valdecantos, A. 2013. Ecotechnology as a tool for restoring degraded drylands: A meta-analysis of field experiments. ECOL ENG, 61:133-144.
  • Kribeche, H., Bautista, S., Gimeno, T., Blade, C., Vallejo, V.R. 2013. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Post Fire Emergency Rehabilitation Treatments on Soil Degradation and Erosion Control in Semi-Arid Mediterranean Areas of the Spanish South East. ARID LAND RES MANAG, 27:361-376.
  • Garcia Barreda, S., Reyna, S. 2013. Short-term dynamics of Quercus ilex advance regeneration in a Pinus nigra plantation after the creation of small canopy gaps. FOREST SYSTEMS, 22:179-188.
  • Garcia Barreda, S., Reyna, S. 2013. Cultivation of Tuber melanosporum in firebreaks: short-term persistence of the fungus and effect of seedling age and soil treatment. FUNGAL BIOL-UK, 117:783-790.
  • Garcia Barreda, S., Reyna, S. 2013. Response of Tuber melanosporum fruiting to canopy opening in a Pinus-Quercus forest. ECOL ENG, 53:54-60.
  • Torri, S.I., Corrêa, R.S., Renella, G., Vadecantos, A., Perelomov, L. 2012. Biosolids soil application: Why a new special on an old issue?. Applied And Environmental Soil Science, 2012:
  • Alanis Rodriguez, E., Jimenez Perez, J., Valdecantos Dema, A., Gonzalez Tagle, M.A., Aguirre Calderon, O.A., Trevino Garza, E.J. 2012. Composition and diversity of natural regeneration in Pinus-Quercus communities under high fire recurrence in northeastern Mexico. REV MEX BIODIVERS, 83:1209-1216.
  • Llovet, J., Alloza, J.A., Bautista, S., Guixot, L., Mayor, A.G., Murias, C., Vilagrosa, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2012. Evaluación de alternativas de gestión a la desertificación incorporando la participación y experiencias locales. Flamma, 4(1):51-60. [2012ART27].
  • Garcia Barreda, S., Reyna, S. 2012. Below-ground ectomycorrhizal community in natural Tuber melanosporum truffle grounds and dynamics after canopy opening. MYCORRHIZA, 22:361-369.
  • Mayor, A.G., Bautista, S. 2012. Multi-scale evaluation of soil functional indicators for the assessment of water and soil retention in Mediterranean semiarid landscapes. ECOL INDIC, 20:332-336.
  • Calvo, L., Baeza, J., Marcos, E., Santana, V., Papanastasis, V.P. 2012. Post-Fire Management of Shrublands. Managing Forest Ecosystems, 24:293-319.
  • Rojo, L., Bautista, S., Orr, B.J., Vallejo, R., Cortina, J., Derak, M. 2012. Prevention and restoration actions to combat desertification An integrated assessment: The PRACTICE Project. Secheresse, 23:219-226.
  • Kribeche, H., Bautista, S., Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2012. Effects of landscape spatial heterogeneity on dryland restoration success. The combined role of site conditions and reforestation techniques in southeastern Spain. Ecología Mediterránea, 38(1):5-17. [2012ART28].
  • Pons, J., Pausas, J.G. 2012. The coexistence of acorns with different maturation patterns explains acorn production variability in cork oak. OECOLOGIA, 169:723-731.
  • Moreira, B., Tormo, J., Pausas, J.G. 2012. To resprout or not to resprout: factors driving intraspecific variability in resprouting. OIKOS, 121:1577-1584.
  • Trubat, R., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2012. Root architecture and hydraulic conductance in nutrient deprived Pistacia lentiscus L. seedlings. OECOLOGIA, 170:899-908.
  • Duguy, B., Alloza, J.A., Baeza, M.J., De la Riva, J., Echeverria, M., Ibarra, P., Llovet, J., Cabello, F.P., Rovira, P., Vallejo, R.V. 2012. Modelling the Ecological Vulnerability to Forest Fires in Mediterranean Ecosystems Using Geographic Information Technologies. ENVIRON MANAGE, 50:1012-1026.
  • Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Maestre, F.T. 2012. Seedling establishment along post-fire succession in Mediterranean shrublands dominated by obligate seeders. ACTA OECOL, 39:51-60.
  • Josa, R., Jorba, M., Vallejo, V.R. 2012. Opencast mine restoration in a Mediterranean semi-arid environment: Failure of some common practices. ECOL ENG, 42:183-191.
  • Garcia Pausas, J., Casals, P., Rovira, P., Vallecillo, S., Sebastia, M.T., Romanya, J. 2012. Decomposition of labelled roots and root-C and -N allocation between soil fractions in mountain grasslands. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 49:61-69.
  • Vallejo, V.R., Smanis, A., Chirino, E., Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Vilagrosa, A. 2012. Perspectives in dryland restoration: approaches for climate change adaptation. NEW FOREST, 43:561-579.
  • Llovet, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2012. Foc, pluges i resposta hidrològica del sòl a les muntanyes d Alacant. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografía, 7172:35-47. [2012ART13].
  • Pausas, J.G., Paula, S. 2012. Fuel shapes the fire-climate relationship: evidence from Mediterranean ecosystems. GLOBAL ECOL BIOGEOGR, 21:1074-1082.
  • Vasques, A., Maia, P., Pedro, M., Santos, C., Vallejo, V.R., Keizer, J.J. 2012. Germination in five shrub species of Maritime Pine understory-does seed provenance matter?. ANN FOREST SCI, 69:499-507.
  • Hernandez, E.I., Pausas, J.G., Vilagrosa, A. 2011. Leaf physiological traits in relation to resprouter ability in the Mediterranean Basin. PLANT ECOL, 212:1959-1966.
  • Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Bautista, S., Vallejo, V.R. 2011. Un caso aplicado de restauración ecológica para combatir la desertificación en ecosistemas semiáridos degradados: el proyecto piloto de Albatera (SE España). Red Iberoamericana y del Caribe de Restauración Ecológica, vol 5(1):3-4. [2011ART40].
  • Garcia Pausas, J., Paterson, E. 2011. Microbial community abundance and structure are determinants of soil organic matter mineralisation in the presence of labile carbon. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 43:1705-1713.
  • Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Vallejo, V.R. 2011. Fuel structural traits modulating soil temperatures in different species patches of Mediterranean Basin shrublands. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 20:668-677.
  • Cortina, J., Amat, B., Castillo, V., Fuentes, D., Maestre, F.T., Padilla, F.M., Rojo, L. 2011. The restoration of vegetation cover in the semi-arid Iberian southeast. J ARID ENVIRON, 75:1377-1384.
  • Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2011. Using hydrogel and clay to improve the water status of seedlings for dryland restoration. PLANT SOIL, 344:99-110.
  • Trubat, R., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2011. Nutrient deprivation improves field performance of woody seedlings in a degraded semi-arid shrubland. ECOL ENG, 37:1164-1173.
  • Baeza, M.J., Santana, V.M., Pausas, J.G., Vallejo, V.R. 2011. Successional trends in standing dead biomass in Mediterranean basin species. J VEG SCI, 22:467-474.
  • Paula, S., Pausas, J.G. 2011. Root traits explain different foraging strategies between resprouting life histories. OECOLOGIA, 165:321-331.
  • Paula, S., Ojeda, F. 2011. Response to recurrent disturbance in two co-occurring resprouter heath species: the ecological consequences of withstanding herbivores. PLANT ECOL, 212:2035-2045.
  • Alanis Rodriguez, E., Jimenez Perez, J., Valdecantos Dema, A., Pando Moreno, M., Aguirre Calderon, O., Trevino Garza, E.J. 2011. CHARACTERIZATION OF POST-FIRE WOODY REGENERATION OF A TEMPERATE ECOSYSTEM OF CHIPINQUE ECOLOGICAL PARK, MEXICO. Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 17:31-39.
  • Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2011. Differential field response of two Mediterranean tree species to inputs of sewage sludge at the seedling stage. ECOL ENG, 37:1350-1359.
  • Cortina, J., Amat, B., Derak, M., Ribeiro da Silva, M.J., Disante, K., Fuentes, D., Tormo, J., Trubat, R. 2011. On the restoration of degraded drylands. Secheresse, 22:69-74. [2011ART21].
  • Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2011. Uso de contenedor profundo para mejorar la calidad funcional del sistema radical en plantones de especies a establecer en ecosistemas semiáridos. Red Colombiana de Restauración Ecológica, 5 (2):8-9. [2011ART23].
  • Disante, K.B., Fuentes, D., Cortina, J. 2011. Response to drought of Zn-stressed Quercus suber L. seedlings. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 70:96-103.
  • Chirino, E., Bellot, J., Sanchez, J.R. 2011. Daily sap flow rate as an indicator of drought avoidance mechanisms in five Mediterranean perennial species in semi-arid southeastern Spain. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT, 25:593-606.
  • Gimeno Garcia, E., Pascual, J.A., Llovet, J. 2011. Water repellency and moisture content spatial variations under Rosmarinus officinalis and Quercus coccifera in a Mediterranean burned soil. CATENA, 85:48-57.
  • Pardos, M., Puértolas, J., Madrigal, G., Garriga, E., de Blas, S., Calama, R. 2010. Cambios estacionales en la actividad fisiológica del regenerado bajo un gradiente natural de luz en una masa natural de Pinus pinea. INVEST AGRAR-SIST R, 19:367-380. [2010ART49].
  • Bochet, E., García Fayos, P., Tormo, J. 2010. How can we control erosion of roadslopes in semiarid mediterranean areas? soil improvement and native plant establishment. LAND DEGRAD DEV, 21:110-121.
  • van Leeuwen, W.J.D., Casady, G.M., Neary, D.G., Bautista, S., Alloza, J.A., Carmel, Y., Wittenberg, L., Malkinson, D., Orr, B.J. 2010. Monitoring post-wildfire vegetation response with remotely sensed time-series data in Spain, USA and Israel. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 19:75-93.
  • Casals, P., Garcia Pausas, J., Montane, F., Romanya, J., Rovira, P. 2010. Root decomposition in grazed and abandoned dry Mediterranean dehesa and mesic mountain grasslands estimated by standard labelled roots. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 139:759-765.
  • Pardos, M., Puertolas, J., Madrigal, G., Garriga, E., de Blas, S., Calama, R. 2010. Seasonal changes in the physiological activity of regeneration under a natural light gradient in a Pinus pinea regular stand. FOREST SYSTEMS, 19:367-380.
  • Luis, V.C., Llorca, M., Chirino, E., Hernandez, E.I., Vilagrosa, A. 2010. Differences in morphology, gas exchange and root hydraulic conductance before planting in Pinus canariensis seedlings growing under different fertilization and light regimes. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT, 24:1143-1150.
  • Kaye, J.P., Romanya, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2010. Plant and soil carbon accumulation following fire in Mediterranean woodlands in Spain. OECOLOGIA, 164:533-543.
  • Santana, V.M., Bradstock, R.A., Ooi, M.K.J., Denham, A.J., Auld, T.D., Baeza, M.J. 2010. Effects of soil temperature regimes after fire on seed dormancy and germination in six Australian Fabaceae species. AUST J BOT, 58:539-545.
  • Saura Mas, S., Paula, S., Pausas, J.G., Lloret, F. 2010. Fuel loading and flammability in the Mediterranean Basin woody species with different post-fire regenerative strategies. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 19:783-794.
  • Santana, V.M., Baeza, M.J., Marrs, R.H., Vallejo, V.R. 2010. Old-field secondary succession in SE Spain: can fire divert it?. PLANT ECOL, 211:337-349.
  • Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Llovet, J., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2010. Fine-tuning of sewage sludge application to promote the establishment of Pinus halepensis seedlings. ECOL ENG, 36:1213-1221.
  • Disante, K.B., Fuentes, D., Cortina, J. 2010. Sensitivity to zinc of Mediterranean woody species important for restoration. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 408:2216-2225.
  • Cuesta, B., Villar Salvador, P., Puertolas, J., Benayas, J.M.R., Michalet, R. 2010. Facilitation of Quercus ilex in Mediterranean shrubland is explained by both direct and indirect interactions mediated by herbs. J ECOL, 98:687-696.
  • Moreira, B., Tormo, J., Estrelles, E., Pausas, J.G. 2010. Disentangling the role of heat and smoke as germination cues in Mediterranean Basin flora. ANN BOT-LONDON, 105:627-635.
  • Puertolas, J., Oliet, J.A., Jacobs, D.F., Benito, L.F., Penuelas, J.L. 2010. Is light the key factor for success of tube shelters in forest restoration plantings under Mediterranean climates?. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 260:610-617.
  • Cochard, H., Herbette, S., Barigah, T., Badel, E., Ennajeh, M., Vilagrosa, A. 2010. Does sample length influence the shape of xylem embolism vulnerability curves? A test with the Cavitron spinning technique. PLANT CELL ENVIRON, 33:1543-1552.
  • Alanís, E., Aranda, R., Mata, J.M., Canizales, P.A., Jiménez, J., Uvalle, J.I., Valdecantos, A., Ruiz, V. 2010. Riqueza y diversidad de especies leñosas del bosque tropical caducifolio en San Luis Potosí, México. Ciencia UANL, XIII, 3:287-293. [2010ART23].
  • Cuesta, B., Villar Salvador, P., Puertolas, J., Jacobs, D.F., Benayas, J.M.R. 2010. Why do large, nitrogen rich seedlings better resist stressful transplanting conditions? A physiological analysis in two functionally contrasting Mediterranean forest species. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 260:71-78.
  • Vilagrosa, A., Morales, F., Abadia, A., Bellot, J., Cochard, H., Gil Pelegrin, E. 2010. Are symplast tolerance to intense drought conditions and xylem vulnerability to cavitation coordinated? An integrated analysis of photosynthetic, hydraulic and leaf level processes in two Mediterranean drought-resistant species. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 69:233-242.
  • Trubat, R., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2010. Nursery fertilization affects seedling traits but not field performance in Quercus suber L. J ARID ENVIRON, 74:491-497.
  • Barbati, A., Arianoutsou, M., Corona, P., De Las Heras, J., Fernandes, P., Moreira, F., Papageorgiou, K., Vallejo, R., Xanthopoulos, G. 2010. Post-fire forest management in southern Europe: a COST action for gathering and disseminating scientific knowledge. IFOREST, 3:5-7.
  • Hernandez, E.I., Vilagrosa, A., Pausas, J.G., Bellot, J. 2010. Morphological traits and water use strategies in seedlings of Mediterranean coexisting species. PLANT ECOL, 207:233-244.
  • Vallejo, V.R., Bautista, S., Alloza, J.A. 2009. Restauración de montes quemados en condiciones mediterráneas. Recursos Rurais, 5:55-60. [2009ART34].
  • Then, C., Herbinger, K., Luis, V.C., Heerdt, C., Matyssek, R., Wieser, G. 2009. Photosynthesis, chloroplast pigments, and antioxidants in Pinus canariensis under free-air ozone fumigation. ENVIRON POLLUT, 157:392-395.
  • Jimenez, M.D., Pardos, M., Puertolas, J., Kleczkowski, L.A., Pardos, J.A. 2009. Deep shade alters the acclimation response to moderate water stress in Quercus suber L. FORESTRY, 82:285-298.
  • Vilagrosa, A., Estrella, M.J. 2009. Efectos del cambio climático en la vegetación mediterránea. Comentarios sobre un simposio de WCRP y Diversitas en Valencia. Ecosistemas, 18:90-91. [2009ART46].
  • de Bello, F., Buchmann, N., Casals, P., Leps, J., Sebastia, M.T. 2009. Relating plant species and functional diversity to community delta C-13 in NE Spain pastures. AGR ECOSYST ENVIRON, 131:303-307.
  • Tormo, J., Bochet, E., García Fayos, P. 2009. Restauración y revegetación de taludes de carreteras en ambientes mediterráneos semiáridos: procesos edáficos determinantes para el éxito. Ecosistemas, 18:79-90. [2009ART51].
  • Montane, F., Casals, P., Taull, M., Lambert, B., Dale, M.R.T. 2009. Spatial patterns of shrub cover after different fire disturbances in the Pyrenees. ANN FOREST SCI, 66:612-612.
  • Chuvieco, E., Aguado, I., Yebra, M., Nieto, H., Salas, J., Martin, M.P., Vilar, L., Martinez, J., Martin, S., Ibarra, P., de la Riva, J., Baeza, J., Rodriguez, F., Molina, J.R., Herrera, M.A., Zamora, R. 2010. Development of a framework for fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies. ECOL MODEL, 221:46-58.
  • Puertolas, J., Benito, L.F., Penuelas, J.L. 2009. Effects of nursery shading on seedling quality and post-planting performance in two Mediterranean species with contrasting shade tolerance. NEW FOREST, 38:295-308.
  • Hernandez, E.I., Hernández, E.I., Vilagrosa, A., Vilagrosa, A., Luis, V.C., Luis, V.C., Llorca, M., Llorca, M., Chirino, E., Chirino, E., Vallejo, V.R., Vallejo, V.R. 2009. Root hydraulic conductance, gas exchange and leaf water potential in seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus L. and Quercus suber L. grown under different fertilization and light regimes. ENVIRON EXP BOT, 67:269-276.
  • Cochard, H., Herbette, S., Hernandez, E., Holtta, T., Mencuccini, M. 2010. The effects of sap ionic composition on xylem vulnerability to cavitation. J EXP BOT, 61:275-285.
  • Rovira, P., Duguy, B., Vallejo, V.R. 2009. Black carbon in wildfire-affected shrubland Mediterranean soils. J PLANT NUTR SOIL SC, 172:43-52.
  • Valdecantos, A., Baeza, M.J., Vallejo, V.R. 2009. Vegetation Management for Promoting Ecosystem Resilience in Fire-Prone Mediterranean Shrublands. RESTOR ECOL, 17:414-421.
  • Llovet, J., Ruiz Valera, M., Josa, R., Vallejo, V.R. 2009. Soil responses to fire in Mediterranean forest landscapes in relation to the previous stage of land abandonment. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 18:222-232.
  • Luis, V.C., Puertolas, J., Climent, J., Peters, J., Gonzalez Rodriguez, A.M., Morales, D., Jimenez, M.S. 2009. Nursery fertilization enhances survival and physiological status in Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis) seedlings planted in a semiarid environment. EUR J FOREST RES, 128:221-229.
  • Paula, S., Arianoutsou, M., Kazanis, D., Tavsanoglu, C., Lloret, F., Buhk, C., Ojeda, F., Luna, B., Moreno, J.M., Rodrigo, A., Espelta, J.M., Palacio, S., Fernández Santos, B., Fernandes, P.M., Pausas, J.G. 2009. Fire-related traits for plant species of the Mediterranean Basin. ECOLOGY, 90(5):1420-0.
  • Jorba, M., Vallejo, R. 2008. La restauración ecológica de canteras: un caso con aplicación de enmiendas orgánicas y riegos. Ecosistemas, 17:119-132. [2008ART61].
  • Puertolas, J., Pardos, M., Jimenez, M.D., Aranda, I., Pardos, J.A. 2008. Interactive responses of Quercus suber L. seedlings to light and mild water stress: effects on morphology and gas exchange traits. ANN FOREST SCI, 65:611-611.
  • Pausas, J.C., Llovet, J., Rodrigo, A., Vallejo, R. 2008. Are wildfires a disaster in the Mediterranean basin? - A review. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 17:713-723.
  • Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Técnicas de vivero orientadas a mejorar la calidad de brinzales de Quercus suber para restauración de alcornocales mediterráneos degradados. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 28:163-169. [2008ART50].
  • Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J. 2008. Evaluación a medio plazo de la aplicación de biosólidos en repoblaciones forestales de Pinus halepensis. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 28:75-80. [2008ART56].
  • Rovira, P., Kurz Besson, C., Hernandez, P., Couteaux, M.M., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Searching for an indicator of N evolution during organic matter decomposition based on amino acids behaviour: a study on litter layers of pine forests. PLANT SOIL, 307:149-166.
  • Pausas, J.G., Verdú, M. 2008. Fire reduces morphospace occupation in plant communities. ECOLOGY, 89:2181-2186.
  • Cortina, J., Ocaña, L., Pardos, J.A., Pardos, M., Puértolas, J., Serrada, R., Villar, P. 2008. Retos y nuevas perspectivas en la revegetación de sistemas forestales. Ecosistemas, 17:116-124. [2008ART62].
  • Garcia Pausas, J., Casals, P., Camarero, L., Huguet, C., Thompson, R., Sebastia, M.T., Romanya, J. 2008. Factors regulating carbon mineralization in the surface and subsurface soils of Pyrenean mountain grasslands. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 40:2803-2810.
  • Gobbi, A., Fuentes, D., Disante, K., Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J. 2008. Clima, tipo de suelo y enmiendas orgánicas como factores reguladores de la dinámica de raices finas en brinzales de Pinus Halepensis. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 28:67-73. [2008ART47].
  • Vilagrosa, A., Chirino, E., Bautista, S., Urgeghe, A.M., Alloza, J.A., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Proyecto de demostración de lucha contra la desertificación: regeneración y plan de manejo de zonas semiáridas degradadas, en el T.M. de Albatera (Alicante). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 28:317-322. [2008ART48].
  • Luis, V.C., Vilagrosa, A., Llorca, M., Hernández, E., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Plasticidad morfológica y fisiológica en plantones de alcornoque, lentisco y pino canario inducidos por tratamientos de fertilización y sombreo. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 28:213-218. [2008ART49].
  • García Fayos, P., Bonet, F.J., Valladares, F., Traveset, A., Pausas, J.G., Bosco Inbert, J., Lloret, F. 2008. El ecólogo en su laberinto. Ecosistemas, 17 (2):125-127. [2008ART26].
  • Pausas, J.G., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Bases ecológicas para convivir con los incendios forestales en la Región Mediterránea: decálogo. Ecosistemas, 17 (2):128-129. [2008ART27].
  • Baeza, M.J., Roy, J. 2008. Germination of an obligate seeder (Ulex parviflorus) and consequences for wildfire management. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 256:685-693.
  • Llovet, J., Josa, R., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Thermal shock and rain effects on soil surface characteristics: A laboratory approach. CATENA, 74:227-234.
  • Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Hernandez, E.I., Matos, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Effects of a deep container on morpho-functional characteristics and root colonization in Quercus suber L. seedlings for reforestation in Mediterranean climate. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 256:779-785.
  • Serrasolses, I., Romanya, J., Khanna, P.K. 2008. Effects of heating and autoclaving on sorption and desorption of phosphorus in some forest soils. BIOL FERT SOILS, 44:1063-1072.
  • Blade, C., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Seed mass effects on performance of Pinus halepensis Mill. seedlings sown after fire. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 255:2362-2372.
  • Pons, J., Pausas, J.G. 2008. Modelling jay (Garrulus glandarius) abundance and distribution for oak regeneration assessment in Mediterranean landscapes. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 256:578-584.
  • Perez Devesa, M., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A., Vallejo, R. 2008. Shrubland management to promote Quercus suber L. establishment. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 255:374-382.
  • Tamponnet, C., Martin Garin, A., Gonze, M.A., Parekh, N., Vallejo, R., Sauras Yera, T., Casadesus, J., Plassard, C., Staunton, S., Norden, M., Avila, R., Shaw, G. 2008. An overview of BORIS: Bioavailability of Radionuclides in Soils. J ENVIRON RADIOACTIV, 99:820-830.
  • Casadesus, J., Sauras Yera, T., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Predicting soil-to-plant transfer of radionuclides with a mechanistic model (BioRUR). J ENVIRON RADIOACTIV, 99:864-871.
  • Llovet, J., Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Gonçalves do Vale, S.M., Ribeiro sa Silva, M.J., Valiente, Y. 2008. ¿Perduran en el suelo las enmiendas orgánicas? Análisis en repoblaciones forestales. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 25:281-286. [2008ART44].
  • Paula, S., Pausas, J.G. 2008. Burning seeds: germinative response to heat treatments in relation to resprouting ability. J ECOL, 96:543-552.
  • Trubata, R., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2008. Short-term nitrogen deprivation increases field performance in nursery seedlings of Mediterranean woody species. J ARID ENVIRON, 72:879-890.
  • Gomez Rico, M.F., Font, R., Vera, J., Fuentes, D., Disante, K., Cortina, J. 2008. Degradation of organic pollutants in Mediterranean forest soils amended with sewage sludge. CHEMOSPHERE, 71:2129-2138.
  • Chirino, E., Abad, J., Bellot, J. 2008. Uso de indicadores de Presión-Estado-Respuesta en el diagnóstico de la comarca de la Marina Baixa, SE, España. Ecosistemas, 17 (1):107-114. [2008ART23].
  • Duguy, B., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Land-use and fire history effects on post-fire vegetation dynamics in eastern Spain. J VEG SCI, 19:97-108.
  • Rovira, P., Kurz Besson, C., Couteaux, M.M., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Changes in litter properties during decomposition: A study by differential thermogravimetry and scanning calorimetry. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 40:172-185.
  • Fule, P.Z., Ribas, M., Gutierrez, E., Vallejo, R., Kaye, M.W. 2008. Forest structure and fire history in an old Pinus nigra forest, eastern Spain. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 255:1234-1242.
  • Roder, A., Hill, J., Duguy, B., Alloza, J.A., Vallejo, R. 2008. Using long time series of Landsat data to monitor fire events and post-fire dynamics and identify driving factors. A case study in the Ayora region (eastern Spain). REMOTE SENS ENVIRON, 112:259-273.
  • Gonzalez, J.R., del Barrio, G., Duguy, B. 2008. Assessing functional landscape connectivity for disturbance propagation on regional scales - A cost-surface model approach applied to surface fire spread. ECOL MODEL, 211:121-141.
  • Baeza, M.J., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Vegetation recovery after fuel management in Mediterranean shrublands. APPL VEG SCI, 11:151-158.
  • Rovira, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2008. Changes in d13C composition of soil carbonates driven by organic matter decomposition in a Mediterranean climate: A field incubation experiment. GEODERMA, 144:517-534.
  • Rovira, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2007. Labile, recalcitrant, and inert organic matter in Mediterranean forest soils. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 39:202-215.
  • Montane, F., Rovira, P., Casals, P. 2007. Shrub encroachment into mesic mountain grasslands in the Iberian peninsula: Effects of plant quality and temperature on soil C and N stocks. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEM CY, 21:
  • Romanyà, J., Rovira, P., Vallejo, R. 2007. Análisis del carbono en los suelos agrícolas de España. Aspectos relevantes en relación a la reconversión a la agricultura ecológica en el ámbito mediterráneo. Ecosistemas, 16:50-57. [2007ART54].
  • Pausas, J. 2007. Los creadores del clima. Ecosistemas, 16:189-[2007ART55].
  • Garcia Pausas, J., Casals, P., Camarero, L., Huguet, C., Sebastia, M.T., Thompson, R., Romanya, J. 2007. Soil organic carbon storage in mountain grasslands of the Pyrenees: effects of climate and topography. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 82:279-289.
  • Pausas, J.G., Lloret, F. 2007. Spatial and temporal patterns of plant functional types under simulated fire regimes. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 16:484-492.
  • Pons, J., Pausas, J.G. 2007. Acorn dispersal estimated by radio-tracking. OECOLOGIA, 153:903-911.
  • Mayor, A.G., Bautista, S., Llovet, J., Bellot, J. 2007. Post-fire hydrological and erosional responses of a Mediterranean landscpe: Seven years of catchment-scale dynamics. CATENA, 71:68-75.
  • Pons, J., Pausas, J.G. 2007. Not only size matters: Acorn selection by the European jay (Garrulus glandarius). ACTA OECOL, 31:353-360.
  • Pons, J., Pausas, J.G. 2007. Rodent acorn selection in a Mediterranean oak landscape. ECOL RES, 22:535-541.
  • Pausas, J.G., Bradstock, R.A. 2007. Fire persistence traits of plants along a productivity and disturbance gradient in mediterranean shrublands of south-east Australia. GLOBAL ECOL BIOGEOGR, 16:330-340.
  • Verdu, M., Pausas, J.G., Segarra Moragues, J.G., Ojeda, F. 2007. Burning phylogenies: Fire, molecular evolutionary rates, and diversification. EVOLUTION, 61:2195-2204.
  • Hawkins, B.A., Albuquerque, F.S., Araujo, M.B., Beck, J., Bini, L.M., Cabrero Sanudo, F.J., Castro Parga, I., Diniz, J., Ferrer Castan, D., Field, R., Gomez, J.F., Hortal, J., Kerr, J.T., Kitching, I.J., Leon Cortes, J.L., Lobo, J.M., Montoya, D., Moreno, J.C., Olalla Tarraga, M.A., Pausas, J.G., Qian, H., Rahbek, C., Rodriguez, M.A., Sanders, N.J., Williams, P. 2007. A global evaluation of metabolic theory as an explanation for terrestrial species richness gradients. ECOLOGY, 88:1877-1888.
  • Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2007. Seedling performance in sewage sludge-amended degraded mediterranean woodlands. ECOL ENG, 2007ART31:281-291.
  • Verdu, M., Pausas, J.G. 2007. Fire drives phylogenetic clustering in Mediterranean Basin woody plant communities. J ECOL, 95:1316-1323.
  • Fuentes Delgado, D. 2006. Simposio: Utilización de residuos orgánicos en restauración. Ecosistemas, 15:204-206. [2006ART48].
  • Maestre, F.T., Bautista, S., Cortina, J. 2006. Stipa tenacissima does not affect the foliar d13C and d15N of introduced shrub seedlings in a Mediterranean semi-arid steppe. J INTEGR PLANT BIOL, 48:897-905.
  • Alloza, J.A., Vallejo, R. 2006. Restoration of burned areas in forest management plans. Nato Science For Peace And Security Series C-Environmental Security, 3:475-[2006CAP03].
  • Fuentes, D., Disante, K.B., Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Ramón Vallejo, V. 2007. Response of Pinus halepensis Mill. seedlings to biosolids enriched with Cu, Ni and Zn in three Mediterranean forest soils. ENVIRON POLLUT, 145:316-323.
  • Duguy, B., Rovira, P., Vallejo, R. 2007. Land-use history and fire effects on soil fertility in eastern Spain. EUR J SOIL SCI, 58:83-91.
  • Baeza, M.J., Valdecantos, A., Alloza, J.A., Vallejo, V.R. 2007. Human disturbance and environmental factors as drivers of long-term post-fire regeneration patterns in Mediterranean forests. J VEG SCI, 18:243-252.[243:HDAEFA]2.0.CO;2
  • Fuentes, D., Disante, K.B., Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2007. Sensitivity of Mediterranean woody seedlings to copper, nickel and zinc. CHEMOSPHERE, 66:412-420.
  • Paula, S., Cervelló, C.P., Pausas, J.G. 2006. Fire as a germination cue: A review for the Mediterranean basin. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 234S:0-176. [2006ART39].
  • Llovet López, J. 2006. Degradación del suelo posterior al fuego en condiciones mediterráneas. Identificación de factores de riesgo. Ecosistemas, 15:199-202. [2006ART42].
  • Malak, D.A., Pausas, J.G. 2006. Fire regime and post-fire Normalized Difference Vegetation Index changes in the eastern Iberian peninsula (Mediterranean basin). INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 15:407-413.
  • Paula, S., Pausas, J.G. 2006. Leaf traits and resprouting ability in the Mediterranean basin. FUNCT ECOL, 20:941-947.
  • Baeza, M.J., Vallejo, V.R. 2006. Ecological mechanisms involved in dormancy breakage in Ulex parviflorus seeds. PLANT ECOL, 183:191-205.
  • Baeza, M.J., Raventos, J., Escarre, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2006. Fire risk and vegetation structural dynamics in Mediterranean shrubland. PLANT ECOL, 187:189-201.
  • Delitti, W., Meguro, M., Pausas, J.G. 2006. Biomass and mineralmass estimates in a "cerrado" ecosystem. Brazilian Journal of Botany, V29, n.4:531-540.
  • Trubat, R., Cortina, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2006. Plant morphology and root hydraulics are altered by nutrient deficiency in Pistacia lentiscus (L.). TREES-STRUCT FUNCT, 20:334-339.
  • Paula, S., Ojeda, F. 2006. Resistance of three co-occurring resprouter Erica species to highly frequent disturbance. PLANT ECOL, 183:329-336.
  • Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2006. Nutrient status and field performance of tree seedlings planted in Mediterranean degraded areas. ANN FOREST SCI, 63:249-256.
  • Maestre, F.T., Cortina, J., Vallejo, R. 2006. Are ecosystem composition, structure, and functional status related to restoration success? A test from semiarid Mediterranean steppes. RESTOR ECOL, 14:258-266.
  • Vilagrosa, A., Morales, F., Vallejo, V.R., Bellot, J., Gil Pelegrín, E. 2006. Sensibilidad de diversas variables fisiológicas durante un periodo de sequía en especies mediterráneas. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 20(2):303-308. [2006ART11].
  • Pons, J., Pausas, J.G. 2006. Oak regeneration in heterogeneous landscapes: The case of fragmented Quercus suber forests in the eastern Iberian Peninsula. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 231:196-204.
  • Pausas, J.G., Bonet, A., Maestre, F.T., Climent, A. 2006. The role of the perch effect on the nucleation process in Mediterranean semi-arid oldfields. ACTA OECOL, 29:346-352.
  • Cortina, J., Maestre, F.T., Vallejo, R., Baeza, M.J., Valdecantos, A., Pérez Devesa, M. 2006. Ecosystem structure, function, and restoration success: Are they related?. J NAT CONSERV, 14:152-160.
  • Pausas, J.G. 2006. Simulating Mediterranean landscape pattern and vegetation dynamics under different fire regimes. PLANT ECOL, 187:249-259.
  • Pausas, J.G., Ramos, J.I. 2006. Landscape analysis and simulation shell (LASS). ENVIRON MODELL SOFTW, 21:629-639.
  • Pausas, J.G., Ribeiro, E., Dias, S.G., Pons, J., Beseler, C. 2006. Regeneration of a marginal Quercus suber forest in the eastern Iberian Peninsula. J VEG SCI, 17:729-738.[729:ROAMQS]2.0.CO;2
  • Chirino, E., Bonet, A., Bellot, J., Sanchez, J.R. 2006. Effects of 30-year-old Aleppo pine plantations on runoff, soil erosion, and plant diversity in a semi-arid landscape in south eastem Spain. CATENA, 65:19-29.
  • Pausas, J.G., Lloret, F., Vila, M. 2006. Simulating the effects of different disturbance regimes on Cortaderia selloana invasion. BIOL CONSERV, 128:128-135.
  • Casals, P., Romanya, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2005. Short-term nitrogen fixation by legume seedlings and resprouts after fire in Mediterranean old-fields. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 76:477-501.
  • Ferran, A., Delitti, W., Vallejo, V.R. 2005. Effects of fire recurrence in Quercus coccifera L. shrublands of the Valencia Region (Spain): II. plant and soil nutrients. PLANT ECOL, 177:71-83.
  • Vilagrosa, A., Cortina, J., Rubio, E., Trubat, R., Chirino, E., Gil Pelegrín, E., Vallejo, V.R. 2005. El papel de la ecofisiología en la restauración forestal de ecosistemas mediterráneos. INVEST AGRAR-SIST R, 14(3):446-461. [2005ART29].
  • Rovira, P., Fernandez, P., Couteaux, M.M., Vallejo, V.R. 2005. Changes in the amino acid composition of decomposing plant materials in soil: Species and depth effects. COMMUN SOIL SCI PLAN, 36:2933-2950.
  • Vallejo, V.R. 2005. Identification des besoins et évaluation des techniques de restauration postfeu. Forêt Méditerranéenne, t. XXVI, nº 3:217-224. [2005ART37].
  • Maestre, F.T., Rodriguez, F., Bautista, S., Cortina, J., Bellot, J. 2005. Spatial associations and patterns of perennial vegetation in a semi-arid steppe: a multivariate geostatistics approach. PLANT ECOL, 179:133-147.
  • Pausas, J.G., Keeley, J.E., Verdu, M. 2006. Inferring differential evolutionary processes of plant persistence traits in Northern Hemisphere Mediterranean fire-prone ecosystems. J ECOL, 94:31-39.
  • Paschke, M.W., Valdecantos, A., Redente, E.F. 2005. Manganese toxicity thresholds for restoration grass species. ENVIRON POLLUT, 135:313-322.
  • Delitti, W., Ferran, A., Trabaud, L., Vallejo, V.R. 2005. Effects of fire recurrence in Quercus coccifera L. shrublands of the Valencia Region (Spain): I. plant composition and productivity. PLANT ECOL, 177:57-70.
  • Maestre, F.T., Cortina, J., Bautista, S. 2004. Mechanisms underlying the interaction between Pinus halepensis and the native late-successional shrub Pistacia lentiscus in a semi-arid plantation. ECOGRAPHY, 27:776-786.
  • Romanya, J., Fons, J., Sauras Yera, T., Gutierrez, E., Vallejo, V.R. 2005. Soil-plant relationships and tree distribution in old growth Nothofagus betuloides and Nothofagus pumilio forests of Tierra del Fuego. GEODERMA, 124:169-180.
  • Pausas, J.G., Verdu, M. 2005. Plant persistence traits in fire-prone ecosystems of the Mediterranean basin: a phylogenetic approach. OIKOS, 109:196-202.
  • Bonet, A., Pausas, J.G. 2004. Species richness and cover along a 60-year chronosequence in old-fields of southeastern Spain. PLANT ECOL, 174:257-270.
  • Seva, J.P., Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2004. Diferentes Técnicas de introducción de Quercus ilex SSP. ballota (Desf.) Samp. en zonas degradadas de la Comunidad Valenciana. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 17:233-238. [2004ART17].
  • Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2004. Plantación de Pinus halepensis Mill. y Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf) Samp. en condiciones mediterráneas secas utilizando microcuencas. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 17:157-161. [2004ART18].
  • Pausas, J.G., Ribeiro, E., Vallejo, R. 2004. Post-fire regeneration variability of Pinus halepensis in the eastern Iberian Peninsula. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 203:251-259.
  • Baeza, M.J., Laighinas, L.C., Valdecantos, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2004. Diferentes técnicas de repoblación en matorrales con alto riesgo de incendio. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 17:119-124. [2004ART21].
  • Pausas, J.G., Pons, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2004. Cork Oak Restoration: Developing Techniques to Enhance Establishment of a Threatened Ecosystem (Spain). Ecological Restoration, 22:289-290. [2004ART26].
  • Alloza, J.A., Vallejo, V.R. 2004. Integración de la restauración forestal de zonas quemadas en la planificación forestal: un ejemplo de I+D en restauración forestal. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 17:13-20. [2004ART32].
  • Chirino, E., Vilagrosa, A., Rubio, E. 2004. Efectos de la reducción del riego y la fertilización en las características morfológicas de Quercus Suber. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 17:51-56. [2004ART37].
  • Pausas, J.G., Blade, C., Valdecantos, A., Seva, J.P., Fuentes, D., Alloza, J.A., Vilagrosa, A., Bautista, S., Cortina, J., Vallejo, R. 2004. Pines and oaks in the restoration of Mediterranean landscapes of Spain: New perspectives for an old practice - a review. PLANT ECOL, 171:209-220.
  • Rovira, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2003. Physical protection and biochemical quality of organic matter in Mediterranean calcareous forest soils: a density fractionation approach. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 35:245-261.
  • Maestre, F.T., Bautista, S., Cortina, J., Bladé, C., Bellot, J., Vallejo, R. 2003. Bases ecológicas para la restauración de los espartales semiáridos degradados. Ecosistemas, 12:[2003ART34].
  • Maestre, F.T., Bautista, S., Cortina, J. 2003. Positive, negative, and net effects in grass-shrub interactions in Mediterranean semiarid grasslands. ECOLOGY, 84:3186-3197.
  • Vallejo, V.R., Alloza, J.A. 2004. I+D aplicado a la gestión forestal y la lucha contra la desertificación: la experiencia del CEAM en la Comunidad Valenciana. Ecosistemas, 13:46-54. [2004ART01].
  • Pausas, J.G., Bradstock, R.A., Keith, D.A., Keeley, J.E., Hoffman, W., Kenny, B., Lloret, F., Trabaud, L. 2004. Plant functional traits in relation to fire in crown-fire ecosystems. ECOLOGY, 85:1085-1100.
  • Pausas, J.G. 2004. Changes in fire and climate in the eastern Iberian Peninsula (Mediterranean Basin). CLIMATIC CHANGE, 63:337-350.
  • De Luis, M., Baeza, M.J., Raventós, J., González Hidalgo, J.C. 2004. Fuel characteristics and fire behaviour in mature Mediterranean gorse shrublands. INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 13:79-87.
  • Garcia Pausas, J., Casals, P., Romanya, J. 2004. Litter decomposition and faunal activity in Mediterranean forest soils: effects of N content and the moss layer. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 36:989-997.
  • Bellot, J., Maestre, F.T., Chirino, E., Hernandez, N., de Urbina, J.O. 2004. Afforestation with Pinus halepensis reduces native shrub performance in a Mediterranean semiarid area. ACTA OECOL, 25:7-15.
  • Hawkins, B.A., Pausas, J.G. 2004. Does plant richness influence animal richness?: The mammals of Catalonia (NE Spain). DIVERS DISTRIB, 10:247-252.
  • Romanya, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2004. Productivity of Pinus radiata plantations in Spain in response to climate and soil. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 195:177-189.
  • Maestre, F., Cortina, J., Bautista, S., Bellot, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2003. El papel de la heterogeneidad espacial en la restauración de un ecosistema semiárido degradado I. Dinámica ?espaciotemporal de la supervivencia. Ecología, 17:9-24. [2003ART23].
  • Maestre, F., Cortina, J., Bautista, S., Bellot, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2003. El papel de la heterogeneidad espacial en la restauración de un ecosistema semiárido degradado II. Factores ambientales condicionantes de la supervivencia. Ecología, 17:25-45. [2003ART24].
  • Chirino, E., Bellot, J., Bonet, A., Andreu, J.M. 2003. Efecto de diferentes tipos de cubierta vegetal en el control de la erosión en clima semiárido. SEEspaña. Edafología, 10 (3):39-48. [2003ART32].
  • Vilagrosa, A., Bellot, J., Vallejo, V.R., Gil Pelegrin, E. 2003. Cavitation, stomatal conductance, and leaf dieback in seedlings of two co-occurring Mediterranean shrubs during an intense drought. J EXP BOT, 54:2015-2024.
  • Pausas, J.G., Carreras, J., Ferre, A., Font, X. 2003. Coarse-scale plant species richness in relation to environmental heterogeneity. J VEG SCI, 14:661-668.[0661:CPSRIR]2.0.CO;2
  • Cornelissen, J.H.C., Lavorel, S., Garnier, E., Diaz, S., Buchmann, N., Gurvich, D.E., Reich, P.B., ter Steege, H., Morgan, H.D., van der Heijden, M., Pausas, J.G., Poorter, H. 2003. A handbook of protocols for standardised and easy measurement of plant functional traits worldwide. AUST J BOT, 51:335-380.
  • Maestre, F.T., Cortina, J., Bautista, S., Bellot, J., Vallejo, R. 2003. Small-scale Environmental Heterogeneity and Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Seedling Establishment in a Semiarid Degraded Ecosystem. ECOSYSTEMS, 6:630-643.
  • Baeza, M.J., Raventos, J., Escarre, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2003. The effect of shrub clearing on the control of the fire-prone species Ulex parviflorus. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 186:47-59.
  • Pausas, J.G., Ouadah, N., Ferran, A., Gimeno, T., Vallejo, R. 2003. Fire severity and seedling establishment in Pinus halepensis woodlands, eastern Iberian Peninsula. PLANT ECOL, 169:205-213.
  • Sauras Yera, T., Tent, J., Ivanov, Y., Hinton, T.G., Rauret, G., Vallejo, R. 2003. Reduction of crop contamination by soil resuspension within the 30-km zone of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 37:4592-4596.
  • Llovet, J., Ruiz, M. 2002. Producción de sedimentos en antiguos bancales de cultivo. Efecto del fuego en función de la edad de abandono. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 13:131-135. [2002ART22].
  • Ferrán, A., Baeza, M.J., Bautista, S., Caturla, R.N., Llovet, J. 2002. La regeneració natural després dels incendis forestals a la Comunitat Valenciana. NEMUS, Revista de l Ateneu de Natura, 1:17-36. [2002ART25].
  • Valdecantos, A., Fuentes, D., Cortina, J., Casanova, G. 2002. Aprovechamientos de los purines. Requisitos para su utilización agraria y forestal. Porci, 0:43-56. [2002ART27].
  • Fuentes, D., Cortina, J., Valdecantos, A., Casanova, G. 2002. Evaluación de compost procedentes de purines para la producción de planta forestal y ornamental. Porci, 0:57-68. [2002ART28].
  • Martínez Almela, J., Cortina, J., Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Casanova, G., Barrera, G. 2002. Aplicaciones del compost producido a partir de la fracción sólida del proceso de tratamiento integral de purines SELCOEcopurín en la restauración ecológica. Anaporc, 219:90-104. [2002ART29].
  • Azcon Aguilar, C., Palenzuela, J., Roldan, A., Bautista, S., Vallejo, R., Barea, J.M. 2003. Analysis of the mycorrhizal potential in the rhizosphere of representative plant species from desertification-threatened Mediterranean shrublands. APPL SOIL ECOL, 22:29-37.
  • Lloret, F., Pausas, J.G., Vila, M. 2003. Responses of Mediterranean Plant Species to different fire frequencies in Garraf Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain): field observations and modelling predictions. PLANT ECOL, 167:223-235.
  • Yacoubi, S.E., Jai, A.E., Jacewicz, P., Pausas, J.G. 2003. LUCAS: An original tool for landscape modelling. ENVIRON MODELL SOFTW, 18:429-437.
  • Rusch, G.M., Pausas, J.G., Lepš, J. 2003. Plant functional types in relation to disturbance and land use: Introduction. J VEG SCI, 14:307-310.
  • Pausas, J.G. 2003. The effect of landscape pattern on Mediterranean vegetation dynamics: A modelling approach using functional types. J VEG SCI, 14:365-374.
  • Pausas, J.G., Lavorel, S. 2003. A hierarchical deductive approach for functional types in disturbed ecosystems. J VEG SCI, 14:409-416.
  • Vilagrosa, A., Cortina, J., Gil Pelegrin, E., Bellot, J. 2003. Suitability of drought-preconditioning techniques in Mediterranean climate. RESTOR ECOL, 11:208-216.
  • Vallejo, V.R., Jorba, M., Romanya, J., Rovira, P., Hereter, A., Josa, R. 2002. La restauración ecológica aplicada a la minería a cielo abierto en Cataluña. Ingeopres, 106:56-63. [2002ART17].
  • Reyna, S., Folch, L., Jiménez, E., de Vicente, J. 2002. La selvicultura truferea en encinares y quejigares: compatibilidad y limitaciones. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 14:103-108. [2002ART19].
  • Reyna, S., Folch, L., Alloza, J.A. 2002. La truficultura: una dehesa rentable para los encinares en suelos calizos. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 14:95-101. [2002ART20].
  • Rovira, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2002. Mineralization of carbon and nitrogen from plant debris, as affected by debris size and depth of burial. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 34:327-339.
  • Díaz, S., McIntyre, S., Lavorel, S., Pausas, J.G. 2002. Does hairiness matter in harare? Resolving controversy in global comparisons of plant trait responses to ecosystem disturbance. NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 154:7-9.
  • Maestre, F.T., Huesca, M., Zaady, E., Bautista, S., Cortina, J. 2002. Infiltration, penetration resistance and microphytic crust composition in contrasted microsites within a Mediterranean semi-arid steppe. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 34:895-898.
  • Maestre, F.T., Cortina, J., Bautista, S., Bellot, J. 2003. Does Pinus halepensis facilitate the establishment of shrubs in Mediterranean semi-arid afforestations?. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 176:147-160.
  • Couteaux, M.M., Bottner, P., Anderson, J.M., Berg, B., Bolger, T., Casals, P., Romanya, J., Thiery, J.M., Vallejo, V.R. 2001. Decomposition of C-13-labelled standard plant material in a latitudinal transect of European coniferous forests: Differential impact of climate on the decomposition of soil organic matter compartments. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 54:147-170.
  • Rodriguez, F., Bautista, S. 2001. Patch-gap analysis of presence-absence data in vegetation transects using hidden Markov models, with application to the characterisation of post-fire plant pattern disturbance in a semiarid pine forest. Advances in Ecological Sciences, 10:801-809. [2001CAP06].
  • Vallejo, V.R., Alloza, J.A. 2002. La actividad I+D+I Forestal del Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (CEAM). Ibérica.Actualidad Tecnológica, 453:330-331. [2002ART10].
  • Rovira, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2002. Labile and recalcitrant pools of carbon and nitrogen in organic matter decomposing at different depths in soil: an acid hydrolysis approach. GEODERMA, 107:109-141.
  • Maestre, F.T., Bautista, S., Cortina, J., Díaz, G., Honrubia, M., Vallejo, R. 2002. Microsite and mycorrhizal inoculum effects on the establishment of Quercus coccifera in a semi-arid degraded steppe. ECOL ENG, 19:289-295.
  • Baeza, M.J., De Luís, M., Raventós, J., Escarré, A. 2002. Factors influencing fire behaviour in shrublands of different stand ages and the implications for using prescribed burning to reduce wildfire risk. J ENVIRON MANAGE, 65:199-208.
  • Ricotta, C., Arianoutsou, M., Díaz Delgado, R., Duguy, B., Lloret, F., Maroudi, E., Mazzoleni, S., Manuel Moreno, J., Rambal, S., Vallejo, R., Vázquez, A. 2001. Self-organized criticality of wildfires ecologically revisited. ECOL MODEL, 141:307-311.
  • Reyna, S. 2001. La truficultura: una alternativa agroforestal para el monte mediterráneo. Foresta, 13:70-73. [2001ART08].
  • Cortina, J., Valdecantos, A., Fuentes, D., Casanova, G., Vallejo, V.R., Díaz Bertrana, J.M., Llavador, F., Ruano, R. 2001. El uso de biosólidos en el sector forestal valenciano. Foresta, 13:64-69. [2001ART09].
  • Pausas, J.G. 2001. Resprouting vs seeding - a Mediterranean perspective. OIKOS, 94:193-194.
  • Delitti, W.B.C., Pausas, J.G., Burger, D.M. 2001. Belowground biomass seasonal variation in two Neotropical savannahs (Brazilian Cerrados) with different fire histories. ANN FOREST SCI, 58:713-721.
  • Vinolas, L.C., Vallejo, V.R., Jones, D.L. 2001. Control of amino acid mineralization and microbial metabolism by temperature. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM, 33:1137-1140.
  • Maestre, F.T., Bautista, S., Cortina, J., Bellot, J. 2001. Potential for using facilitation by grasses to establish shrubs on a semiarid degraded steppe. ECOL APPL, 11:1641-1655.[1641:PFUFBG]2.0.CO;2
  • Martínez Almela, J., Cortina, J., Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., Casanova, G., Barrera, G. 2001. Valorización de la fracción sólida de los purines. El caso del proceso integral de tratamiento de purines SELCOEcopurín. Anaporc, 215:72-89. [2001ART26].
  • Vallejo, V.R. 2001. Programa de investigación y desarrollo forestal de la Fundación Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo. Foresta, 13:90-95. [2001ART07].
  • Reyna, S. 2000. Panorama de la trufficulture espagnole. Le Trufficulteur, 32 3 Trim.:10-13. [2000ART28].
  • Reyna, S. 2000. État de la recherche et des techniques trufficoles en Espagne. Le Trufficulteur, 32 3 Trim.:13-14. [2000ART29].
  • Romanya, J., Casals, P., Cortina, J., Bottner, P., Couteaux, M.M., Vallejo, V.R. 2000. CO2 efflux from a Mediterranean semi-arid forest soil. II. Effects of soil fauna and surface stoniness. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 48:283-306.
  • Pausas, J.G., Austin, M.P. 2001. Patterns of plant species richness in relation to different environments: An appraisal. J VEG SCI, 12:153-166.
  • Romanya, J., Casals, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2001. Short-term effects of fire on soil nitrogen availability in Mediterranean grasslands and shrublands growing in old fields. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 147:39-53.
  • Giovannini, G., Vallejo, R., Lucchesi, S., Bautista, S., Ciompi, S., Llovet, J. 2001. Effects of land use and eventual fire on soil erodibility in dry Mediterranean conditions. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 147:15-23.
  • Delitti, W.B.C., Burger, D.M. 2000. Carbon and mineral nutrient pools in a gallery forest at Mogi Guacu River, Southeast Brazil. ANN FOREST SCI, 57:39-47.
  • Pausas, J.G., Sáez, L. 2000. Pteridophyte richness in the NE Iberian Peninsula: Biogeographic patterns. PLANT ECOL, 148:195-205.
  • Baeza, M.J., Raventos, J., Escarré, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2000. Efecto de la estructura en matorrales de Ulex parviflorus de diferente edad en los tratamientos de roza y quema controlada: implicaciones en el control del combustible. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 9:199-210. [2000ART17].
  • Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R. 2000. Respuesta de plantones de pino carrasco y encina carrasca a la fertilización. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 10:63-68. [2000ART18].
  • Rovira, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2000. Decomposition of medicago sativa debris incubated at different depths under mediterranean climate. ARID SOIL RES REHAB, 14:265-280.
  • Serrasolses, I., Vallejo, V.R. 1999. Soil fertility after fire and clearcutting. Ecological Studies, 137:315-328. [1999ART95].
  • Yera, T.S., Vallejo, V.R., Valcke, E., Colle, C., Förstel, H., Millán, R., Jouglet, H. 1999. 137Cs and 90Sr root uptake prediction under close-to-real controlled conditions. J ENVIRON RADIOACTIV, 45:191-217.
  • Pausas, J.G. 2000. El desfronde en Pinares. Criterio de productividad. Investigacion y Ciencia, 0:37-37. [2000ART01].
  • Casals, P., Romanya, J., Cortina, J., Bottner, P., Couteaux, M.M., Vallejo, V.R. 2000. CO2 efflux from a Mediterranean semi-arid forest soil. I. Seasonality and effects of stoniness. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 48:261-281.
  • Rovira, P., Vallejo, V.R. 2000. Examination of thermal and acid hydrolysis procedures in characterization of soil organic matter. COMMUN SOIL SCI PLAN, 31:81-100.
  • Caturla, R.N., Raventos, J., Guardia, R., Vallejo, V.R. 2000. Early post-fire regeneration dynamics of Brachypodium retusum Pers. (Beauv.) in old fields of the Valencia region (eastern Spain). ACTA OECOL, 21:1-12.
  • Pausas, J.G., Carreras, J. 1999. Relationship between vegetation units and terrain parameters in vegetation maps using GIS tools: a case in the eastern Pyrenees. Ecología Mediterránea, 25:57-73. [1999ART26].
  • Pausas, J.G., Carbó, E., Neus, R., Gil, J.M., Vallejo, V.R. 1999. Post-fire regeneration patterns in the eastern Iberian Peninsula. ACTA OECOL, 20:499-508. [1999ART30].
  • Sauras, T., Vallejo, V.R., Tent, J., Rauret, G., Omelyanenko, N., Ivanov, Y. 1999. Mulching as a countermeasure for crop contamination within the 30 km zone of chernobyl nuclear power plant. ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL, 33:882-886. [1999ART37].
  • Berg, B., Albrektson, A., Berg, M., Cortina, J., Johansson, M.B., Gallardo, A., Madeira, M., Pausas, J.G., Kratz, W., Vallejo, V.R., McClaugherty, C.H. 1999. Amounts of litter fall in some pine forests in a European transect, in particular Scots pine. ANN FOREST SCI, 56:625-639.
  • Alloza, J.A., Vallejo, V.R. 1999. Relación entre las características meteorologicas del año de plantación y los resultados de las repoblaciones. Ecología, 1:173-187. [1999ART42].
  • Serrasolses, I., Diego, V., Bonilla, D. 1999. Soil Nitrogen Dynamics. Ecological Studies, 137:223-235. [1999ART94].
  • Pausas, J.G. 1999. Mediterranean vegetation dynamics: Modelling problems and functional types. PLANT ECOL, 140:27-39.
  • Pausas, J.G. 1999. Response of plant functional types to changes in the fire regime in Mediterranean ecosystems: A simulation approach. J VEG SCI, 10:717-722.
  • Reyna, S., Cardells, F. 1999. Valoración AHP de los ecosistemas naturales de la Comunidad Valenciana. Revista Valenciana D Estudis Autonòmics.Innovación, Tecnología, Logística y Empresa en la Comunidad Valenciana, 27:153-177. [1999ART15].
  • Sauras, T., Vallejo, V.R., Valcke, E., Colle, C., Förstel, H., Millán, R., Jouglet, H. 1999. Cs and Sr root uptake prediction under close-to-real controlled conditions. J ENVIRON RADIOACTIV, 45:191-217. [1999ART24].
  • Gonzalez Hidalgo, J.C., Echeverria, M.T., Vallejo, R.V. 1999. Selective transport of sediment related to rainfall kinetic energy, plant cover-stoniness and clearing. Z GEOMORPHOL, 43:255-266. [1999ART25].
  • Pausas, J.G. 1997. Resprouting of Quercus suber in NE Spain after fire. J VEG SCI, 8:703-706.
  • Pausas, J.G., Austin, M.P. 1998. Potential impact of harvesting for the long-term conservation of arboreal marsupials. LANDSCAPE ECOL, 13:103-109.
  • Vallejo, V.R., Cortina, J., Ferrán, A., Fons, J., Romanya, J., Serrasolses, I. 1998. Sobre els trets distintius dels sols Mediterranis. Acta Bot.Barc., 45:603-632. [1998ART14].
  • Pausas, J.G. 1998. Linum austriacum L. subsp. collinum Nyman, espècie nova per al Pais Valencià. Butll.Inst.Cat.Hist.Nat., 66:89-89. [1998ART36].
  • Bautista, S., Bellot, J., Vallejo, V.R. 1996. Mulching treatment for postfire soil conservation in a semiarid ecosystem. ARID SOIL RES REHAB, 10:235-242.
  • Pausas, J.G., Austin, M.P., Noble, I.R. 1997. A forest simulation model for predicting eucalypt dynamics and habitat quality for arboreal marsupials. ECOL APPL, 7:921-933.[0921:AFSMFP]2.0.CO;2
  • Pausas, J.G. 1997. Litter fall and litter decomposition in Pinus sylvestris forests of the eastern Pyrenees. J VEG SCI, 8:643-650.
  • Valdecantos, A., Vilagrosa, A., Sepa, J.P., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R., Bellot, J. 1996. Mycorhization et application de compost urbain pour l amérioration de la survie et de la croissance des semis de Pinus halepensis en milieu semiaride. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes, 20:87-103. [1996ART07].
  • Seva, J.P., Vilagrosa, A., Valdecantos, A., Cortina, J., Vallejo, V.R., Bellot, J. 1996. Mycorhization et application de compost urbain pour l amélioration de la survie et de la croissance des semis de Quercus ilex ssp. ballota en milieu sec. Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes, 20:105-121. [1996ART08].
  • Ferran, A., Vallejo, V.R. 1992. Litter dynamics in post-fire successional forests of Quercus ilex. Vegetatio, 99-100:239-246.
  • Sabater, A.M., Valiente, J.A., Bellot, J., Vilagrosa, A. 2023. Testing transpiration rates of juvenile Aleppo pine trees using the heat ratio method under laboratory conditions. Ecohydrology, 1-10.
  • Estrela, M.J., Pastor, F., Valiente, J.A., Alloza, J.A. 2005. Integración de una cartografía de vientos en situaciones meteorológicas de riesgo de incendios forestales en la Comundad Valenciana mediante un GIS. GeoFocus, 5:94-114. [2005ART32].
  • Duguy, B., Alloza, J.A., Roder, A., Vallejo, R., Pastor, F. 2007. Modelling the effects of landscape fuel treatments on fire growth and behaviour in a Mediterranean landscape (eastern Spain). INT J WILDLAND FIRE, 16:619-632.
  • Waegeneers, N., Waegeneers, N., Sauras Yera, T., Sauras, T., Thiry, Y., Thiry, Y., Vallejo, V.R., Vallejo, V.R., Smolders, E., Smolders, E., Madoz Escande, C., Madoz Escande, C.H., Brechignac, F., Bréchignac, F. 2009. Plant uptake of radiocaesium from artificially contaminated soil monoliths covering major European soil types. J ENVIRON RADIOACTIV, 100:439-444.
  • Estrela, M.J., Valiente, J.A., Corell, D., Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A. 2009. Prospective use of collected fog water in the restoration of degraded burned areas under dry Mediterranean conditions. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 149:1896-1906.
  • Garcia Hurtado, E., Pey, J., Baeza, M.J., Carrara, A., Llovet, J., Querol, X., Alastuey, A., Vallejo, V.R. 2013. Carbon emissions in Mediterranean shrubland wildfires: An experimental approach. ATMOS ENVIRON, 69:86-93.
  • Garcia Hurtado, E., Pey, J., Borras, E., Sanchez, P., Vera, T., Carratala, A., Alastuey, A., Querol, X., Vallejo, V.R. 2014. Atmospheric PM and volatile organic compounds released from Mediterranean shrubland wildfires. ATMOS ENVIRON, 89:85-92.
  • Molina, A.J., Navarro Cerrillo, R.M., Perez Romero, J., Alejano, R., Bellot, J.F., Blanco, J.A., Camarero, J.J., Carrara, A., Castillo, V.M., Cervera, T., Barbera, G.G., Gonzalez Sanchis, M., Hernandez, A., Imbert, J.B., Jimenez, M.N., Llorens, P., Lucas Borja, M.E., Moreno, G., de las Heras, M.M., Navarro, F.B., Palacios, G., Palero, N., Ripoll, M.A., Regues, D., Ruiz Gomez, F.J., Vilagrosa, A., del Campo, A.D. 2021. SilvAdapt.Net: A Site-Based Network of Adaptive Forest Management Related to Climate Change in Spain. Forests, 12:
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  • Millan, M.M., Estrela, M.J., Sanz, M.J., Mantilla, E., Martin, M., Pastor, F., Salvador, R., Vallejo, R., Alonso, L., Gangoiti, G., Ilardia, J.L., Navazo, M., Albizuri, A., Artinano, B., Ciccioli, P., Kallos, G., Carvalho, R.A., Andres, D., Hoff, A., Werhahn, J., Seufert, G., Versino, B. 2005. Climatic feedbacks and desertification: The Mediterranean model. J CLIMATE, 18:684-701.
  • Trull, J. B., Cabrera, D., and Domenech, F., 1999. La investigación y el desarrollo tecnológico ante el Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido. Impuestos: Revista de Doctrina, Legislacion y Jurisprudencia, 6: 9-36.
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  • Salesa, D., Baeza, M.J., Santana, V.M. 2024. Fire severity and prolonged drought do not interact to reduce plant regeneration capacity but alter community composition in a Mediterranean shrubland. FIRE ECOL, 20:61.
  • Becerra, P.I., Arellano, E.C., Vilagrosa, A., Hernández, G., Figueroa, C. 2024. The provision of water and shade but not soil amendments in degraded habitats increases the seedling survival of woody species in restoration processes of the Chilean sclerophyllous forest. TREES-STRUCT FUNCT, 38:523-535.
  • Calatayud, V., Cariñanos, P. 2024. Mapping pollen allergenicity from urban trees in Valencia: A tool for green infrastructure planning. ENVIRON RES, 252:118823-
